Missing subtitles


I got Wing Commander 3 for the psx in NTSC format.However i found out that it has no subtitles.How come?Does the same happen with the PAL version?
I have it, but I have to did ouy my PS1 and test it. Either that or try and get ePSXe working again. I've never experimented with the subtitles.
So I tried out the game again on my PS1 and I also could not figure out if there is a way to turn on subtitles in the cinematics. The manual also doesnt suggest the option is present. Subtitles are displayed for all in-flight comms though, but only in english. This is *actually* very interesting. I did some digging into the PSX files a while back and here's what I found out abour WC3 PSX:

The movies themselves are stored in a LIB file as are all the other resources for the game. movies1.lib starts off by listing the files contained in the archive. It looks like this:

00000000  e2 00 b8 35 1e 00 00 18 00 00 73 74 75 64 5f 6c  â.¸5......stud_l
00000010  6f 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 d0 1e 47 07 00 50  oa.wve....Ð.G..P
00000020  1e 00 73 63 5f 30 30 31 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ..sc_001a.wve...
00000030  00 00 00 3a 68 00 00 70 65 07 73 63 5f 30 30 36  ...:h..pe.sc_006
00000040  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 08 2d 32 00 00 b0  a.wve......-2..°
00000050  cd 07 73 63 5f 30 30 37 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Í.sc_007a.wve...
00000060  00 00 20 7e 1d 00 00 e0 ff 07 73 63 5f 30 30 37  .. ~...àÿ.sc_007
00000070  62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 78 63 22 00 00 60  b.wve.....xc"..`
00000080  1d 08 73 63 5f 30 30 37 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ..sc_007c.wve...
00000090  00 00 78 28 4d 00 00 c8 3f 08 73 63 5f 30 30 38  ..x(M..È?.sc_008
000000a0  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 f3 76 00 00 f8  a.wve......óv..ø
000000b0  8c 08 73 63 5f 30 30 39 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Œ.sc_009a.wve...
000000c0  00 00 c0 69 3a 00 00 f0 03 09 73 63 5f 30 30 39  ..Ài:..ð..sc_009
000000d0  62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 f8 ee 22 00 00 60  b.wve.....øî"..`
000000e0  3e 09 73 63 5f 30 30 39 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  >.sc_009c.wve...
000000f0  00 00 40 9c 3c 00 00 50 61 09 73 63 5f 30 31 30  ..@œ<..Pa.sc_010
00000100  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 30 91 d3 00 00 f0  a.wve.....0‘Ó..ð
00000110  9d 09 73 63 5f 30 31 31 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  .sc_011a.wve...
00000120  00 00 f8 23 13 00 00 88 71 0a 73 63 5f 30 31 32  ..ø#...ˆq.sc_012
00000130  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 70 89 55 00 00 b0  a.wve.....p‰U..°
00000140  84 0a 73 63 5f 30 31 33 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  „.sc_013a.wve...
00000150  00 00 20 95 6c 00 00 40 da 0a 73 63 5f 30 31 34  .. •l..@Ú.sc_014
00000160  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 90 6d 16 00 00 d8  a.wve.....m...Ø
00000170  46 0b 73 63 5f 30 31 36 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  F.sc_016a.wve...
00000180  00 00 60 f1 15 00 00 48 5d 0b 73 63 5f 30 31 36  ..`ñ...H].sc_016
00000190  62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 30 89 2a 00 00 40  b.wve.....0‰*..@
000001a0  73 0b 73 63 5f 30 31 36 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  s.sc_016c.wve...
000001b0  00 00 c0 84 cf 00 00 d0 9d 0b 73 63 5f 30 31 37  ..À„Ï..Ð.sc_017
000001c0  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 18 93 3d 00 00 58  a.wve......“=..X
000001d0  6d 0c 73 63 5f 30 31 37 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  m.sc_017b.wve...
000001e0  00 00 b0 72 43 00 00 f0 aa 0c 73 63 5f 30 31 37  ..°rC..ðª.sc_017
000001f0  63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 48 55 0f 00 00 68  c.wve.....HU...h
00000200  ee 0c 73 63 5f 30 31 38 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  î.sc_018a.wve...
00000210  00 00 b0 67 17 00 00 c0 fd 0c 73 63 5f 30 31 38  ..°g...Àý.sc_018
00000220  62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 28 8e 16 00 00 28  b.wve.....(Ž...(
00000230  15 0d 73 63 5f 30 31 38 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ..sc_018c.wve...
00000240  00 00 50 ab 5c 00 00 b8 2b 0d 73 63 5f 30 31 38  ..P«\..¸+.sc_018
00000250  64 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 08 9b 46 00 00 68  d.wve......›F..h
00000260  88 0d 73 63 5f 61 30 31 38 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00  ˆ.sc_a018a.wve..
00000270  00 00 00 90 a7 00 00 08 cf 0d 73 63 5f 30 32 30  ...§...Ï.sc_020
00000280  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 08 6d 0f 00 00 98  a.wve......m...˜
00000290  76 0e 73 63 5f 61 30 32 30 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00  v.sc_a020a.wve..
000002a0  00 00 28 09 30 00 00 08 86 0e 73 63 5f 61 30 32  ..(.0...†.sc_a02
000002b0  30 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 98 0c 2d 00 00 18  0b.wve....˜.-...
000002c0  b6 0e 73 63 5f 61 30 32 30 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00  ¶.sc_a020c.wve..
000002d0  00 00 88 80 13 00 00 28 e3 0e 73 63 5f 30 32 32  ..ˆ€...(ã.sc_022
000002e0  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 d0 db 08 00 00 b0  a.wve.....ÐÛ...°
000002f0  f6 0e 73 63 5f 30 32 32 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ö.sc_022b.wve...
00000300  00 00 e8 f7 1c 00 00 90 ff 0e 73 63 5f 30 32 32  ..è÷...ÿ.sc_022
00000310  63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 28 40 60 00 00 88  c.wve.....(@`..ˆ
00000320  1c 0f 73 63 5f 30 32 32 64 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ..sc_022d.wve...
00000330  00 00 40 e2 26 00 00 d0 7c 0f 73 63 5f 30 32 32  ..@â&..Ð|.sc_022
00000340  65 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 e0 6b 1c 00 00 b8  e.wve.....àk...¸
00000350  a3 0f 73 63 5f 30 32 32 66 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  £.sc_022f.wve...
00000360  00 00 38 de 7e 00 00 28 c0 0f 73 63 5f 30 32 33  ..8Þ~..(À.sc_023
00000370  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 78 1f 7f 00 00 08  a.wve.....x....
00000380  3f 10 73 63 5f 30 32 35 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ?.sc_025a.wve...
00000390  00 00 b8 ee 12 00 00 28 be 10 73 63 5f 30 32 35  ..¸î...(¾.sc_025
000003a0  62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 f0 d4 11 00 00 18  b.wve.....ðÔ....
000003b0  d1 10 73 63 5f 30 32 35 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Ñ.sc_025c.wve...
000003c0  00 00 a0 fa 4f 00 00 f0 e2 10 73 63 5f 30 32 36  .. úO..ðâ.sc_026
000003d0  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 28 45 19 00 00 f0  a.wve.....(E...ð
000003e0  32 11 73 63 5f 30 32 36 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  2.sc_026b.wve...
