RELEASE: Wing Commander II Campaign Demo

Everything here looks cool, but it's clear there's some confusion on how to actually play this. Most fans skip over mods as it is, so time spent towards actually making this less of a hassle to try would probably be time better spent than making teaser trailers. Only a fraction of the potential players are going to hop around between several different webpages to grab different slices of the game in order to combine it into a playable whole. A simple webpage that lists the files needed (condensed into as few packs as possible) and how to install them would be a big benefit to the project.

And not to harp on this for the thousandth time or anything, but most of the material released to show this off is too dark. :) Here's one of the best shots I could grab from the trailer. You can only see the Concordia because of her silhouette against the nebula, and the Kilrathi ships are just a few engine flares in the blackness.
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Everything here looks cool, but it's clear there's some confusion on how to actually play this. Most fans skip over mods as it is, so time spent towards actually making this less of a hassle to try would probably be time better spent than making teaser trailers. Only a fraction of the potential players are going to hop around between several different webpages to grab different slices of the game in order to combine it into a playable whole. A simple webpage that lists the files needed (condensed into as few packs as possible) and how to install them would be a big benefit to the project.

And not to harp on this for the thousandth time or anything, but most of the material released to show this off is too dark. :) Here's one of the best shots I could grab from the trailer. You can only see the Concordia because of her silhouette against the nebula, and the Kilrathi ships are just a few engine flares in the blackness.

The battle scene was neat, but like chris said everything was pretty dark, even on my LCD (I bet it would almost impossible to see anything on a CRT). Not only that I couldn'treally read the english text in the middle, and I don't really know German, so the subtitles didn't help.

Overall, it's cool looking but as a trailer, (yeah I know this is what the demo missions are for) it doesn't really tell me anything about how the game flies compared to WC2. Even though it clocks in at over two minutes it really didn't amount to more than a teaser. On a more picky note, the camera movements were ackward. A nice smoothe pan around the fleet engagement would have worked a lot better than those stilted straight line movements and sudden turns near the end.
It probably flies a little more like prophecy than wc2 - some oversteer i guess. Anyway, having got it running today you need to install the prologue, then copy the latest inferno build exe into the saga prologue folder. Make a folder called wc2demo and put the latest release file (its not an update chris, its a new release) and music file in there. Then in the launcher a) change the exececutable to the newly downloaded inferno build and select a mod (choosing the game folder).
In oder to see the english subtitles, you have to watch the video in HD and fullscreen.
And the darkness is because I wasn't able to use the "Force lossless RGB capture" feature of Fraps without causing lagging in WC Saga. Sorry for that. :(
If you wish, I can upload the videofile somewhere.

Hi everyone :)
Thx for the news and so on. I'm happy that the mod now go into the right direction. I was talking to Tolwyn from Saga about 2 years to get the old models :D for a WC1+2 Mod.
A few Models are missing (sry I've got nothing to to my own models or experience :/)
For the Teaser Trailer (don't worry, the Mod ist nerly 90% to the original, just a few ships or cutscenes added that we never see in the game, but know that happend in the time) I work around 4 hours on it to the the 2 min. with camerapostions , ships etc.

Here I have some higher screenshots (1650x1080)

TCS Tamara in the trap:

Shuttle with some Crewmembers leave the Tamara (remember Mike Polowski in the Battle of Earth? ^^)

Confed Fleet fighting Kilrathi Fleet:

Some Ralatha giong down:

and this is the first pic of the cutscene after the demo (still work on it): Explosive device damaged the hangar bay:

So thats all (for this time ^^) if you have ideas or criticsm tell me.

ps: a nice shot from mission 3: ferret fires (i love the new flash on the cannons. good work Kevin :) )
In oder to see the english subtitles, you have to watch the video in HD and fullscreen.

The brightness is slightly better in 1080p though still dark on the LCD... Anyway, the text is more readable in 1080p but only barely. Running the youtube full scree the english text is extremely small on my 22" and slighly fuzzy from the compression.

EDIT: Welcome Alex, the screenshots look nice. WC2 was always my favorite of the series.
The Idea was from another Freespace 2 Mod. Blue Planet : War in Heaven.

Here the Intro what is really god: Intro from Part 2

Intro from Part 1:

When you turn all on and build it on the newest SCP Build it can be look this way:

The Camerapositions in my Teaser are more a test how it works. I was startet with the FRED Editor about a year ago and the start with camera is only 2 weeks ago. So its not perfect and I need to lern every day more and more how it work, but I think for 2 weeks learning its ok, or?
Alex1975 said:
When you turn all on and build it on the newest SCP Build it can be look this way:

I always thought that it was something in the last FreeSpace 2 builds that made it really really hard to do ambient lighting. I don't think I'd seen anything done for the game in the past seven years that was particularly well-lit.

Still, I think that even that video, while a vast improvement over the others in the same post, is pretty dim, at least by my standards. Can you put self-illuminating spotlights on the capital ships so that they're easier to see? The same thing was done with the original Wing Commander II art (even though everything was pre-rendered and they didn't have to worry about lightning).

