New Ship idea, stats, and/or designs

What I like to see is the Pelieu-class assault transport, one that carries Marines from here to there. But no . . . everyone wants to design fighters, fighters, fighters . . . . :rolleyes:
Behold the TCS Pelieu (Pelieu-Assault-transport class)


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I was talking with LOAF earlier, and it made me think ... why doesn't anyone model stuff like the Wing Commander Online concept art instead of making up new things? :(
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Bob McDob said:
I was talking with LOAF earlier, and it made me think ... why doesn't anyone model stuff like the Wing Commander Online concept art instead of making up new things? :(

I've though about this for the past umm . . . seven years. Why some people are too inclined towards making their own designs? Why do they hate Wing Commander so much, to the point in that they shun what they are given and take matters to their own hands? I've thought alot about this and made up some theory to try to explain all of this. Some might agree with me, but then again, some might be angry at me. For some people, sometimes the truth hurts.

Your average Wing Commander player tends (not all) to be in his teens and most of them male. Not to say that all teenagers are of this quality, but the teenage years are the period in which he starts to form a rebellious nature. Some learn to put discipline first priority and doesn't let this get to them. But for a few, this escalates to the point that he has no respect for authority and therefore is not bound by rules of anyone else. Not to say that this applies to everyone, but this type of behavior might coincides with increased trouble with parents and increased insubordination to anyone who gives him rules or boundaries that he must operate/live in.

Back to the Wing Commander player. He plays the games, reads the novels. To a few people, a game is just something that is bought to be played. He doesn't comprehend the amount of work and effort the Origin staff puts into designing these vessels. He would fly a fighter and go "ha! that design sucked!" or "ha! that fighter was too slow!" or "I hate this fighter, it looks like a shitbird!". He thinks that the fighter sucking adheres to the quality of the people who designed it. If, let's say for example. . . the Hellcat sucks (not that I think it does), then the people who designed it must suck too. Afterall, our friend thinks "how can such stupid people design a fighter so pathetic?"

With this disdain and lack of respect towards the people who made this game and art, his youthful enthusiasm starts to inflate his ego. He goes, "Man, why does Origin make this crap? I can do better!" So he starts drawing sketches in class, in his spare time. He bitches about how some of the fighters are underarmed, so he gives his fighters more weaponry because he thinks his fighter can beat those crappy ones that were in the game. He tries to bump it up, take this design to the next level.

He gives it superstats, because he knows that he is designing the fighter and he assumes that the quality of the fighter's ability to win in combat is directly related to his own ability. He is afraid that if the fighter sucks, then he sucks, because he designed the fighter in the first place. If he is going to show it to everyone else, he has to make it look good, for fear that people will say "ha! this design sucks! it's too slow/underarmed/armored!". He's afraid to have criticism and face the possbility that his creative ability sucks.

Now he is faced with a dilemma. Some of the weapons shown in the WC games are too pussy for him. They don't fire fast enough, they aren't powerful enough. He hates the reason why mainstay fighters use mediocre weapons and why only the better ones use weaponry. So he says, "if the weapons suck, I'll create my own!" He'll design something like "gatling fusion cannon", with 1000cm damage for each shot and a refire rate of .01 seconds. He'll change the power supply to very little, so it'll show everyone how much of a badass he is.

Now he has to justify the reason to use his new design or weapons. He says he wants to broaden his horizons in search of intellectual and artistic diversity. He wants to advertise that he is trying to "Expand the Wing Commander universe!" He tries to say, "I want to see new ideas from other people!" when he posts on the forums. He tries to justify screwing the Wing Commander universe for the pursuit of artistic knowledge. He tries to make up some excuse to bash Origin, saying how their fighters, and designs suck and therefore, his design is better.

When other people tell him that this isn't Wing Commander but a design created in his own mind (Wing Commander is in fact, an imaginary universe that was the creation of Chris Roberts), he gets emotional as if someone skinned his dog and chopped him up to pieces in real life. He calls them close-minded, rigid, inflexible. He then whines about how these people forbid ANY designs in any future mods or artwork. He says these people are blocking the pursuit of new artistic Wing Commander design, which he interprets as blocking the pursuit of knowledge and other intellectual qualities.