000003f0  00 00 80 85 22 00 00 38 4c 11 73 63 5f 30 32 36  ..€…"..8L.sc_026
00000400  63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 10 1e 4c 00 00 c0  c.wve.......L..À
00000410  6e 11 73 63 5f 30 32 37 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  n.sc_027a.wve...
00000420  00 00 98 7f 9c 00 00 e0 ba 11 73 63 5f 30 32 39  ..˜œ..àº.sc_029
00000430  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 80 2c 54 00 00 60  a.wve.....€,T..`
00000440  57 12 73 63 5f 30 33 30 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  W.sc_030a.wve...
00000450  00 00 40 22 19 00 00 90 ab 12 73 63 5f 30 33 30  ..@"...«.sc_030
00000460  62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 98 8c 14 00 00 b8  b.wve.....˜Œ...¸
00000470  c4 12 73 63 5f 30 33 30 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Ä.sc_030c.wve...
00000480  00 00 28 96 4d 00 00 48 d9 12 73 63 5f 30 33 31  ..(–M..HÙ.sc_031
00000490  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 68 7e 0d 00 00 e0  a.wve.....h~...à
000004a0  26 13 73 63 5f 30 33 32 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  &.sc_032a.wve...
000004b0  00 00 78 fd 0d 00 00 60 34 13 73 63 5f 30 33 32  ..xý...`4.sc_032
000004c0  62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 08 19 0b 00 00 60  b.wve..........`
000004d0  42 13 73 63 5f 30 33 32 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  B.sc_032c.wve...
000004e0  00 00 e8 a4 0b 00 00 80 4d 13 73 63 5f 61 30 33  ..è¤...€M.sc_a03
000004f0  32 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 d8 04 0e 00 00 28  2a.wve....Ø....(
00000500  59 13 73 63 5f 61 30 33 32 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00  Y.sc_a032b.wve..
00000510  00 00 08 19 0b 00 00 30 67 13 73 63 5f 61 30 33  .......0g.sc_a03
00000520  32 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 f0 18 0c 00 00 50  2c.wve....ð....P
00000530  72 13 73 63 5f 61 30 33 32 64 2e 77 76 65 00 00  r.sc_a032d.wve..
00000540  00 00 d8 32 37 00 00 70 7e 13 73 63 5f 30 33 34  ..Ø27..p~.sc_034
00000550  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 e8 a0 35 00 00 a8  a.wve.....è 5..¨
00000560  b5 13 73 63 5f 30 33 34 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  µ.sc_034b.wve...
00000570  00 00 68 3d 1a 00 00 50 eb 13 73 63 5f 30 33 34  ..h=...Pë.sc_034
00000580  63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 28 7c 22 00 00 90  c.wve.....(|"..
00000590  05 14 73 63 5f 30 33 34 64 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ..sc_034d.wve...
000005a0  00 00 50 68 47 00 00 10 28 14 73 63 5f 30 33 35  ..PhG...(.sc_035
000005b0  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 e0 5f 0e 00 00 80  a.wve.....à_...€
000005c0  6f 14 73 63 5f 32 30 30 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  o.sc_200a.wve...
000005d0  00 00 98 4d 09 00 00 e0 7d 14 73 63 5f 32 30 30  ..˜M...à}.sc_200
000005e0  62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 e8 82 0c 00 00 30  b.wve.....è‚...0
000005f0  87 14 73 63 5f 32 30 30 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ‡.sc_200c.wve...
00000600  00 00 b0 00 07 00 00 b8 93 14 73 63 5f 32 30 30  ..°....¸“.sc_200
00000610  64 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 28 02 07 00 00 c0  d.wve.....(....À
00000620  9a 14 73 63 5f 32 30 30 65 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  š.sc_200e.wve...
00000630  00 00 48 27 0d 00 00 c8 a1 14 73 63 5f 32 30 30  ..H'...È¡.sc_200
00000640  66 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 50 b1 07 00 00 f0  f.wve.....P±...ð
00000650  ae 14 73 63 5f 32 30 30 67 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ®.sc_200g.wve...
00000660  00 00 78 a9 08 00 00 a8 b6 14 73 63 5f 32 30 30  ..x©...¨¶.sc_200
00000670  68 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 d0 44 0d 00 00 58  h.wve.....ÐD...X
00000680  bf 14 73 63 5f 32 30 30 69 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ¿.sc_200i.wve...
00000690  00 00 f0 ce 07 00 00 a0 cc 14 73 63 5f 32 30 31  ..ðÎ... Ì.sc_201
000006a0  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 f0 eb 13 00 00 70  a.wve.....ðë...p
000006b0  d4 14 73 63 5f 32 30 31 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Ô.sc_201b.wve...
000006c0  00 00 50 7c 14 00 00 60 e8 14 73 63 5f 32 30 31  ..P|...`è.sc_201
000006d0  63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 10 bf 12 00 00 e0  c.wve......¿...à
000006e0  fc 14 73 63 5f 32 30 31 64 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ü.sc_201d.wve...
000006f0  00 00 30 7e 12 00 00 a0 0f 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31  ..0~... ..sc_201
00000700  65 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 4d 14 00 00 20  e.wve......M... 
00000710  22 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31 66 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ".sc_201f.wve...
00000720  00 00 18 19 08 00 00 70 36 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31  .......p6.sc_201
00000730  67 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 60 8d 05 00 00 90  g.wve.....`...
00000740  3e 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31 68 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  >.sc_201h.wve...
00000750  00 00 40 a9 05 00 00 20 44 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31  ..@©... D.sc_201
00000760  69 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 60 3b 05 00 00 d0  i.wve.....`;...Ð
00000770  49 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31 6a 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  I.sc_201j.wve...
00000780  00 00 70 37 05 00 00 10 4f 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31  ..p7....O.sc_201
00000790  6b 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 60 23 04 00 00 48  k.wve.....`#...H
000007a0  54 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31 6c 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  T.sc_201l.wve...
000007b0  00 00 90 3f 0e 00 00 70 58 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31  ..?...pX.sc_201
000007c0  6d 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 90 3f 0e 00 00 b0  m.wve.....?...°
000007d0  66 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31 6e 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  f.sc_201n.wve...
000007e0  00 00 90 84 0c 00 00 f0 74 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31  ..„...ðt.sc_201
000007f0  6f 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 e8 93 0f 00 00 78  o.wve.....è“...x
00000800  81 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31 70 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  .sc_201p.wve...
00000810  00 00 98 ef 0f 00 00 10 91 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31  ..˜ï....‘.sc_201
00000820  71 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 08 70 0f 00 00 00  q.wve......p....
00000830  a1 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31 72 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ¡.sc_201r.wve...
00000840  00 00 48 15 0f 00 00 78 b0 15 73 63 5f 32 30 31  ..H....x°.sc_201
00000850  73 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 b0 db 0c 00 00 90  s.wve.....°Û...
00000860  bf 15 73 63 5f 32 30 32 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ¿.sc_202a.wve...
00000870  00 00 d0 79 0d 00 00 70 cc 15 73 63 5f 32 30 32  ..Ðy...pÌ.sc_202
00000880  62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 a8 3f 06 00 00 f0  b.wve.....¨?...ð
00000890  d9 15 73 63 5f 32 30 32 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Ù.sc_202c.wve...
000008a0  00 00 98 67 03 00 00 30 e0 15 73 63 5f 32 30 32  ..˜g...0à.sc_202
000008b0  64 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 b8 39 03 00 00 98  d.wve.....¸9...˜
000008c0  e3 15 73 63 5f 32 30 32 65 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ã.sc_202e.wve...
