PrivR enhancement patch final

TiRex do you have windows 98? can you look in the bin/ folder
is there an SDL98.dll file?
maybe an SDL.dll file in there? or SDK2k.dll file
try renaming any of those to SDL.dll
Something else.
I just get myself a Demon
Nice FAAAAST Ship.
But the Dealers texts arent correct.
The text of the anti-Cap-Ship-demon is from the fighterhunter und revers.

Second thing that's strange. I can't realy costumice my demon.
no Cargo (and 15 units is realy not much), no reactos, shilds, jumpdrive and so on (ok, aferburner is already installed)
Also only 2 light and 2 light-medium-gun-slots (no tachyons ? how about the ST-gun?)
As is get it it holds 2x3 Heatsikers, but I can only by 1 + 3 after I fired them.
AND only heatseakers or dumpfires :-(
(That I can't get torpedos is ok, I never use them)

Is this just a bug or planed?
certain missile slots should take torps
the rest is planned...
remember: there's a reason you don't want to even bother with one in the original
Fixed the Demon issue -- sorry about that. Now it shows what type of Demon you are buying, too (escort or strike). Demons are really supposed to be mini centurions I think.

Fixed looks on the turrets, now the window is back in place AND the flak turrets look right; also the base turrets start shooting at you when they should. Base defense turrets look a bit too star wars ish, but hey...

Fixed mass drivers, the ones on turrets are like the original, the ones you can buy as main guns work like machineguns. To reload them sell them and buy them back. CPU mass drivers get unlimited ammo (otherwise, e.g. the broadsword becomes totally useless)

Turret cockpit looks a little bit better (has a radar).

You can expand the cargo hold of your ships JUST a little bit further (at least for that one space the artifact takes, since we can't use the secret compartment anymore); also good to squeeze that extra fighter in your drayman-turned-carrier. Costs you, though.

Added some Kilrathi systems using Vegastrike's autogen feature -- not much to do in those other than get shot at by the outposts, but hey whatever... you may find something nice, who knows. Basically this was in v0.9 but now the base types make sense (no Kilrathi Perry for example). Also, autogen mining bases now usually have asteroids around them. WARNING: Kilrathi bases tend to be much more heavily armed than human bases.

Some more ships around, also one more pirate drayman in an otherwise empty system, grand total of four now -- Unless you are being stupid and jumping back and forth aimlessly, there's now no way you will get stuck in a system without means to refuel, even in an obsolete Dralthi (how do you get one of those? Hehe.)

The airlock door is green or red depending on whether you can get in or not (e.g. kilrathi bases are always red, your own stuff is always green, and so on -- you can be a kilrathi's friend but they wouldn't let a human on board their military bases, objectively...).

Cockpits cleaned up a little further :) never hurts.

I am mostly trying to do the stuff the real programmers don't have time to do really... ^^; as usual ^-^ (now a little smaller although it has more features, too!)

Next up: Mess with the autogen system some more so that there's somewhere extra to go in, say, the interior of Potter quadrant, and I want to rip the Broadsword cockpit for when we do get to use it -- and make sure we get to use the confed ships.

(this is not me writing that for the record)
ok, the issue is now correct.
But the Text is still not correct.
It say's Cargo 15 (ok that's right) may be extendet by 12 (but I cant by a cargo expanion, nether normal or smal and I still have modificationslots left)
AFAIK I need at last 25 to do the campain.

Also no change to the weaponconfig ?!?!?
Erhm, because this Enhancement Patch seems to be updated constantly, can't you put some kind of version number for it so that people can see when it's updated?