Privateer Remake Credits

the last guy, mkruer, took the analog map and put it in a searchable database--thus privateer remake can search that database to find valid paths, etc

if someone else did this I apologize.

and if you want the database, stored in a csv table, let me know
Ahh... Open source at its best... No one can remember who did what.. LOL

Reminds me of the linux credits... If I remember correctly Linus finally said to hell with it and just started using the "and other numorous programmers" for this reason...
lol isn't it great?

I tend to think of it as the work having a life of its own...and it occasionally enslaves certain members of the human race to do its bidding:

for example:
Privateer Remake: enslaved 1 hellcatv for hours upon hours to design the related engine Vega Strike. Privateer Remake: enslaved Silverain for countless hours making a manual.

it becomes quite easy that way... :-)

Privateer Remake Credits: 1 Mastermind Sentient Codebase
P.S. You mentioned the Privateer Playtester's Guide. I don't have access to this, do you? If so, could you provide the names please?

Sure, not a problem:

Privateer Playtesters' Guide
Authors - Beth Loubet, Anthony Nichols, Kirsten Vaughan
Editors - David Ladyman, Beth Loubet
Playtesters - Bill LaCoste, Jerrold Harrington, Edwin Herell, Tom Kassebaum, Starr Long, Joel Manners, Dan Orzulak, Toby Shelton, Dee Starns, Todd Wachhaus, Phil Wattenbarger
Cover Art - Chris Douglas
Graphic Design and Maps - Trey Hermann
Cargo pricing: Simon Smith

Silverain, thanks for putting that list together. We can't expect everyone to come forward (or even know that they should) so it's great to have you digging around for this.
Hey, I popped in to see if there was any more trouble I could cause (er, I mean, bugs to report), and I find out I'm already on the list. That made my day :D
"Music Ripping Roger “Zaarin” Holten" - You can add recorder and editer to that as well since that was the part that really took time to do :)
if you are going to use this ejecting chair mate, than here is the credits for me:

Nikolay "Cyberion" Ivliev / Ejecting Chair with a Human-Kilrathi Pilot Models and textures based on the Freelancer model.

also i guess you have to credit the freelancer developing team, cause the ejecting chair was based on the model from Freelancer and its textures. maybe in the special thanks section or something.

Best regards,
Alternative Kilrathi Voices
Beta Testing?

Well, I did some beta testing and submitted some bug reports before life got too busy... I also made those alternative Kilrathi voices for you.

So, if you think I deserve to be put in, go ahead, but I'll understand why not if the decision is otherwise.

{Privateer Remake}
Project Lead: Simon “MamiyaOtaru” Smith
Programming: John “JohnC” Cordell, Daniel “Hellcatv” Horn, John “JackS” Sampson, “Ace123”, “Scheherazade”
Artwork & 3D Modeling: John “JohnC” Cordell, Peter “PeteyG” Griffin, Matthew “MKruer” Kruer, Nikolay "Cyberion" Ivliev, Brad “BradMick” McKinstry, Simon “MamiyaOtaru” Smith, “Darkmage”, “Fire Hawk”, “Scheherazade”, “VonHelton”
Speech & Sound Editing John “JohnC” Cordell, “Darkmage”, “Wendy”, “Sphynx”
Music Editing Roger “Zaarin” Holten
Economic Model Simon “MamiyaOtaru” Smith, “Wendy”
Playtesting Peter “PeteyG” Griffin, Johnathan “Iceman16” Heyden, Daniel “Hellcatv” Horn, Joe “JKeefe” Keefe, Matthew “MKruer” Kruer, Robert “Ridgerunner” Morris, Simon “MamiyaOtaru” Smith, “Chemus”, “Crumb”, “Dumpshock”, “Floater”, “Ghost”, “hoovsbin”, “Hurleybird”, “ilricca”, “incubator”, “kilolima”, “KnightLight”, “LordUther”, “Moonsword”, “Mirage”, “powel99”, “Rushifell”, ScAvenger001”, “Sphynx”, “tcat92” “TlRex”, “Wendy”, “zergnerd”
Documentation Joe “JKeefe” Keefe, Kim “Silverain” Scutts
SVN Source Support Matthew “MKruer” Kruer
Website Development John “JohnC” Cordell
Universe Map John Guentzel, Ben “Bandit LOAF” Lesnick, Matthew “MKruer” Kruer
With Thanks To: The Vega Strike engine development team; the CIC community and Freelancer modeling community.

(ED: This list may well be incomplete. If you notice a name missing please contact me with the details.)

@ Sphynx - you were already in the list :)
@ hellcatv - I'm just glad he's not kickin' *ss and takin names ;-)
Physically not possible to kick, but I AM takin' names!
@ LOAF - many thanks for the lists, have put them in.

Any alterations, suggestions, changes, recommendations before I finalise it?
Heehee I'm not Simon Smith. He's the guy who did the cargo prices. Guess it could be confusing if you never knew my name and I posted his credits for him lol.

Jason Winzenried is the name.

{Privateer Remake}
Project Lead: Jason “MamiyaOtaru” Winzenried
Programming: Mike Byron, Daniel “Hellcatv” Horn, Alex Rawass, John “JackS” Sampson, “Ace123”, “compughatt”, “Scheherazade”, “Surfdargent”
Artwork & 3D Modeling: John “JohnC” Cordell, Peter “PeteyG” Griffin, Matthew “MKruer” Kruer, Nikolay "Cyberion" Ivliev, Brad “BradMick” McKinstry, Jason “MamiyaOtaru” Winzenried, “Darkmage”, “Fire Hawk”, “Scheherazade”, “VonHelton”
Speech & Sound Editing John “JohnC” Cordell, Gwendolynne “Wendy” Rocchi-Creasy, “Darkmage”, “Sphynx”
Music Editing Roger “Zaarin” Holten
Economic Model Gwendolynne “Wendy” Rocchi-Creasy, Simon Smith
Playtesting Peter “PeteyG” Griffin, Johnathan “Iceman16” Heyden, Daniel “Hellcatv” Horn, Joe “JKeefe” Keefe, Matthew “MKruer” Kruer, Robert “Ridgerunner” Morris, Gwendolynne “Wendy” Rocchi-Creasy, Jason “MamiyaOtaru” Winzenried, “Chemus”, “Crumb”, “Dumpshock”, “Floater”, “Ghost”, “hoovsbin”, “Hurleybird”, “ilricca”, “incubator”, “kilolima”, “KnightLight”, “LordUther”, “Moonsword”, “Mirage”, “powel99”, “Rushifell”, ScAvenger001”, “Sphynx”, “tcat92” “TlRex”, “zergnerd”
Documentation Joe “JKeefe” Keefe, Kim “Silverain” Scutts
SVN Source Support Matthew “MKruer” Kruer
Website Development John “JohnC” Cordell
Universe Map John Guentzel, Ben “Bandit LOAF” Lesnick, Matthew “MKruer” Kruer
With Thanks To: The Vega Strike engine development team; the CIC community and Freelancer modeling community.

@MamiyaOtaru: oops..... (where's that embarrassed smiley!)