Here's my suggestions/insights for a "Wing Commander" PC, capable of playing every retail WC game made (these are the minimum requirements):
-"Mega-Mutha" multisync monitor (I suggest a 20 incher!)
-CPU: anything from 300Mhz on upwards
-RAM: 64 MB
-4 GB HDD or more (ideally a HDD w/ 7200 RPM speed)
-SB 64 ISA sound card
-Voodoo 2 card or better (Voodoo neccessary for WCP/SO Glide gaming goodness)
-Ergonomic keyboard (MS natural type), for more comfortable extended flight sessions
-Saitek X36 combo (stick/throttle)
-Speakers as you like (I'm not much of an audiophile)
-56K modem (for you Armada diehards; I confess I don't know much about Armada's requirements for online play--feel free to correct me)
-DOS 6.22 or equivalent (PC-DOS or DR-DOS v6 or better should do nicely
-Win 3x (if for no other reason than to better configure the "old" X36 driver/configuration software)
-Win 9x (hey, if you can get Win ME/2000/XP to work on it, go for it, but 9x is pretty reliable)
-Partition Magic (even older versions to v3-4 or so should do), for easiest HDD setup, esp. for setting up for multiboot
-Freeware XOSL program (eXtended Operation System Loader, from to run your multiboot setup, once you've sliced up the HDD the way you want it
-Needless to say, drivers for all the applicable H/W (vidcard/sdcard/controller combo/etc.)
-LAST BUT NOT LEAST:Any WC game you can beg, borrow, steal or otherwise bring to the table! (Me, the only thing I lack is WC: KS; I got all the other ones, incl. Priv 1 & 2...)
These spec's may sound kinda primitive, but you need to remember that the last WC release was in '97-98 (WCP/SO) era, and these were more "state of the art" for the time than they currently are. Here's the rationale for these choices:
1) These are the spec's of the system I've been using for the last 4 years, and it's never let me down!...
2) If all you're doing on this box is WC, 4 GB HDD is plenty of room, and ditto for the 64 MB RAM.
3) SB 64 ISA soundcard for better quality and no-fuss/no-muss sound configuration: No messing around with stupid "DOS-box" sound/driver issues (if you wanna play WC 1-4 under Win 9x), like on more advanced PCI cards.
4) Voodoo card for proprietary Glide graphics on WCP/SO. This may be accomplished via a multi-videocard/video switchbox setup, if you wish to play "other" games as well. Voodoo 2 (esp. in SLI setup) would be ideal, or maybe Voodoo 3.
5) Saitek X36 is, to this day, one of the best HOTAS setups ever made. The advantage of this over the more recent "X45" combo is that it is usable/configurable in DOS/Win 3x, as well as Win 9x (None of the more modern combo's do that, that I know of)... Just be sure you get the older driver/configuration software for it.
Patent pending, copyrighted. all rights reserved, etc. ... Discuss amongst yourselves.
(P. S. to Admin's: Feel free to relocate this as its own thread on the Tech forum; I just posted it here 'cuz I was responding to LOAF's initial bringing it up here)