Opinions from a professional musician:
- You need more dynamic range in your orchestra. Right now background ostinatos are overpowering the "melody" in many parts of the track.
- Your timpani sound very weird. Someone said that they need more reverb - incorrect; they need more sustain, so they sound like real timpani. The power behind a timpani note is not in the attack, it is in the sustain. When I play timpani, I can usually feel the sustaining notes vibrating through my body. Also, and maybe this is just a side effect of the lack of sustain, are you sure you have the timpani playing the right notes? They sound wrong to me. If you want I can get you the correct pitches.
- Your cymbal sample is awesome. Make sure the cymbal roll stops at the downbeat of every climax; sometimes it crescendos slightly longer than the rest of the orchestra.
- I love the Refinery Theme. The pulsing base is perfect, the haunting higher notes are even better.
- You need more dynamic range in your orchestra. Right now background ostinatos are overpowering the "melody" in many parts of the track.
- Your timpani sound very weird. Someone said that they need more reverb - incorrect; they need more sustain, so they sound like real timpani. The power behind a timpani note is not in the attack, it is in the sustain. When I play timpani, I can usually feel the sustaining notes vibrating through my body. Also, and maybe this is just a side effect of the lack of sustain, are you sure you have the timpani playing the right notes? They sound wrong to me. If you want I can get you the correct pitches.
- Your cymbal sample is awesome. Make sure the cymbal roll stops at the downbeat of every climax; sometimes it crescendos slightly longer than the rest of the orchestra.
- I love the Refinery Theme. The pulsing base is perfect, the haunting higher notes are even better.