000008d0  00 00 08 67 03 00 00 d8 e6 15 73 63 5f 32 30 32  ...g...Øæ.sc_202
000008e0  66 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 c8 0d 08 00 00 40  f.wve.....È....@
000008f0  ea 15 73 63 5f 32 30 32 67 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ê.sc_202g.wve...
00000900  00 00 90 3f 0e 00 00 50 f2 15 73 63 5f 32 30 32  ..?...Pò.sc_202
00000910  68 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 58 70 0d 00 00 90  h.wve.....Xp...
00000920  00 16 73 63 5f 32 30 32 69 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ..sc_202i.wve...
00000930  00 00 98 ac 1a 00 00 08 0e 16 73 63 5f 32 30 33  ..˜¬......sc_203
00000940  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 e0 d0 15 00 00 b8  a.wve.....àÐ...¸
00000950  28 16 73 63 5f 32 30 33 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  (.sc_203b.wve...
00000960  00 00 90 0c 13 00 00 90 3e 16 73 63 5f 32 30 35  ......>.sc_205
00000970  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 d8 d0 0f 00 00 a0  a.wve.....ØÐ... 
00000980  51 16 73 63 5f 32 30 35 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Q.sc_205b.wve...
00000990  00 00 20 92 16 00 00 78 61 16 73 63 5f 32 30 35  .. ’...xa.sc_205
000009a0  63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 c0 dd 10 00 00 10  c.wve.....ÀÝ....
000009b0  78 16 73 63 5f 32 30 35 64 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  x.sc_205d.wve...
000009c0  00 00 80 32 11 00 00 f0 88 16 73 63 5f 32 30 35  ..€2...ðˆ.sc_205
000009d0  65 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 a0 98 19 00 00 28  e.wve..... ˜...(
000009e0  9a 16 73 63 5f 32 30 35 66 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  š.sc_205f.wve...
000009f0  00 00 80 e8 14 00 00 c8 b3 16 73 63 5f 32 30 35  ..€è...ȳ.sc_205
00000a00  67 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 a8 a2 09 00 00 b8  g.wve.....¨¢...¸
00000a10  c8 16 73 63 5f 32 30 35 68 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  È.sc_205h.wve...
00000a20  00 00 80 de 0b 00 00 60 d2 16 73 63 5f 32 30 35  ..€Þ...`Ò.sc_205
00000a30  69 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 b0 9f 0a 00 00 40  i.wve.....°Ÿ...@
00000a40  de 16 73 63 5f 32 30 35 6a 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Þ.sc_205j.wve...
00000a50  00 00 50 0b 0e 00 00 e0 e8 16 73 63 5f 32 30 35  ..P....àè.sc_205
00000a60  6b 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 50 0b 0e 00 00 f0  k.wve.....P....ð
00000a70  f6 16 73 63 5f 32 30 35 6c 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ö.sc_205l.wve...
00000a80  00 00 28 f0 12 00 00 00 05 17 73 63 5f 32 30 35  ..(ð......sc_205
00000a90  6d 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 b0 06 0b 00 00 f8  m.wve.....°....ø
00000aa0  17 17 73 63 5f 32 30 35 6e 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ..sc_205n.wve...
00000ab0  00 00 40 e2 08 00 00 00 23 17 73 63 5f 32 30 35  ..@â....#.sc_205
00000ac0  70 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 09 00 00 e8  p.wve......$...è
00000ad0  2b 17 73 63 5f 32 30 35 72 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  +.sc_205r.wve...
00000ae0  00 00 58 10 0c 00 00 10 35 17 73 63 5f 32 30 35  ..X.....5.sc_205
00000af0  73 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 40 d8 08 00 00 28  s.wve.....@Ø...(
00000b00  41 17 73 63 5f 32 30 35 74 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  A.sc_205t.wve...
00000b10  00 00 c0 f8 0a 00 00 08 4a 17 73 63 5f 32 30 35  ..Àø....J.sc_205
00000b20  75 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 40 45 2d 00 00 08  u.wve.....@E-...
00000b30  55 17 73 63 5f 32 30 36 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  U.sc_206a.wve...
00000b40  00 00 78 38 37 00 00 50 82 17 73 63 5f 32 30 36  ..x87..P‚.sc_206
00000b50  62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 68 76 2a 00 00 90  b.wve.....hv*..
00000b60  b9 17 73 63 5f 32 30 36 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ¹.sc_206c.wve...
00000b70  00 00 c8 88 2b 00 00 08 e4 17 73 63 5f 32 30 36  ..Ȉ+...ä.sc_206
00000b80  64 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 b8 d8 2b 00 00 98  d.wve.....¸Ø+..˜
00000b90  0f 18 73 63 5f 32 30 36 65 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ..sc_206e.wve...
00000ba0  00 00 b0 13 04 00 00 78 3b 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37  ..°....x;.sc_207
00000bb0  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 40 ad 04 00 00 90  a.wve.....@~...
00000bc0  3f 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ?.sc_207b.wve...
00000bd0  00 00 50 27 04 00 00 40 44 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37  ..P'...@D.sc_207
00000be0  63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 a0 56 04 00 00 68  c.wve..... V...h
00000bf0  48 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37 64 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  H.sc_207d.wve...
00000c00  00 00 d0 fc 05 00 00 c0 4c 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37  ..Ðü...ÀL.sc_207
00000c10  65 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 60 de 10 00 00 c0  e.wve.....`Þ...À
00000c20  52 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37 66 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  R.sc_207f.wve...
00000c30  00 00 78 f8 12 00 00 a0 63 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37  ..xø... c.sc_207
00000c40  67 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 e8 17 0e 00 00 a0  g.wve.....è.... 
00000c50  76 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37 68 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  v.sc_207h.wve...
00000c60  00 00 f0 f7 0e 00 00 b8 84 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37  ..ð÷...¸„.sc_207
00000c70  69 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 70 73 19 00 00 b0  i.wve.....ps...°
00000c80  93 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37 6a 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  “.sc_207j.wve...
00000c90  00 00 b8 de 18 00 00 28 ad 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37  ..¸Þ...(~.sc_207
00000ca0  6b 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 80 e4 17 00 00 08  k.wve.....ۊ....
00000cb0  c6 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37 6c 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Æ.sc_207l.wve...
00000cc0  00 00 d0 f9 19 00 00 f0 dd 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37  ..Ðù...ðÝ.sc_207
00000cd0  6d 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 48 3d 18 00 00 f0  m.wve.....H=...ð
00000ce0  f7 18 73 63 5f 32 30 37 6e 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ÷.sc_207n.wve...
00000cf0  00 00 60 28 13 00 00 30 10 19 73 63 5f 32 30 37  ..`(...0..sc_207
00000d00  6f 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 10 fa 17 00 00 60  o.wve......ú...`
00000d10  23 19 73 63 5f 32 30 37 70 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  #.sc_207p.wve...
00000d20  00 00 58 95 06 00 00 60 3b 19 73 63 5f 32 30 39  ..X•...`;.sc_209
00000d30  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 88 5a 06 00 00 f8  a.wve.....ˆZ...ø
00000d40  41 19 73 63 5f 32 30 39 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  A.sc_209b.wve...
00000d50  00 00 d8 ad 06 00 00 58 48 19 73 63 5f 32 30 39  ..Ø~...XH.sc_209
00000d60  63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 18 0a 07 00 00 08  c.wve...........
