Privateer - Alliance Problems...

I suppose you crash easily in the enemy with that kind of speed? And she was not too bad armed as well...3 gun hardpoints if I remember correctly. That is a question I want to ask you: Can I only fly these ships or can I actually upgrade and outfit them as it would be a regular ship?
Its a bit tricky, but you can rearm etc. But you cannot do that in the ship equipment window. The game will crash due to the lack of graphics for those ships. If you select a neutral ship to fly, it will not crash since the graphics are there for those ships in the ship equipment screen. To repair/reload/upgrade a ship other than the regular player ships, use the proggy to do that. Any ship other than the normal player ships cannot be viewed in the ship equipment window, however, in the repair ship screen, you can have your ships armor repaired since the window does not display the ship itself. Dont worry, the game wont crash if you fly different ships other than the regular player ships, it will crash if you attempt to go into the ship equipment screen.

As to the speed and running into other craft, na that wasnt a problem at all. The Skull had 2 stream laser mounts, but the proggy default loads 4 gun slots on any ship you select, but remember whichever ship you select, it already has its default loadout, including guns and modules. But the proggy allows you to add more module mounts to any ship! Even player ships! Earlier when I first came on this forum, I mentioned an Icarus with 5 guns instead of 4. To do this, you have the proggy give you say a ship with 5 gun mounts, save the save game in the game itself, then reload the save game in the proggy and select an Icarus. It will place the 5th gun mount directly in the center of the inner 2 gun mounts for a total of 5. It will do this for any ship by placing that extra gun mount in the center of the inner 2 mounts. My Jancilla Skull has 3 mounts, the normal 2 and a new center mounted gun. Since the proggy defaults 4 mounts, there are actually 4 guns on it but I only use 3 so I turn off the 4th gun. The proggy will add a total of 10 module mounts to any ship along with their normal module mounts, it will also give you an almost infinate number of missles. Say you have 4 missle mounts, the proggy will load up in each missle mount 200 missles, for a total of 800 missles! Needless to say, you can load equpment that normally isnt available till those news bullitens make them available, such as the warp shields or BSE II virus transmitter or the Shield Generator MKIII. I only recently found that proggy (7 or 8 months ago) on the CIC files page long long after I completed the game. I wouldnt recommend using it to finish the game. But it shure is fun watching a Jancilla Skull with 3 Turret B guns blast away a Kiowan crusier!! :D


ps...wife doesnt know where I hid my WC box,(hahaha) so I will get the proggy for ya once I get home and break out the CD archives!

[Edited by RFBurns on 03-20-2001 at 19:01]
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Wedge you sure ARE peaceful with just 82 kills. Have you finished the game with this score or is it your score at the moment?
What? I've finished with a kill score rivalling Maniac's, with only 63 kills to Hunters only.
I really loved Privateer 2, despite many people criticizing it. I thought it was one of the most original WC-like games out there. I mean, all new weapons, ships, new system (tri-system), new races, new planets (with really cool names), new fighting style (quick, stream lasers instead of laser bursts). And the cargo-hauling was SO much better done than Privateer 1. In the original Privateer buying and selling from the commodity exchange was could make about 2000 credits on one trip, which is not even a drop in the bucket compared to the bounty mission credits. In P2, however, you could make up to 20,000 credits on a well thought out cargo run. The Privateer 2 player's guide book contained one hell of a Commodity exchange guide.

I really liked the acting's harder for Americans to notice crappy british acting, I think. I liked the game for it's gameplay and the new story/universe. WCP was so boring and so unoriginal that it was unfortunate P2 was overshadowed by it. WC3 and WC4 were great for their story and cinema; P2 was great for it's originality, story, universe, etc; WCP was "great" for it's venture into 3D acceleration.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Wedge you sure ARE peaceful with just 82 kills. Have you finished the game with this score or is it your score at the moment?
What? I've finished with a kill score rivalling Maniac's, with only 63 kills to Hunters only.
Oh sorry then I misunderstood you.

And RFBurns it really sounds fun, can't wait to get my hands on it. Thanks again.
Thanks a lot. I already said in another thread (I think about KS) but again: I cannot download it at the moment but it is there. So thanks again. Soon I will lay waste to the Priv2 universe <dribble>... :)
The Priv2 universe is far cooler than the WC one! I mean in the WC one you couldn't visit the remote Kappa Labs and see all thsoe dead people...though you did find Steltek but that's a cartoon story.
The Priv2 universe is far cooler than the WC one!

