Phase Shielding


How do phase shields work, as opposed to normal fields, and how do torpedos and plasma get through while other stuff doesnt?
Just about all "normal" shields in Wing Commander are phase shields. Torpedoes and advanced weapons get through by a combination of advanced tuning that can penetrate the phase and brute force.
If the pattern holds, I can't wait till the upcoming games when the shift (might) occur again where guns might be able to penetrate better again. I mean all guns too, not just the plasma canon.

Peace cannot be kept by force, it must be achieved through understanding.
If the trend continues we might be able to punch holes in hulls that actually count-we can indeed damage them but in the games WCP an SO, it doesn't concern us.

I'd like to see the Plunkett with it's 3 triple heavy partile and single triple plasma turret take on an alien cruiser and watch the damage add up.
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A little harsh for the aliens there... I dont know anybody that wants to one-on-one a Plunkett. Maybe a ShipKiller (Kraken?) or something.
In "DUEL", a Plunkett and T-bolts take on two Hydra/Marlin cruisers and Mantas and manages to survive.

What is the difference between Hydra and Marlin? Is the Marlin a Hydra that carries fighters?
Death's Head said:
In "DUEL", a Plunkett and T-bolts take on two Hydra/Marlin cruisers and Mantas and manages to survive.

What is the difference between Hydra and Marlin? Is the Marlin a Hydra that carries fighters?

The Merlin was suposed to be the original name for the Hydra, but obvioudly it wasn't meant to be.
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Chernikov said:
A little harsh for the aliens there... I dont know anybody that wants to one-on-one a Plunkett. Maybe a ShipKiller (Kraken?) or something.

I doubt that. The Kraken could kick the crap out of the Plunkett. Assuming that the captain of the Kraken isn't watching any pr0n, and isn't drunk of course
. Just one hit from Krakens Fleet Plasma cannon is enough to destroy any capship, so even though it would probably suffer heavy damage from Plunketts Plasma and Particle turrets it would win.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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Not realy, it has lots of *arms* sticking out from it, and it's basicly a skeleton. If it would be hit it could even break in half
. The hit from the Plasma, and the schockwave woud definetly destroy it.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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The Plasma weapon has quite an explosion. I think that if they were actually aiming for the Killie Dreadnought, then it would be totally caught up in the explosion. 20km is about right for the fleet that Casey took out, wouldn't you say? I mean, all the ships were much, much smaller, but they weren't exactly squeezed together either.

As for the Kraken vs. Plunkett, we don't know how good Nephilem long range sensors are. It's possible that a Plunkett with a good fighter escort could sneak up on the Kraken - once it's up close, the Plasma weapon is pretty useless, after all. However, this would depend largely on Nephilem sensor ranges.
If the Plunkett launched capship missiles to distract the interceptors, while a flight of t-bolts took out the engine, plunkett could easily sweep behind it and blow it back to where it came from with a smile.

The triple turrets have VERY long ranges and do enough damage to widdle down the best phase sheilds in short order.
Death's Head said:
If the Plunkett launched capship missiles to distract the interceptors, while a flight of t-bolts took out the engine, plunkett could easily sweep behind it and blow it back to where it came from with a smile.

Unlikely. The Kraken wouldn't launch all of it's fighters to destroy some missiles. And we don't even know if the Plunkett can launch capship missiles (though it probably can

The triple turrets have VERY long ranges and do enough damage to widdle down the best phase sheilds in short order.[/B]

The triple turrets have range of about 15,000 klick IIRC, the Fleet Plasma has a range of 10,000 klicks. Before the Plasma and Particles of the Plunkett could destroy the Kraken, the Krakne would close the range and destroy the Plunkett.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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I see no reason why it shouldn't have Capship missiles, Earthworm.

Note, however, that it is useless to consider a theoretical battle between the two, simply because it could never happen. The chances of a Plunkett and Kraken both being alone, and in the same system at that, are basically nil. A ship killer does not travel without escort, since it's incapable of defending itself at short range (kinda like firing a nuclear missile at a target five metres in front of you
), and I don't think that a Plunkett travels alone either. Furthermore, there are such details as planetary radar shadows, asteroid belts, nebulas, and the odd chance of a solar flare to consider
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Too bad the Kraken's big gun doesn't work in the game engine or someone might have to make a mission with just you, it and a plunkett


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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Since your ship isn't actualy flown by you, the weird programing in FL will alow it to have incredible graphics.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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But will probably be totally different to WCP when it comes to physics and so on. You might have to alter the entire game...
Before the Plasma and Particles of the Plunkett could destroy the Kraken, the Krakne would close the range and destroy the Plunkett.

I doubt the Kraken could close the range even if it tried, after all the Plunkett is four times faster (60kps v's 240kps). This also means that the Plunketts heavy weapons could pound the Kraken from max range while the ship stayed out of range of the Fleet Plasma.

'For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky'.

Wing Commander - Secret Ops Missions