00000d70  4f 19 73 63 5f 32 30 39 64 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  O.sc_209d.wve...
00000d80  00 00 c8 6f 06 00 00 18 56 19 73 63 5f 32 30 39  ..Èo....V.sc_209
00000d90  65 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 8f 0e 00 00 88  e.wve.........ˆ
00000da0  5c 19 73 63 5f 32 30 39 66 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  \.sc_209f.wve...
00000db0  00 00 18 e7 10 00 00 18 6b 19 73 63 5f 32 30 39  ...ç....k.sc_209
00000dc0  67 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 a8 ff 10 00 00 00  g.wve.....¨ÿ....
00000dd0  7c 19 73 63 5f 32 30 39 68 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  |.sc_209h.wve...
00000de0  00 00 a8 73 10 00 00 00 8d 19 73 63 5f 32 30 39  ..¨s.....sc_209
00000df0  69 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 98 03 11 00 00 78  i.wve.....˜....x
00000e00  9d 19 73 63 5f 32 30 39 6a 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  .sc_209j.wve...
00000e10  00 00 38 4e 11 00 00 80 ae 19 73 63 5f 32 30 39  ..8N...€®.sc_209
00000e20  6b 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 58 f1 09 00 00 d0  k.wve.....Xñ...Ð
00000e30  bf 19 73 63 5f 32 31 30 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ¿.sc_210a.wve...
00000e40  00 00 68 b9 09 00 00 c8 c9 19 73 63 5f 32 31 30  ..h¹...ÈÉ.sc_210
00000e50  62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 38 fb 08 00 00 88  b.wve.....8û...ˆ
00000e60  d3 19 73 63 5f 32 31 30 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Ó.sc_210c.wve...
00000e70  00 00 98 df 08 00 00 88 dc 19 73 63 5f 32 31 30  ..˜ß...ˆÜ.sc_210
00000e80  64 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 f8 2b 09 00 00 68  d.wve.....ø+...h
00000e90  e5 19 73 63 5f 32 31 30 65 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  å.sc_210e.wve...
00000ea0  00 00 80 47 17 00 00 98 ee 19 73 63 5f 32 31 30  ..€G...˜î.sc_210
00000eb0  66 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 78 52 0f 00 00 e0  f.wve.....xR...à
00000ec0  05 1a 73 63 5f 32 31 30 67 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ..sc_210g.wve...
00000ed0  00 00 d8 5c 0f 00 00 38 15 1a 73 63 5f 32 31 30  ..Ø\...8..sc_210
00000ee0  68 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 18 ca 0e 00 00 98  h.wve......Ê...˜
00000ef0  24 1a 73 63 5f 32 31 30 69 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  $.sc_210i.wve...
00000f00  00 00 28 a1 0e 00 00 68 33 1a 73 63 5f 32 31 30  ..(¡...h3.sc_210
00000f10  6a 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 98 b5 0e 00 00 10  j.wve.....˜µ....
00000f20  42 1a 73 63 5f 32 31 30 6b 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  B.sc_210k.wve...
00000f30  00 00 b0 62 27 00 00 c8 50 1a 73 63 5f 32 31 31  ..°b'..ÈP.sc_211
00000f40  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 b8 02 23 00 00 30  a.wve.....¸.#..0
00000f50  78 1a 73 63 5f 32 31 31 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  x.sc_211b.wve...
00000f60  00 00 30 c1 3f 00 00 38 9b 1a 73 63 5f 32 31 31  ..0Á?..8›.sc_211
00000f70  63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 30 44 1b 00 00 00  c.wve.....0D....
00000f80  db 1a 73 63 5f 32 31 33 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Û.sc_213a.wve...
00000f90  00 00 10 2f 0b 00 00 48 f6 1a 73 63 5f 32 31 33  .../...Hö.sc_213
00000fa0  62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 50 c1 0a 00 00 78  b.wve.....PÁ...x
00000fb0  01 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ..sc_213c.wve...
00000fc0  00 00 50 43 0a 00 00 40 0c 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33  ..PC...@..sc_213
00000fd0  64 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 80 b9 0b 00 00 88  d.wve.....€¹...ˆ
00000fe0  16 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33 65 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ..sc_213e.wve...
00000ff0  00 00 90 99 0b 00 00 48 22 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33  ..™...H".sc_213
00001000  66 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 50 cb 09 00 00 e8  f.wve.....PË...è
00001010  2d 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33 67 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  -.sc_213g.wve...
00001020  00 00 50 a4 0a 00 00 b8 37 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33  ..P¤...¸7.sc_213
00001030  68 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 50 a4 0a 00 00 60  h.wve.....P¤...`
00001040  42 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33 69 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  B.sc_213i.wve...
00001050  00 00 30 78 0b 00 00 08 4d 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33  ..0x....M.sc_213
00001060  6a 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 58 76 2c 00 00 88  j.wve.....Xv,..ˆ
00001070  58 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33 6b 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  X.sc_213k.wve...
00001080  00 00 b0 32 03 00 00 00 85 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33  ..°2....….sc_213
00001090  6c 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 10 3c 03 00 00 38  l.wve......<...8
000010a0  88 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33 6d 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ˆ.sc_213m.wve...
000010b0  00 00 60 95 03 00 00 78 8b 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33  ..`•...x‹.sc_213
000010c0  6e 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 10 87 03 00 00 10  n.wve......‡....
000010d0  8f 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33 6f 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  .sc_213o.wve...
000010e0  00 00 d0 05 03 00 00 98 92 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33  ..Ð....˜’.sc_213
000010f0  70 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 70 19 03 00 00 a0  p.wve.....p.... 
00001100  95 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33 71 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  •.sc_213q.wve...
00001110  00 00 d0 7a 03 00 00 c0 98 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33  ..Ðz...À˜.sc_213
00001120  72 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 18 8d 14 00 00 40  r.wve.........@
00001130  9c 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 33 73 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  œ.sc_213s.wve...
00001140  00 00 40 21 12 00 00 d0 b0 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..@!...а.sc_214
00001150  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 b8 8d 0d 00 00 f8  a.wve.....¸...ø
00001160  c2 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 34 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Â.sc_214b.wve...
00001170  00 00 38 11 0e 00 00 88 d0 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..8....ˆÐ.sc_214
00001180  63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 c0 da 08 00 00 a0  c.wve.....ÀÚ... 
00001190  de 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 34 64 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Þ.sc_214d.wve...
000011a0  00 00 c0 03 12 00 00 80 e7 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..À....€ç.sc_214
000011b0  65 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 88 db 0e 00 00 88  e.wve.....ˆÛ...ˆ
000011c0  f9 1b 73 63 5f 32 31 34 66 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ù.sc_214f.wve...
000011d0  00 00 98 e4 10 00 00 68 08 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..˜ä...h..sc_214
000011e0  67 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 68 4a 0d 00 00 50  g.wve.....hJ...P
000011f0  19 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34 68 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ..sc_214h.wve...
00001200  00 00 e8 a7 0e 00 00 a0 26 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..è§... &.sc_214
00001210  69 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 c8 d2 0f 00 00 48  i.wve.....ÈÒ...H
00001220  35 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34 6a 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  5.sc_214j.wve...
00001230  00 00 90 1a 0c 00 00 20 45 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ...... E.sc_214
00001240  6b 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 d0 7c 0c 00 00 40  k.wve.....Ð|...@
00001250  51 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34 6c 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Q.sc_214l.wve...
