Quirk p9d

Round 3 2/3 Done

RoundRobin 3
Your order said Tayla then Goodin then Murphy. Well, Tayla went with out a hitch. I noticed that if you manage to fix relations with everyone and take one of her brilliance runs you get the auto Filthy little brilliance runner dialogue as soon as you jump. <sigh> and I had just cleaned up my relations, too. I felt pretty much the same way when I ran the blockade with Murphy and the hunters. LOL.

Anywho, got the admiral when I talked to Goodin at the end of the run.

About cleaning up relations, whenever I need to do the clean up the relations gig, I go to Oxford and run a bunch of bounty missions. If I have to kill a pirate or two I know I'll be in the clear with the next few kilrathi.

On to Murphy and New Detroit. Maybe I won't kill any innocents this time. There were a ton of Mercs at the jump in system last time. I hope they aren't hired by the Retros. I'm getting really tired of trying to clear up relations with them.

No in flight computer instructions to get you to Drake in the Capella System. You should know where it is by now, but. . .
Going Back to the very beginning of the RF Campaign and the very end of the Priv Campaign

Quirk 1:
I'm not sure if it's because the Drone Killed her but the Retro that was so intent on crashing my game before gets her last word of the last wav file clipped.

The Male that decided to follow suit with the same spiel only finished the first wav in the Contraband Wav File series.

Quirk 2:
After killing the drone the Steltek Fighter was still there in Nitir.
It was hostile for a bit after I killed the Retro and Kilrathi that were hanging around and trying their best to commit my bones to oblivion. Did it NOT like my using the boosted gun to save my hide?

After I jumped into Perry and went to the base for my congrats from admiral dearest, I went back to Nitir. The Steltek Fighter was still there, hanging around in Nitir system near the asteroid field. Shouldn't it have jumped out to Delta Prime and the Derilict Base when I was jumped into Blockade Point Tango like the printed dialogue said it should?

Quirk 3:
The cut scene is not playing out properly as I can see. It looks like the dialogue lags really badly. That or the Frame Rate is skewed. In any case the scene played wrong.

I went to Jolson with the boosted gun in slot 4 on my Centurion. Took the gun. GOOD. It worked.
p9d - Audio Quirks

If you start a conversation with a fixer and walk out on him or her in the middle of it and come back in after saving you get a dual audio playback that's off just enough in the timing to sound like reverb. (miliseconds)

Noticed with Privateer / Sandovol Mission & Tayla Mission 1

Doubled / Reverb / audio disappears as soon as you accept or reject and start the second audio exchange
Audio & NPC Death Quirk

Regardless of the version. . .
The Non Player Character has been killed. i.e. Riordian.
And he's still transmitting. He's dead already and he's till yapping about showing Tayla what a real man can do.

Personal Aside:
Riordian, if that's what you think a real man is, I'd rather a stuffed animal, any day.
(excuse me)

Please don't tell me he's using a repeater with his radio and bouncing all his transmissions to SOL before I hear them. It ain't gonna fly.