Anyway, I watched the videos - I do like having them; for me they're almost as important as screenshots - and once the ships moved into the light I was really impressed with what I saw. Good job. It's great to see that you're doing something with the Wing Commander II ships. :)
Next update (directly quoted from Deathsnake/Alex1975 on HLP)
I release now the final demo of my Wing Commander 2 Remake (Rest of the Campaign follow when I have the rest of the missing models und music)

In this final Demo you:

- play the first 6 Missions of WC2
- have all fighters and capships from wc2 (not including the special operation ships :P)
- all Speech from the WC2 Speechpack (Cutscenes and some ingame message are text like the original)
- several cutscenes with ingame grafic

It stopped after the mission, blair deliver the package to Niven. Reason is I can make in the time to the final release put in several planets (in the demo you see always the same), the missing models and make the rest of the missions :) Release of the final package is unknown because I don't know when I have the rest of the models (Clydesdale, Dorkathi, Kamekh, Strakha MK1, Bloodfang MK1, Supply Depot and K*titrakh Mang). I still continued work on the mod, no way. But I worked with WC3 Placeholder and get the rest of the missions. Then I only need to replace the models and can release it then finaly.

You need to play the Demo:
WC Saga Prologue
WC 3 Autopilot Techdemo
3.6.12 Inferno Build music files

Insert the new files into the folder:

Start the Launcher for 3.6.12. ; goto Mods, select WC2 Demo Mod, Play

Known Errors: WC2 has lots of Music so a errror happen when you have the WC4 Techdemo for Saga in the Saga folder. Copy them into another folder of your harddrive if you play the WC2 Demo.
The links to megaupload aren't working. Not sure if it's a problem with the links or the site - it's a pretty cruddy way to share files. Are there links to the other things you need to play?
Odd, I don't have any probems with them.
Btw there are new updates over at HLP. (New models like Strakha Mk1, Gettysburg, etc)

The things you need:
3.6.12 Inferno Build:
Prologue and Autopilot Demo:
Recommended: Kevin Caccamo's 3.6.12 Upgrade:

Also, has anyone tested the new demo yet?

you don't need anymore the 3.6.12 Mod from Talon. With his permission all files for lighteffects and crosshair etc are included in the demo files.

Here another update:
I was searching over 5 years (after the prologue) the model of the Gettysburg Class Battlecruiser what I see in a news here at the CIC at 2004. Now Starman01 has found the file and Talon help me to finish it:


By null at 2011-02-12

Here I editing the Muzzlefiles from Kevin and here the green Gettysburg (TCS Austin) fires her Heavy Neutron Gun Batterys. The blue (WC3 Version) will be the Capship for my another mod: "The Last Line of Defence" who told the Story of the Battlegroup on the Frontline. In WC3 you sneak with the Victory behind enemy lines, in my mod you see then the war directly in the front. ;)

After a few requests from Woolie and Talon I have a new Model for the TCS Concordia:

By null at 2011-02-15
You already seen this model from Klavs81. From Kevin is the new Caernavon Station. Now thats model look more to the original in WC2.

Here another one: I downloaded by christman the new models from Scooby Doo. WCSaga final release has this grafics too. So here we go :D


By null at 2011-02-13

By null at 2011-02-13
this pics are in the fred editor

Here ingame pics:

Flying a Epee and in front a Clydesdale Transport. You see here you have Cockpit too:

By null at 2010-12-28
Here a Gilgamesh Destroyer:

By null at 2010-12-28
Here the Arbalest in the Hangar of a Aurora Cruiser:

By null at 2010-12-28

By null at 2010-12-28
Bomber vs. Big Gun!

By null at 2010-12-28

So you can see how Saga is look when its release (hopefully soon!) and perhaps I found then a few modders who help me to get the WC2 Remake in the Quality of the Final Saga Models :)

More soon :)


You need:

Saga Prologue
WC3 Demo
here the latest Build 3.6.12 and the new Launcher
Music Files WC2 Remake
Core Files WC2 Remake

Install WC Saga Prologue
Place the WC3 Techdemo, Infernobuild 3.6.12, Launcher 5.5g in the WC Saga Folder
Make a Directory in the Saga Data Folder called wc2demo and copy the music und corefiles into this folder
Start the Launcher (not the WC Saga Prologue EXE)
here you to go into the command line, browse and select the wingsaga\fs2_open_3_6_12r_INF.exe file
then goto mod, select mod, data/wc2demo - ok

If you Hardware is very good goto Video - select 1980x1080, AA and AF to the max :D (or less if you PC is not that well :D)
then features and in the custom flag you enter this:
fov 0.65 -spec_exp 7.0 -spec_tube 5.0 -spec_point 8.6 -spec_static 3.0 -ambient_factor 75

Then apply and run the Game, select Campaign, WC 2 Remake and play :)
You don't need the last one since it is already included in the WC2Demo. But it is highly recommended if you want to play the prologue missions. It includes WC-style IFF colours, WC-style Autopilot for the prologue missions, etc.
You don't need the last one since it is already included in the WC2Demo. But it is highly recommended if you want to play the prologue missions. It includes WC-style IFF colours, WC-style Autopilot for the prologue missions, etc.

Do you mean the WC3Demo?

Thanks for the summary and instructions, although piecing together five different packages is still more than most people will go through to try something out. I understand this is a test release, but ultimately I think you need to find a way to condense it down to two downloads: the Saga Prologue and everything else.
No, I mean Talon_1024's WCSaga Upgrade.

Also, I'd like to correct something in the news: Mods for Freespace and all FS-based games, including WC Saga, have to be installed into the FS2 root directory, not into the data folder.