00001260  00 00 e0 46 11 00 00 c0 5d 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..àF...À].sc_214
00001270  6d 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 90 65 0f 00 00 08  m.wve.....e....
00001280  6f 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34 6e 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  o.sc_214n.wve...
00001290  00 00 e0 80 10 00 00 70 7e 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..à€...p~.sc_214
000012a0  6f 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 60 53 0b 00 00 f8  o.wve.....`S...ø
000012b0  8e 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34 70 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Ž.sc_214p.wve...
000012c0  00 00 b0 f4 15 00 00 50 9a 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..°ô...Pš.sc_214
000012d0  71 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 c8 ff 13 00 00 48  q.wve.....Èÿ...H
000012e0  b0 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34 72 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  °.sc_214r.wve...
000012f0  00 00 a0 52 0a 00 00 48 c4 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34  .. R...HÄ.sc_214
00001300  73 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 60 1c 0b 00 00 a0  s.wve.....`.... 
00001310  ce 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34 74 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  Î.sc_214t.wve...
00001320  00 00 48 1b 07 00 00 c0 d9 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..H....ÀÙ.sc_214
00001330  75 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 38 43 07 00 00 e0  u.wve.....8C...à
00001340  e0 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34 76 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  à.sc_214v.wve...
00001350  00 00 98 04 0a 00 00 28 e8 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..˜....(è.sc_214
00001360  77 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 d0 f1 19 00 00 30  w.wve.....Ðñ...0
00001370  f2 1c 73 63 5f 32 31 34 78 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ò.sc_214x.wve...
00001380  00 00 d0 19 0b 00 00 28 0c 1d 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..Ð....(..sc_214
00001390  79 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 90 2b 0f 00 00 48  y.wve.....+...H
000013a0  17 1d 73 63 5f 32 31 34 7a 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ..sc_214z.wve...
000013b0  00 00 b8 dd 10 00 00 78 26 1d 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..¸Ý...x&.sc_214
000013c0  61 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 38 98 0f 00 00 58  aa.wve....8˜...X
000013d0  37 1d 73 63 5f 32 31 34 62 62 2e 77 76 65 00 00  7.sc_214bb.wve..
000013e0  00 00 d8 fa 06 00 00 f8 46 1d 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..Øú...øF.sc_214
000013f0  63 63 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 80 30 0b 00 00 f8  cc.wve....€0...ø
00001400  4d 1d 73 63 5f 32 31 34 64 64 2e 77 76 65 00 00  M.sc_214dd.wve..
00001410  00 00 f8 7e 1a 00 00 30 59 1d 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..ø~...0Y.sc_214
00001420  66 66 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 50 33 03 00 00 b0  ff.wve....P3...°
00001430  73 1d 73 63 5f 32 31 34 67 67 2e 77 76 65 00 00  s.sc_214gg.wve..
00001440  00 00 e0 95 03 00 00 e8 76 1d 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..à•...èv.sc_214
00001450  69 69 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 70 7e 03 00 00 80  ii.wve....p~...€
00001460  7a 1d 73 63 5f 32 31 34 6a 6a 2e 77 76 65 00 00  z.sc_214jj.wve..
00001470  00 00 50 05 03 00 00 00 7e 1d 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..P.....~.sc_214
00001480  6b 6b 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 20 78 03 00 00 08  kk.wve.... x....
00001490  81 1d 73 63 5f 32 31 34 6c 6c 2e 77 76 65 00 00  .sc_214ll.wve..
000014a0  00 00 f0 e6 0d 00 00 88 84 1d 73 63 5f 32 31 34  ..ðæ...ˆ„.sc_214
000014b0  6d 6d 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 60 64 37 00 00 70  mm.wve....`d7..p
000014c0  92 1d 73 63 5f 35 31 32 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ’.sc_512a.wve...
000014d0  00 00 58 fa 20 00 00 d8 c9 1d 73 63 5f 35 31 33  ..Xú ..ØÉ.sc_513
000014e0  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 28 95 24 00 00 d8  a.wve.....(•$..Ø
000014f0  ea 1d 73 63 5f 35 30 31 61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00  ê.sc_501a.wve...
00001500  00 00 a8 e5 3c 00 00 70 0f 1e 73 63 5f 35 30 32  ..¨å<..p..sc_502
00001510  61 2e 77 76 65 00 00 00 00 00 88 b7 4e 00 00 58  a.wve.....ˆ·N..X
00001520  4c 1e 73 63 5f 35 30 33 61 2e 77 76 65           L.sc_503a.wve

Notice that the naming convention is very similar to that used on the wc4 DVD (sc_501a.wve). This section is followed by zero values, and then the bulk of the video file. I did not see any of the telltale signs that it would be the same as the MVEs of the PC or 3DO version. Ther were no AUDI or PAL or VGA markers or any other inteligible text in this file. Interestingly though, the file PROFILE1.LIB contains the IFF files but also contains ALL the subtitles in english, french, and german. In one section it's devided between pilots/ enemies etc. So each character and ship has his/ its own section as follows:

000033d8 46 4f FO
000033f4 52 4d 00 00 04 74 52 41 44 49 49 4e 46 4f 00 00 00 22 00 e5 43 6c 79 64 65 00 00 00 RM...tRADIINFO...".åClyde...
00003410 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 49 52 45 43 4c 41 57 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 53 4f 4e 44 ........FIRECLAW........SOND
0000342c 00 00 00 7e 0a 00 00 00 ee 2a 00 00 69 66 67 6b 64 74 30 35 2e 74 61 69 00 21 00 00 ...~....î*..ifgkdt05.tai.!..
00003448 00 ee 2a 00 00 69 66 67 6b 67 74 32 35 2e 74 61 69 00 22 00 00 00 ee 2a 00 00 69 66 .î*..ifgkgt25.tai."...î*..if
00003464 67 6b 67 74 32 36 2e 74 61 69 00 23 00 00 00 ee 2a 00 00 69 66 67 6b 67 74 32 37 2e gkgt26.tai.#...î*..ifgkgt27.
00003480 74 61 69 00 24 00 00 00 ee 2a 00 00 69 66 67 6b 67 74 32 38 2e 74 61 69 00 25 00 00 tai.$...î*..ifgkgt28.tai.%..
0000349c 00 ee 2a 00 00 69 66 67 6b 67 74 32 39 2e 74 61 69 00 46 4d 56 00 00 00 00 4c 00 00 .î*..ifgkgt29.tai.FMV....L..
000034b8 37 49 cd 00 73 63 5f 31 38 35 61 61 2e 6d 76 65 00 01 00 10 c3 cd 00 73 63 5f 31 38 7IÍ.sc_185aa.mve....ÃÍ.sc_18
000034d4 35 61 63 2e 6d 76 65 00 02 00 a8 06 ce 00 73 63 5f 31 38 35 61 64 2e 6d 76 65 00 03 5ac.mve...¨.Î.sc_185ad.mve..
000034f0 00 d9 6c cf 00 73 63 5f 31 38 35 61 68 2e 6d 76 65 00 4f 50 54 53 00 00 00 01 6e 00 .ÙlÏ.sc_185ah.mve.OPTS....n.
0000350c 4d 53 47 53 00 00 01 2c 0a 03 28 00 00 00 e8 03 00 00 03 00 00 00 41 68 68 68 21 20 MSGS...,..(...è.......Ahhh!