Don't get me wrong. Sometimes you have to be creative. Wing Commander is a phenomenon that sometimes leaves gaps open. It is the responsibility of a WC fan artist or a mod maker to fill in these gaps. But to find out what designs need to be made, requires extensive knowledge and research to find out what is needed or what is not. Immature delusions along the lines of "this fighter sucks! I can make something better!" does not satisfy the requirements.

Note to any dissenters that might reply to this post: I will ignore all of your "fucking moron!", "fool!" or "yer an assclown!" insults. You can call me that, but you better have some facts to back it up.
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I'll probably do them someday... IMHO, all of those WCO designs are great. Modelling them is my favorite pastime (you see, a guy who plans to model every damn sprite that has ever appeared in the WC universe needs a break every now and then :p).
psych said:
I've though about this for the past umm . . . seven years. Why some people are too inclined towards making their own designs? Why do they hate Wing Commander so much, to the point in that they shun what they are given and take matters to their own hands? I've thought alot about this and made up some theory to try to explain all of this. Some might agree with me, but then again, some might be angry at me. For some people, sometimes the truth hurtsgibbidygibbidygibbidy

That was masterful. I think you've just defined one of the major problems facing scifi fans, whether they mod Freelancer or debate fictional technologies. (I do both, in case you didn't know).

Not that there's not a bit of fun in making up things just for the hell of it ... it IS a hobby, after all ... but it would nice to see some things that pay a little more respect to WC, and give it a creativity and scope it deserves. Even if it is "just a game".

It is not that I hate WC craft-I like a lot of them. (Vampire especially) But, I have a very overactive imagination that doesn't stop coming up with all manner of stuff: ships-which I make to be real to the time period-and stories and game concepts. Plus the only ships I have posted is a fighter that could replace the viper modified Scim and a corvette which Confed doesn't have one at this time period.


That second ship design looks unusual, but I really like it :D .
I believe somebody said something earlier in the thread about a transport for fighters-and the like. Well here is something I created for the purpose of transfering fighter and maybe some other craft-if they fit-as well and pilots over to carriers. No assembly required-or even offloading. A pilot just flies the craft over to the carrier. This transport is fairly weak and has a limited weapons, armor, and fuel supply for the fighters: just 2 per craft; so it requires escorts and is not meant for major fighting.

AHHHH!!! this sucks-I can't upload the picture. It is too big and you can't upload zips. Now I have seen ships uploaded in this thread before that looked like they took up amjor space.
Eder - Those are really impressive. The first one reminds me of one of the B-wings from SW. The second one I'm really taken with, kindof has a Bladerunner feel to it to me.

Eder said:
Now that's too cool. When I checked those drawings out yesterday after following the link, I got bummed because I thought they might not have the right angles and stuff to make accurate models from, but I guess I was pretty far off.
Frosty said:
When I checked those drawings out yesterday after following the link, I got bummed because I thought they might not have the right angles and stuff to make accurate models from, but I guess I was pretty far off.
Actually, some of them really don't. We don't get to see the bottom or the rear of any of the capships, for example. :(

Some others are useable, though... In the Hammerhead's case, there's a few unfinished Hammerhead-lookalike sketches lying around it... so I just assumed they were different attempts at drawing the same ship, and used those sketches for reference as well.

Other ships which I think I have enough reference material for are the tall one in vehi_13, everything from vehi_14 and vehi_13a, the ones which read "Vertex" and "Jen" from vehi_14a, and the one in vehi_20. I don't like most of those, though. When I decide to model another one, it'll probably be the one above the "Swinger" in vehi_13a... it looks pretty damn cool.
If Babylon 5 can get away with having a Thunderbolt Starfury, I'm sure Wing Commander could get away with a ... whatever that's called ...
Bob McDob said:
If Babylon 5 can get away with having a Thunderbolt Starfury, I'm sure Wing Commander could get away with a ... whatever that's called ...
::recalls his Mom lecturing him as a small boy::

"oh; and I suppose if your friend Bobby went and jumped off a bridge, you'd jump TOO?..."