Problems with Savegames

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I just gave the drayman a whole lot of armour.. I got so sick of trying to catch those hunters and kill them, only to have the autospawned 5 retros/pirates gliding in in between and destroying the drayman with the 2nd wave of hunters - so I made the drayman invincible.

Now drayman is back to original armor values but I liked that turret idea so much I put 6 of them in as well.

And to canon's.. well, suck it up, Draymans really should have more protection :)
Spirit i downloaded your units.csv and the drayman now got laser turrents but he don't fires on the deamons.......

when i make the drayman angry (with 4) he is shooting at me, but not at the deamons.......

can someone give me a units in wich the deamons are slower or make it stronger?
i don't understand what i have to edit in this file...........

When you get close to it, does your Dray look sort of like this?

Note two turrets on it's head, and one on it's tail in this shot. The other three turrets are in the same spots on the bottom side.


  • Dray.jpg
    71.9 KB · Views: 224
Okay. Then the Dray's turrets will open fire when the Dray is shot at.
Keep in mind that those are laser turrets, and fire dim red shots that isn't very visable against certian backgrounds.
Let me guess. The demons are too f'ing fast and overarmed, right? And the randomly appearing Retros don't help, either.
I fixed that problem by reducing their speed and turn govenor settings by about 20%, removed their autotracking, and limited them to light and medium guns and medium missiles.
Hey Spirit, maybe you can fix the demons in your patch file as described here?
It is good to know I am not the only one who can not get past the 3rd oxford library, (Masterson) mission. I have been playing it till my eyes have crossed. I have tried 4 tachyon cannons with autofollow added, 4 plasma cannons with autofollow added, 2 tachyon and two plasma with autofollow added, 4 lasers with autofollow added, 4 tachyons with no autofollow, 4 plasma with no autofollow, and probably some other weapons loadouts that I don't recall.

Nothing allows me to kill them all in time to save the cargo ship and myself. I have gotten down to two hunters left and that was with the two tachyon and two plasma with autofollow load out. I am using FF missles when I have the chance but they don't usually so enough damage by themselves. The demons must have some kind of souped up generator because they keep on firing a lot longer than I can and they seem to do more damage also.

One of my problems is that it is very difficult to hit the demons without occasionally hitting the cargo ship. Another problem is that I recall from the original game the demons were slower than the centurion. Not so in this task. They are a bit faster so you can not run away from them and you can't catch them. I am about to try making my own demon and see what it does. I have tried the orion, the galaxy, and the centurion for this mission and I have had absolutley no joy whatsoever.

If anyone has gotten by this segment without having to tweak the game parameters please let me know.

I am running the game at medium difficulty and it is a windows version, with Privaterr Remake at version 1.0.

dzimmerm said:
It is good to know I am not the only one who can not get past the 3rd oxford library, (Masterson) mission.
Nothing allows me to kill them all in time to save the cargo ship and myself.
If anyone has gotten by this segment without having to tweak the game parameters please let me know.
I've seen the mission passed using the Centurion equipped with tachys (and no aim-bot or "cheating"). Not that I've done it myself yet, but my (younger) brother demonstrated it for me :(

Anyway... just saying that the mission is far from impossible - we just need to suck less ;-).

I am using FF missles when I have the chance but they don't usually so enough damage by themselves.
I would recommend you try some torpedos. They are *extremely* effective.

The demons must have some kind of souped up generator because they keep on firing a lot longer than I can and they seem to do more damage also.
Another problem is that I recall from the original game the demons were slower than the centurion. Not so in this task. They are a bit faster so you can not run away from them and you can't catch them.
I looked up the stats in the original manual and the Demon is listed as having 1200 kps max afterburner speed, as opposed to 1000 kps for the Cent. This is exactly that the remake has.

The issue with Ox3 for me, at least, is the strategy that the demons *sometimes* employ. The one where they zip away at 1200 kps, turn around, make a run at the target. Rinse and repeat.

I cannot beat them, when they do this. I actually found that increasing (!) the difficulty made them somewhat less likely to do this, often choosing instead to slide around the target in a circle, while pointing (and shooting) towards the target the whole time. This makes them a heck of a lot easier to hit (and it doesn't take more than a few torpedos), even if the movement isn't stricktly "allowed" (since it isn't possible for a player to change direction of motion in a direction other than the one (s)he is facing, see my thread on AI from ~ 6 hours ago).

In any event, I can *assure* you that it is completely possible to beat Ox3 without cheating (or using auto-tracking, which in my book is the same thing).
I beat the third oxford mission without editing the save game files. It took me several tries. I think the best way to describe it was that I exploited a glitch in the game's persistent world state. I hired 3 merchants for wingmen and tried to finish the mission, when I still failed, I killed all the bad guys, self destructed and reloaded my save game without quitting the game. I tried the mission again, hiring another set of wingmen, 2 merchants this time, but when I got to the battle site, My old wingmen were still there and still following my orders. Having 5 wingmen helped a lot. They were reduced to 3, by the time the mission was over. They followed me to the first Palan mission, where they were wiped out instantly. I was really patient, to wait for them to follow me all of the way there.

--Brandon Young
Thanks for the info that it can be beat. Are you sure your little brother does not know how to hack a file to slow the demons down, :) . The auto targetting does not help much until the demons are right on top of you. Actually, since they are usually doing barrell rolls the autotracking tends to weave around and not shoot at where they really are going.

I swore I was not going to play this game today but I may go back on my word. This is one heck of a mission and it goes against the grain to not be able to finish it within the allowable parameters of the game. I will say that I am highly annoyed that the 'junk' floating around in space after my numerous destructions does not go away. I have to use the y key to target under my crosshairs until the hunters finally get a clue and turn hostile. Then I alternate between y and h depending on the situation and try to keep from overshooting the demons and killing the cargo ship myself.

I usually just use the t key to roll through targets and get an idea of distance of enemies but that is not posible when there are 30 plus items floating around the sector. I even cleaned them all up by tractoring them in just to have a clean playing field. There have been NO pirates to suck the cargo up in this case.

It is a great game or I would not be so highly annoyed that I can not move onward.

dzimmerm said:
Thanks for the info that it can be beat. Are you sure your little brother does not know how to hack a file to slow the demons down, :)
Oh, I'm sure he knows how. I am also, however, quite sure that he didn't manage to do so on my computer without me knowing seeing as how I was there the whole time ;-)

I have to use the y key to target under my crosshairs until the hunters finally get a clue and turn hostile. Then I alternate between y and h depending on the situation and try to keep from overshooting the demons and killing the cargo ship myself.
You could take a trip to Palan and shoot yourself some hunters.
Ok, I finally purchased a demon and outfitted it with 4 tachyon cannons with autotracking added. I also bought 10 photon torpedoes and one heat seeker.

I did not need to use the torpedoes or missle.

I was able to wade through the other demons and kill them all, all of them dead dead dead hahahahahah, ahem, well, I managed to get through this mission, :).

I did get blown up in the palan blockade mission but I was so happy to get through the oxford missions that I really don't care at this point.

Thanks for all the advice. Did your little brother use a centaurian to beat oxford 3 or did he use a demon?