00003528 41 61 61 61 68 21 20 41 61 61 61 68 21 20 49 20 61 6d 20 73 6c 61 69 6e 21 00 21 01 Aaaah! Aaaah! I am slain!.!.
00003544 01 00 00 00 34 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 59 6f 75 20 61 72 65 20 77 6f 72 74 68 20 6c 65 ....4.......You are worth le
00003560 73 73 20 74 68 61 6e 20 74 68 65 20 64 75 6e 67 20 6f 6e 20 52 69 6b 61 72 20 33 21 ss than the dung on Rikar 3!
0000357c 00 22 01 01 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 69 67 68 74 20 79 6f 75 20 73 63 75 .".............Fight you scu
00003598 6d 21 00 23 01 01 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 59 6f 75 20 64 61 72 65 20 74 6f m!.#.....%.......You dare to
000035b4 20 62 61 74 74 6c 65 20 77 69 74 68 20 6d 65 21 00 24 01 01 00 00 00 2b 00 00 00 00 battle with me!.$.....+....
000035d0 00 00 00 59 6f 75 20 70 75 6e 79 20 66 75 72 6c 65 73 73 20 66 72 65 61 6b 21 00 25 ...You puny furless freak!.%
000035ec 01 01 00 00 00 4c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 57 68 79 20 77 61 73 74 65 20 74 69 6d 65 20 .....L.......Why waste time
00003608 77 69 74 68 20 79 6f 75 72 20 6d 61 6e 65 75 76 65 72 73 2c 20 54 65 72 72 61 6e 3f with your maneuvers, Terran?
00003624 0a 2e 2e 2e 79 6f 75 72 20 64 65 61 74 68 20 69 73 20 69 6d 6d 69 6e 65 6e 74 21 00 ....your death is imminent!.
00003640 4d 53 47 47 00 00 01 20 0a 03 28 00 00 00 e8 03 00 00 03 00 00 00 41 61 61 61 68 21 MSGG... ..(...è.......Aaaah!
0000365c 20 4d 69 63 68 20 68 61 74 27 73 20 65 72 77 69 73 63 68 74 21 00 21 00 01 00 00 00 Mich hat's erwischt!.!.....
00003678 34 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 44 75 20 62 69 73 74 20 77 65 6e 69 67 65 72 20 77 65 72 74 4.......Du bist weniger wert
00003694 20 61 6c 73 20 44 75 6e 67 21 00 22 00 01 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4b 8e 6d als Dung!.".............KŽm
000036b0 70 66 65 2c 20 64 75 20 4d 69 73 74 6b 65 72 6c 21 00 23 00 01 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 pfe, du Mistkerl!.#.....%...
000036cc 00 00 00 00 44 75 20 77 61 67 73 74 20 65 73 2c 20 6d 69 74 20 6d 69 72 20 7a 75 20 ....Du wagst es, mit mir zu
000036e8 6b 8e 6d 70 66 65 6e 3f 00 24 02 01 00 00 00 2b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 44 75 20 68 61 kŽmpfen?.$.....+.......Du ha
00003704 61 72 6c 6f 73 65 20 4d 69 73 73 67 65 62 75 72 74 21 00 25 00 01 00 00 00 4c 00 00 arlose Missgeburt!.%.....L..
00003720 00 00 00 00 00 57 61 72 75 6d 20 76 65 72 67 65 75 64 65 73 74 20 64 75 20 6d 65 69 .....Warum vergeudest du mei
0000373c 6e 65 20 5a 65 69 74 3f 20 0a 44 65 69 6e 20 54 6f 64 20 73 74 65 68 74 20 75 6e 6d ne Zeit? .Dein Tod steht unm
00003758 69 74 74 65 6c 62 61 72 20 62 65 76 6f 72 21 00 4d 53 47 46 00 00 00 fd 0a 03 28 00 ittelbar bevor!.MSGF...ý..(.
00003774 00 00 10 27 00 00 03 00 00 00 41 61 61 61 68 21 20 4a 65 20 73 75 69 73 20 74 6f 75 ...'......Aaaah! Je suis tou
00003790 63 68 45 21 00 21 00 01 00 00 00 34 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54 75 20 6e 27 65 73 20 71 chE!.!.....4.......Tu n'es q
000037ac 75 27 75 6e 20 72 45 73 69 64 75 20 64 27 65 78 63 72 45 6d 65 6e 74 73 21 00 22 00 u'un rEsidu d'excrEments!.".
000037c8 01 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 42 61 74 73 2d 74 6f 69 2c 20 76 65 72 6d 69 73 ............Bats-toi, vermis
000037e4 73 65 61 75 21 00 23 00 01 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54 75 20 6f 73 65 73 20 seau!.#.....%.......Tu oses
00003800 6d 65 20 63 6f 6d 62 61 74 74 72 65 3f 00 24 02 01 00 00 00 2b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 me combattre?.$.....+.......
0000381c 4d 69 73 45 72 61 62 6c 65 20 73 69 6e 67 65 20 73 61 6e 73 20 66 6f 75 72 72 75 72 MisErable singe sans fourrur
00003838 65 21 00 25 00 01 00 00 00 4c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4d 61 6e 6f 65 75 76 72 65 73 20 e!.%.....L.......Manoeuvres
00003854 69 6e 75 74 69 6c 65 73 21 0a 54 75 20 76 61 73 20 6d 6f 75 72 69 72 21 00 00 inutiles!.Tu vas mourir!..

It starts with mentioning that its a form for Radio Info, It lists then the sound files associated with it (*.tai) and an acompanying video that plays... But they are listed as MVE files this time!

These are the Comm videos that play in the cockpit. The subtitles that accompany the cinematics are not redily visible in any of the files on the disk. If the subtitles for the movie files are present they are most likely encripted within the MOVIES1.LIB file

The TAI and MVE files that are called here are actually found in the INFLIGHT.LIB file. A short sample of the index looks like this:

00000000  41 02 80 1e 00 00 00 38 00 00 30 30 74 6f 6c 72 6c 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  A.€....8..00tolrl.tai...
00000018  00 00 64 8e 0b 00 00 58 00 00 73 63 5f 31 35 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00 00  ..dŽ...X..sc_15.mve.....
00000030  00 00 90 bd 00 00 00 e8 0b 00 61 31 73 70 66 65 69 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00  ..½...è..a1spfei1.tai..
00000048  00 00 dc b9 12 00 00 a8 0c 00 73 63 5f 31 35 61 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00  ..ܹ...¨..sc_15a.mve....
00000060  00 00 a0 cf 00 00 00 68 1f 00 61 31 73 70 66 65 69 32 2e 74 61 69 00 00  .. Ï...h..a1spfei2.tai..
00000078  00 00 dc 3a 05 00 00 38 20 00 73 63 5f 31 39 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00 00  ..Ü:...8 .sc_19.mve.....
00000090  00 00 20 49 00 00 00 78 25 00 61 32 73 70 66 72 6c 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00  .. I...x%.a2spfrl1.tai..
000000a8  00 00 fc 3d 06 00 00 c8 25 00 73 63 5f 31 39 61 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00  ..ü=...È%.sc_19a.mve....
000000c0  00 00 b0 61 00 00 00 08 2c 00 61 32 73 70 66 72 6c 32 2e 74 61 69 00 00  ..°a....,.a2spfrl2.tai..
000000d8  00 00 4c 6c 07 00 00 70 2c 00 73 63 5f 32 31 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00 00  ..Ll...p,.sc_21.mve.....
