
Mao Tse Tung

For me, it felt as if Wing Commander: The Kilrathi Saga did not stay on store shelves for very long. For how long did stores sell it? If it was not available for very long, what was the reason for that?
I saw it for sale at (or something like that) a few days ago. They had one copy and they were selling it for 300$US!
That`s daylight robbery! they go for less nowdays even in ebay for godssake.

BTW, does anyone know if it`s even legal to sell it commercially at such a price?
You're not very lucky then, I bought the criter in 1998! It was in two stores then, one was selling it for $45, which I thought was far to expensive, so I went next door and got the beauty for only $5! That was really cheap, and now it's a collector's item :)
CD Shareware is from my experience a piece of crap. I wouldn't try to order KS from them, even if it was for $0.001...
Originally posted by Napoleon
if KS was released in the US, then I never saw it in my weekly pilgimages to the Computer store

Of course it was released in the US..
Not every computer franchise deemed it important enough to carry. Not a lot of people would have paid the money for old games that would THIS far after their initial release. Got mine at EB at the mall, and nobody else in Seattle carried it. I looked everywhere. One thing I think, though... Wing Commanders 1 and 2 were released about four seperate times each in bundles together and with other games. Those didn't sell well, so I'm pretty sure that's why nobody bothered with KS.
The only store that I ever saw carry it was EB and the Virgin Megastore, and then I only saw them twice. (at each store) I finnaly just bought my copy from a friend. for free!
Originally posted by LividLiquid
Not every computer franchise deemed it important enough to carry. Got mine at EB at the mall, and nobody else in Seattle carried it. I looked everywhere.

Wrong. :) CompUSAs, Computer Cities, EB's, Software Etcs, Future Shops and more all carried Kilrathi Saga in Seattle, in both releases of it.