Privateer III?????

I wish they would re-release WCKS I really miss wc1-3 it would also be good if they released a Windows 9x/ME compatable version of privateer with them, I really wish i could play them.

I agree, so what if they are old, there are those who did not have pc's back then and get online today to find all this information on the Origin site, but no games! Heres another for the record, I just returned from lunch break, made a little trip to my local software store, guess what I found, Wolf 3d!! But no WC games at all! This is rediculous!

Re: Origin

Originally posted by Dragon
Why does origin put on sale the Kilrathi saga, WC IV and WC P gold box, I know that the games are old now but i think that they would still sell.
Of course they wouldn't sell. Just because they are old, no one who grew up on the Freespace series and the like would want to go back to those "ancient" graphics...

Napoleon, Kilrathi Saga was already rereleased.:)
The reason Kilrathi Saga isn't re-released or given away for free or somesuch (well, the big one) is that it *doesn't work*. Origin ditched Kilrathi Saga years ago because it would be too much of a pain to patch it -- nobody had bought the dashed thing....
Uh, I didn't quite understand that last, LOAF... no one wanted to buy it? Huh? Is this one of those delayed reaction thingies? So many of us want KS now... and I thought it worked fine...
LOAF didn't say people don't want it now, just that people didn't buy it originally. Like many things, far too many people waited until too late. And nobody complains about bugs now, but several years ago (when you could just buy it in a store for $20-40 as easy as pie), people couldn't stop whining about them.
All I know is that Earthworm never experienced a single bug with KS...<evil laugh>He he he</evil laugh>:)

[Edited by Earthworm on 01-22-2001 at 22:28]
Well y'see...

The reason we never see WC games in the store is because when one shows up from under a pile of Daikatanas in the warehouse and is shipped to the mall for sale, it's snatched up immediately.

Nobody buys Wolfenstein, which is why it's still on the shelf.

Just buy this stuff on eBay if you want it tat bad, it's not that hard to find an auction selling KS or one of the many other WC games everyone wishes they had bought.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Uh, I didn't quite understand that last, LOAF... no one wanted to buy it? Huh? Is this one of those delayed reaction thingies? So many of us want KS now... and I thought it worked fine...

'So many' would be like 50-100 people tops. Even if those nuts are all willing to spend $300, that still doesn't mean it was or would be a big seller (if released for a third time).
Let me see. We want the wc saga avalible including ks but some argue about the cost. Why don't they make a secure web site then allow us to pay them some money than they allow us to download the game from their site. This would be easy for KS and possible wcso. Or they could do a backordering system like epic does with there old games. Than they make money we don't want to kill them as much and all are happy.
Do you seriously consider downloading KS? Especially WC3 with all the FMV and stuff?:)

The only thing I could think off is buying the rights from EA/OSI to make a copy of a game and than sell it. I'm probably, extremly, mistaken, but I recall something about being able to pay OSI the original price of the game for the right to make a copy. But of course it's probably my imagination working over time.