000000f0  00 00 50 51 00 00 00 e0 33 00 61 33 73 70 66 72 6c 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00  ..PQ...à3.a3spfrl1.tai..
00000108  00 00 bc 9d 09 00 00 38 34 00 73 63 5f 32 31 61 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00  ..¼...84.sc_21a.mve....
00000120  00 00 f0 7b 00 00 00 d8 3d 00 61 33 73 70 66 72 6c 32 2e 74 61 69 00 00  ..ð{...Ø=.a3spfrl2.tai..
00000138  00 00 14 c6 0f 00 00 58 3e 00 73 63 5f 32 34 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00 00  ...Æ...X>.sc_24.mve.....
00000150  00 00 20 fb 00 00 00 20 4e 00 61 34 73 70 66 72 6c 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00  .. û... N.a4spfrl1.tai..
00000168  00 00 cc de 10 00 00 20 4f 00 73 63 5f 32 34 61 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00  ..ÌÞ... O.sc_24a.mve....
00000180  00 00 30 1f 01 00 00 00 60 00 61 34 73 70 66 72 6c 32 2e 74 61 69 00 00  ..0.....`.a4spfrl2.tai..
00000198  00 00 7c c9 17 00 00 20 61 00 73 63 5f 32 38 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00 00  ..|É... a.sc_28.mve.....
000001b0  00 00 a0 78 01 00 00 f0 78 00 62 31 73 70 66 72 6c 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00  .. x...ðx.b1spfrl1.tai..
000001c8  00 00 a4 ad 15 00 00 70 7a 00 73 63 5f 32 38 61 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00  ..¤~...pz.sc_28a.mve....
000001e0  00 00 20 4d 01 00 00 20 90 00 62 31 73 70 66 72 6c 32 2e 74 61 69 00 00  .. M... .b1spfrl2.tai..
000001f8  00 00 dc a0 0a 00 00 70 91 00 73 63 5f 33 33 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00 00  ..Ü ...p‘.sc_33.mve.....
00000210  00 00 50 7a 00 00 00 18 9c 00 62 32 73 70 66 72 6c 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00  ..Pz....œ.b2spfrl1.tai..
00000228  00 00 cc 2b 0e 00 00 98 9c 00 73 63 5f 33 33 61 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00  ..Ì+...˜œ.sc_33a.mve....
00000240  00 00 f0 9b 00 00 00 c8 aa 00 62 32 73 70 66 72 6c 32 2e 74 61 69 00 00  ..ð›...Ȫ.b2spfrl2.tai..
00000258  00 00 f4 75 11 00 00 68 ab 00 73 63 5f 33 33 62 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00  ..ôu...h«.sc_33b.mve....
00000270  00 00 70 b5 00 00 00 e0 bc 00 62 32 73 70 66 72 6c 33 2e 74 61 69 00 00  ..pµ...à¼.b2spfrl3.tai..
00000288  00 00 f4 75 11 00 00 98 bd 00 73 63 5f 33 33 63 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00  ..ôu...˜½.sc_33c.mve....
000002a0  00 00 20 d2 00 00 00 10 cf 00 62 32 73 70 66 72 6c 34 2e 74 61 69 00 00  .. Ò....Ï.b2spfrl4.tai..
000002b8  00 00 9c e5 20 00 00 e8 cf 00 73 63 5f 33 38 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00 00  ..œå ..èÏ.sc_38.mve.....
000002d0  00 00 64 73 1e 00 00 d0 f0 00 73 63 5f 33 38 61 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00  ..ds...Ðð.sc_38a.mve....
000002e8  00 00 00 e9 01 00 00 48 0f 01 63 32 73 70 66 72 6c 32 2e 74 61 69 00 00  ...é...H..c2spfrl2.tai..
00000300  00 00 80 1e 00 00 00 38 11 01 62 65 74 74 79 30 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..€....8..betty01.tai...
00000318  00 00 90 19 00 00 00 58 11 01 62 65 74 74 79 30 32 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ......X..betty02.tai...
00000330  00 00 50 1f 00 00 00 78 11 01 62 65 74 74 79 30 33 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..P....x..betty03.tai...
00000348  00 00 80 35 00 00 00 98 11 01 62 65 74 74 79 30 34 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..€5...˜..betty04.tai...
00000360  00 00 20 37 00 00 00 d0 11 01 62 65 74 74 79 30 35 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  .. 7...Ð..betty05.tai...
00000378  00 00 f0 2e 00 00 00 08 12 01 62 65 74 74 79 30 36 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..ð.......betty06.tai...
00000390  00 00 40 2d 00 00 00 38 12 01 62 65 74 74 79 30 37 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..@-...8..betty07.tai...
000003a8  00 00 a0 34 00 00 00 68 12 01 62 65 74 74 79 30 38 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  .. 4...h..betty08.tai...
000003c0  00 00 10 25 00 00 00 a0 12 01 62 65 74 74 79 30 39 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ...%... ..betty09.tai...
000003d8  00 00 30 24 00 00 00 c8 12 01 62 65 74 74 79 31 30 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..0$...È..betty10.tai...
000003f0  00 00 00 33 00 00 00 f0 12 01 62 65 74 74 79 31 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ...3...ð..betty11.tai...
00000408  00 00 00 4a 00 00 00 28 13 01 62 65 74 74 79 31 32 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ...J...(..betty12.tai...
00000420  00 00 20 2e 00 00 00 78 13 01 62 65 74 74 79 31 33 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  .. ....x..betty13.tai...
00000438  00 00 60 11 00 00 00 a8 13 01 62 65 74 74 79 31 34 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..`....¨..betty14.tai...
00000450  00 00 80 1e 00 00 00 c0 13 01 62 65 74 74 79 31 35 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..€....À..betty15.tai...
00000468  00 00 30 24 00 00 00 e0 13 01 62 65 74 74 79 31 36 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..0$...à..betty16.tai...
00000480  00 00 b0 1d 00 00 00 08 14 01 62 65 74 74 79 31 37 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..°.......betty17.tai...
00000498  00 00 80 1e 00 00 00 28 14 01 62 65 74 74 79 31 38 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..€....(..betty18.tai...
000004b0  00 00 c0 21 00 00 00 48 14 01 62 65 74 74 79 31 39 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..À!...H..betty19.tai...
000004c8  00 00 80 1e 00 00 00 70 14 01 62 65 74 74 79 32 30 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..€....p..betty20.tai...
000004e0  00 00 80 1e 00 00 00 90 14 01 69 66 61 6a 68 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..€......ifajhd.tai....
000004f8  00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 b0 14 01 69 66 61 6a 69 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  .......°..ifajid.tai....
00000510  00 00 e0 25 00 00 00 d0 14 01 69 66 61 6a 6b 66 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..à%...Ð..ifajkf.tai....
00000528  00 00 e0 2e 00 00 00 f8 14 01 69 66 61 6a 6d 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..à....ø..ifajmd.tai....
00000540  00 00 d0 1c 00 00 00 28 15 01 69 66 61 6a 6e 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..Ð....(..ifajnd.tai....
00000558  00 00 a0 1d 00 00 00 48 15 01 69 66 61 6a 6e 68 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  .. ....H..ifajnh.tai....
00000570  00 00 40 1f 00 00 00 68 15 01 69 66 61 6a 73 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..@....h..ifajsd.tai....
