on transitioning to RF...

Well, there IS the "gratitude for just destroing the green egg of death" thing to consider, though. However, a capship would be a cool reward for a mission series... maybe not a Paradigm, save that for later, how about a corvette instead? (Smaller dirtier paradigm basically, but kicks its own amount of ass). And yeah, WC is pretty much WW2 in space.
or alternatively you could find out the storyline for the missing privateer addon that was set between RF and privateer and make that instead.
It wasn't set between Privateer and RF.

And all of this seems like a pretty elaborate solution to a non-problem. If you really don't trust the player to 'go' to Jolson, but still want to force him to, just play the "one year later" scene and send him their automatically after Terrell reads the credits.
And actually, what's set betwen Priv part 1 and RF is WC3, isn't it Loaf?
So, that's what should be the story between?
spiritplumber said:
Awww, but shooting the stuffing out of everyone with the Green Gun is FUN!
Right, that's the problem. Jumping immediately to RF eleiminates a part of Privateer gameplay.
Here's an idea:
When I first played Priv, after Terrel's speech, I went all over the place hoping for further missions or missed parts of story, or easter eggs, or kilrathi weapons caches or hidden jump-points. Eventually I headed back to Terrel's office, to see if I could change my mind and join the Confeds, and then I got the credits with that stupid music... :-(

Anyways, I'm wondering if I'm alone, or if many people went back to Terrel's office.
If going back turns out to be the logical path everyone follows, then we might as well simply allow the player to join, remake WC3, where humans win, the war ends, and you get a final mission to escort brass to Jolson, for a big party.
Anyways, I was discussing this whole thing with Bandit LOAF at the WCU forum, and I asked him point blank:
myself said:
I have this burning question: *Could* and/or *Should* WCU have the same character alternating between Privateering and Service roles?, or would it make more sense that the player can choose at the start of the game between playing a privateer or having a military career? In other words, I'm wondering if, first of all, the time overlaps between Priv and WC *can* be bent without breaking too much cannon, so as to place them sequentially. Secondly, whether the general character one plays in WC is compatible with Priv's character. And thirdly, whether there might be other issues I'm not aware of.
To which he answered,
Bandit LOAF said:
No, I don't think anyone would appreciate or understand that. While you were a "nameless" pilot in the first Wing Commander, the character has been expanded into a full character with a complete backstory in the years since.
Chris Blair has been the main character in four games and a background character in a fifth... and he's been the subject of four novels, a major motion picture, a thirteen episode TV series and a zillion other little bits of continuity.
Grayson Burrows is still a pretty big unknown -- but I don't see making him an officer going over well, either... he's pretty adamant in Privateer and Righteous Fire that he's *not* going to join the military.

This being so, I've got to retract something. Either one "becomes" another character to play WC3 before RF, or whatever Burrows does is not *exactly* what Blair does, though it could be connected to WC3. Opinions, ideas, flames?
I was also just reading about Armada (never played it) but it seems it was more of a strategy game, where you mine planets, build shipyards, and so on. Maybe there could be some of that... er.. I guess this is a WCU topic, nevermind.
Well, I think that owning your own base and capship would be really cool -- you'd have to go through a LOT of trouble to do that though. About starting MORE bases... eh, too much maybe? You're a privateer here and in Armada you're a carrier captain with a huge mandate, after all.
dan_w said:
Like what? Forcing the player to install a new game, and waking up in Jolson?

Pretty much. If the Remake could be setup to take you to load mission screen when the game launches, then after the player finishes the Steltek drone mission a new button could appear. "Start Righteous Fire" or similar. From there player could pick a save game to start on Jolson from. Or a maybe just always have the RF button visible. The player could choose to start the righteous fire campaign at anytime but most likely at a disadvantage since they would not have had time to max out the gear of their ship.
Hmmm... That IS one possible solution. If a bit strange, though. Or maybe there could be a message added on the HUD when you get on your ship "To begin part 2, Righteous Fire, go to Jolson pleasure base." But it's a bit anathema to immersion to have a game related message or button like that. Besides, coming up with a story to fill that gap in time might actually be cool. Specially if it involves joining the military for a short period, for a refreshing change from the standard privateer role. During which stint one might have a chance to experience what it's like to pilot a Paradigm, or some other military ships.
spiritplumber said:
Well, I think that owning your own base and capship would be really cool -- you'd have to go through a LOT of trouble to do that though. About starting MORE bases... eh, too much maybe? You're a privateer here and in Armada you're a carrier captain with a huge mandate, after all.

Yes, Spirit, but think of it this way: A Tarsus has a hold of, what was it? 150? A cent has a cargo space of 50? A demon 25? Well, a Paradigm has space of 100,000 IIRC. That's a lot of cargo space, and, right now, by the way, when you land on a planet, their stock of wood or pets or whatever, rarely exceeds 100, but that doesn't make any sense at all. Stock at commodity exchanges should be in the millions for any item that they do have. Anyhow, once you get to own a big ship, you ought to start making TONS of money, and you can buy more ships, and eventually you can venture into exploration and colonization. It's fine that you started from rags, but it's also fine to end with riches. And if Blair ends up commanding an entire fleet, it's only fitting that Burrows ends up controlling a few systems. Just a thought.
And imagine the continuity afforded by the fact that when managing planets, you'd be *placing* ads for cargo and bounty missions...
dan_w said:
I was also just reading about Armada (never played it) but it seems it was more of a strategy game, where you mine planets, build shipyards, and so on.
Armada was turn-based strategy. When your forces clashed with the enemies, you had the option of flying ships in the battle, ala typical WC combat, or you could let the computer figure out a statistically likely outcome. There was also a "gauntlet" mode where you flew threw 15 levels on either the Confed or Kilrathi side, starting from the Arrow or Dralthi and moving to bigger and better ships while meeting more and stronger enemies.

It was a fun game, but rather out of place with the rest of the series. I loved it because it was one of the few PC games ever to support split-screen multiplayer.
Well I always figured the reason there wasn't a lot of cargo offered at the planitary bases is the fact that your just a privateer. The main bulk of thier cargo needs are met by contracted cargo freigher serverces. And you are just able to pick up any scrap being sold by 3rd parties. I really don't think that most players would want to to x-y-z-repeat cargo runs that a contracted shipping service would have to do on a regular basis. It might be fun to buy a dramon and hire a crew to run an x-y-z-repeat after you secure the space in the area. The dramon and her crew would keep making the run untell destroyed by pirates or whatever. The player could fly escort now and then or hire wing men at added cost. Flying enough police style missions would keep crime down in the systems that your cargo operation flys through also increasing profits. But I think options like this are much farther down the line at the moment.