Except... they're the same universe!

Let's see...

Priv2 Universe = WC Universe
therefore: WC Universe is cooler than WC Universe.

Yeah, well, everyone has their own opinion on that. Even though I haven't played P2, I get the impression that it's very distanced from WC. (Yes, I know it mentions P2 is in a 'remote' corner of the WC galaxy)
Space and time are the same thing. You just have to look at them the right way.

Then we get into the 5th dimension stuff, which would only confuse most of the CZers, of course.

Priv2 IS Wing Commander. Origin says so, E-berts and C-berts say so, the CIC says so. What more does anyone need?
A wise woman I used to know, whom I trusted completely (and she had huge jugs, too), once said "If something is labeled flammable, put the flame to use."

Boy, did I ever!

But we burned down our english teacher's classroom trailer. Well, WE didn't, someone they haven't found yet did, though I did get questioned about it. Anyway. She turned into an official drunk after that. The next year we had her for a teacher again, and there was a new kid in the class. We told him not to ask why the books were charred (they recovered what they could). He raised his hand. "Whats with all the burned books?" She broke down crying. She drank in class after that.

The bitch deserved it. I still wonder who it was, tho. We know it wasn't anyone in the class.... Oh well.

But the moral of that story is that using gasoline for arson is a bad idea, because they can detect it. They can't detect alcohol (nowhere near as easily, anyway), so it's best. And just to help them stop looking, fray a few wires first.

Hehehehe. Uh, I mean, how tragic....
Very strange story, TDB. Alcohol doesn't burn nearly as hot as petrol, in any case.

And the moral of the story is... don't trust anyone with "huge jugs". :D
It was actually a pretty standard school. No major violence, standard off the charts drug use. Lots of rednecks, tho. I think that's what caused this particular incident. The guy we think did it was allegedly "drunk and trying to impress his girlfriend." But we don't know it was him. Anyway, they questioned me because... ok, back story.

After the incident, they expected that a student had done it. They offered s pretty big reward, 5k or so, for info. A couple of friends were going to report some guy or another, frame him for the cash. I happened to have overheard it. When they went to turn the guy in, the fire investigators didn't believe it. My friend in the group took them aside and said that they'd lied, and they could ask me because I'd been there when they planned it. So the investigator questioned me about that. I pretty much said that I was just there, hadn't been listening. He said ok, but if I thought of anything, report it.

To date noone's been arrested for it, that I know of.

Since then, tho, everything has pretty much been normal. We used to get a lot of "bomb threats", but we had some evidence (and they did this illegally, so we reported them) that they were just using those times to get us out of the school to bring the drug dogs through. This was a few years after: the fire happened when I was a freshman, the regular checks happened when I was a junior and senior.

The principals had a number of questionably legal incidents caused by them. They did get called on one, actually, but I won't get in to that.
When I went to school (many a moon ago!), all we worried about was fistfights and getting a paddle on the six! No metal detectors, no bomb threats, no guns, no security guards, no drug dogs. It must be a huge strain on kids today having to worry about all that junk instead of studies. If me and the wife have a child, that child will attend home school, no question!

But you see, none of that WAS a strain. The drug dogs, so what? We had fun trying to think of things to put in our lockers to bug them, cayenne pepper or whatever. The fights, yeah, they happen, but so what? We had no metal detectors (though lots of knives, I happen to know), guns were a rarity. A fight happened once every few weeks, and those always happened in certain groups, so I didn't have to worry about it. And the fire, well, the fire was fun, to be honest.

The problem I had to deal with was absolute apathy. I simply did not care whether I did well or not, whether I even graduated. I didn't do drugs, smoke, whatever. I was a good kid. I just didn't care. At all. Noone gave me a reason to.

The kids that have to deal with the metal detectors, et al, now, are used to it. Walk through this, so what? Random searches, boo hoo. Drug dogs, hey pup, howya doin? The police brutality, well, that kinda sucked, but it happens. The fights and guns are a problem, yes. Still, not quite so bad as most people think. Yeah, there are shootings, but they're actually quite rare.

Anyway. Enough of my ranting.