
You misunderstand. I said the last Zelda game I enjoyed was "Link's Awakening" for the original Game Boy. You speak of the new Game Boy Advanced Zelda games.
ocoraina of time was the second to last N64 game I ever got and was probably one of the top three (for the record the other two were Rogue Squadron and Goldeneye)
Ocarina of Time if my favorite video game ever, the Wing Commander series being a close second :)
Originally posted by LeHah
You misunderstand. I said the last Zelda game I enjoyed was "Link's Awakening" for the original Game Boy. You speak of the new Game Boy Advanced Zelda games.
What are these new Zelda games for Game Boy Advanced?

anyways, they're "Oracle of Ages" and "Oracle of Seasons"
What makes them really cool are the small things. Playing them on GBA opens up a few areas and items that you can't get to when playing on GBC. Another little addition that seems pretty cool to me is that completing one game earns you special perks in the other one, that you wouldn't normally have access to.
Originally posted by Napoleon
ocoraina of time was the second to last N64 game I ever got and was probably one of the top three (for the record the other two were Rogue Squadron and Goldeneye)

Rouge Squadron was that good? You should play X-Wing: Alliance! :)
When you got the first of the instruments from the bosses in Link's Awakening, that 4-bit music is pretty much the ULTIMATE VICTORY FOR ALL TIME music. :eek:
I suppose it means that you don't have to fork out a fortune on games that are identical in virtually all aspects to their earlier versions.

And it looks impressive on the box.:)