Ok now what is this about a WC Academy "show"???

  • Thread starter Thread starter AzrialX
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I'm sorry I was just browsing through as I usually do and noticed LOAF say something about a Wing Commander Academy "Show" now that sort of bewilders me....I never heard of a Wing Commander show nor Wing Commander Academy!

Kill or Be Killed!!! There Is No Try!!!
It came on the USA network a years back. 1996, I think. I only saw one episode. It had the voices of Hamill, Wilson, and McDowell, and followed the adventures of Blair and Maniac when they attended the Academy.

Doing the bull dance. Feeling the flow.
I could not tell you if it was any good. I haven't seen it in four years! But, I've been looking. Hopefully, one of these days I'll be able to see it again.

Doing the bull dance. Feeling the flow.
It was excellent. Much more true to the plot of the game than the movie was. You can view then from right here at the CIC, in the section entitled WCATV.

"I'm putting you back in the cockpit Colonel, where you will be reunited with an old friend, the thrill of battle!"
-Tolwyn to Blair WC IV
The WC Academy cartoon was good fun. Basically it's the games all over again except Blair & Maniac are cadets (like most of us
) & Tolwyn's a commodore. He also han't started to go crazy. Keep your eyes peeled for WC3 fighters mixing it up with WC1 & WC2 craft.
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You can download them here at the CIC, I've seen all but two episodes and they are prety good. My favorite episodes are the second where the four pilots are caught in a solar flare and try to destroy the Claw because they think Tolwyn and the others are working with Kilrathi, and the one with the stealth fighters.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
I thought it was a cool show. Although the download takes a while I think it's worth the wait.

I fight on the side of peace and honor, just like Blair
I saw about 3 mins of the show back in '97.....then my parents yelled at me to turn off the tv and put my shoes on cause we were going to church

All I remember was Maniac piloting a fighter (I forget the fighter, if you twisted my arm, i'd guess it was a Hellcat....)


UBW-5th Fleet-Black Ops

"That's the prep table,that's the rich pr*cks,that's the freaks. Then those next 4 tables behind us are the smart kids, as well as the table right there....and this' the.....misunderstood table."-Natasha
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The show is sort of a meld of WC1-3 that is simplified down to a show that a child can find entertaining (not that WC isn't entertaining for children... :-) It is fairly good but at some points the show becomes over simplified, but that always happens. Overall it is good.


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Really? I never have heard of this show before.

I've seen smarter things..

Again, we've got the entire series to download in the WCATV Section.
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Boy Chris, it seems like you don't have anything original to say :-) We beat you to it, once or twice...


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
He's just frustrated because it has salready been said were to find the show but people keep asking. I still have the entire show on one of my hardrives here. It's over 300 meg...

They've got use surrounded. Poor bastards.
That's what my new CD-R is going to be burning soon


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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What was this about a movie? No just kidding..

I've seen smarter things..

Gunner, that was a worse joke than all the ones that Death makes...


"Canadian and proud of it"-TC

The Series is a lot more 'in-depth' than the Movie was (considering the movie was more crash-bang/knowing the characters).
It's too difficult to bunch all that information in the movie when they did.
I believe the series were hilarious!!

"To take one step forward, you must look back three steps... and walk forward while looking back... "
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