00000588  00 00 b0 26 00 00 00 88 15 01 69 66 62 65 68 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..°&...ˆ..ifbehd.tai....
000005a0  00 00 20 20 00 00 00 b0 15 01 69 66 62 65 6b 66 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..  ...°..ifbekf.tai....
000005b8  00 00 a0 2b 00 00 00 d8 15 01 69 66 62 65 6d 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  .. +...Ø..ifbemd.tai....
000005d0  00 00 80 1e 00 00 00 08 16 01 69 66 62 65 6e 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..€.......ifbend.tai....
000005e8  00 00 a0 1d 00 00 00 28 16 01 69 66 62 65 6e 68 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  .. ....(..ifbenh.tai....
00000600  00 00 d0 2a 00 00 00 48 16 01 69 66 62 65 73 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..Ð*...H..ifbesd.tai....
00000618  00 00 d0 41 00 00 00 78 16 01 69 66 62 6c 30 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00 00  ..ÐA...x..ifbl0.tai.....
00000630  00 00 e0 3c 00 00 00 c0 16 01 69 66 62 6c 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00 00  ..à<...À..ifbl1.tai.....
00000648  00 00 10 2e 00 00 00 00 17 01 69 66 62 6c 32 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00 00  ..........ifbl2.tai.....
00000660  00 00 40 3b 00 00 00 30 17 01 69 66 62 6c 33 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00 00  ..@;...0..ifbl3.tai.....
00000678  00 00 60 31 00 00 00 70 17 01 69 66 62 6c 34 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00 00  ..`1...p..ifbl4.tai.....
00000690  00 00 b0 2f 00 00 00 a8 17 01 69 66 62 6c 35 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00 00  ..°/...¨..ifbl5.tai.....
000006a8  00 00 a0 4b 00 00 00 d8 17 01 69 66 62 6c 36 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00 00  .. K...Ø..ifbl6.tai.....
000006c0  00 00 c0 58 00 00 00 28 18 01 69 66 62 6c 37 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00 00  ..ÀX...(..ifbl7.tai.....
000006d8  00 00 d0 2a 00 00 00 88 18 01 69 66 62 6c 38 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00 00  ..Ð*...ˆ..ifbl8.tai.....
000006f0  00 00 c0 46 00 00 00 b8 18 01 69 66 62 6c 39 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00 00  ..ÀF...¸..ifbl9.tai.....
00000708  00 00 00 73 00 00 00 00 19 01 69 66 62 6c 6e 6f 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ...s......ifblno.tai....
00000720  00 00 c0 58 00 00 00 78 19 01 69 66 62 6c 74 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..ÀX...x..ifblt1.tai....
00000738  00 00 b0 5d 00 00 00 d8 19 01 69 66 62 6c 74 32 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..°]...Ø..ifblt2.tai....
00000750  00 00 10 5c 00 00 00 38 1a 01 69 66 62 6c 74 33 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ...\...8..ifblt3.tai....
00000768  00 00 d0 3c 00 00 00 98 1a 01 69 66 62 6c 74 34 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..Ð<...˜..ifblt4.tai....
00000780  00 00 60 48 00 00 00 d8 1a 01 69 66 62 6c 74 35 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..`H...Ø..ifblt5.tai....
00000798  00 00 a0 62 00 00 00 28 1b 01 69 66 62 6c 74 36 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  .. b...(..ifblt6.tai....
000007b0  00 00 d0 86 00 00 00 90 1b 01 69 66 62 6c 74 39 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..І.....ifblt9.tai....
000007c8  00 00 a0 79 00 00 00 18 1c 01 69 66 62 6c 74 31 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  .. y......ifblt11.tai...
000007e0  00 00 10 73 00 00 00 98 1c 01 69 66 62 6c 74 31 35 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ...s...˜..ifblt15.tai...
000007f8  00 00 80 55 00 00 00 10 1d 01 69 66 62 6c 79 65 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..€U......ifblye.tai....
00000810  00 00 30 1b 00 00 00 68 1d 01 69 66 62 6d 68 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..0....h..ifbmhd.tai....
00000828  00 00 90 19 00 00 00 88 1d 01 69 66 62 6d 69 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ......ˆ..ifbmid.tai....
00000840  00 00 c0 21 00 00 00 a8 1d 01 69 66 62 6d 6b 66 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..À!...¨..ifbmkf.tai....
00000858  00 00 50 1f 00 00 00 d0 1d 01 69 66 62 6d 6d 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..P....Ð..ifbmmd.tai....
00000870  00 00 10 17 00 00 00 f0 1d 01 69 66 62 6d 6e 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  .......ð..ifbmnd.tai....
00000888  00 00 c0 18 00 00 00 08 1e 01 69 66 62 6d 6e 68 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  ..À.......ifbmnh.tai....
000008a0  00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 28 1e 01 69 66 62 6d 73 64 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00 00  .......(..ifbmsd.tai....
000008b8  00 00 6c bc 05 00 00 48 1e 01 73 63 5f 35 37 35 61 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00  ..l¼...H..sc_575a.mve...
000008d0  00 00 04 85 08 00 00 08 24 01 73 63 5f 35 38 31 61 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00  ...…....$.sc_581a.mve...
000008e8  00 00 04 85 08 00 00 90 2c 01 73 63 5f 35 39 30 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00  ...…...,.sc_590.mve....
00000900  00 00 8c 0c 04 00 00 18 35 01 73 63 5f 35 39 32 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00  ..Œ.....5.sc_592.mve....
00000918  00 00 74 69 0d 00 00 28 39 01 73 63 5f 36 30 37 2e 6d 76 65 00 00 00 00  ..ti...(9.sc_607.mve....
00000930  00 00 60 1a 00 00 00 98 46 01 69 66 63 62 61 62 30 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..`....˜F.ifcbab0.tai...
00000948  00 00 00 13 00 00 00 b8 46 01 69 66 63 62 61 62 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  .......¸F.ifcbab1.tai...
00000960  00 00 a0 14 00 00 00 d0 46 01 69 66 63 62 61 6e 30 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  .. ....ÐF.ifcban0.tai...
00000978  00 00 c0 18 00 00 00 e8 46 01 69 66 63 62 61 6e 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..À....èF.ifcban1.tai...
00000990  00 00 30 1b 00 00 00 08 47 01 69 66 63 62 63 70 30 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..0.....G.ifcbcp0.tai...
000009a8  00 00 d0 1c 00 00 00 28 47 01 69 66 63 62 63 70 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..Ð....(G.ifcbcp1.tai...
000009c0  00 00 80 10 00 00 00 48 47 01 69 66 63 62 65 6a 30 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..€....HG.ifcbej0.tai...
000009d8  00 00 10 17 00 00 00 60 47 01 69 66 63 62 65 6a 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  .......`G.ifcbej1.tai...
000009f0  00 00 40 16 00 00 00 78 47 01 69 66 63 62 65 6e 30 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..@....xG.ifcben0.tai...
00000a08  00 00 d0 13 00 00 00 90 47 01 69 66 63 62 65 6e 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..Ð....G.ifcben1.tai...
00000a20  00 00 30 1b 00 00 00 a8 47 01 69 66 63 62 65 73 30 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  ..0....¨G.ifcbes0.tai...
00000a38  00 00 00 13 00 00 00 c8 47 01 69 66 63 62 65 73 31 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  .......ÈG.ifcbes1.tai...
00000a50  00 00 a0 14 00 00 00 e0 47 01 69 66 63 62 66 66 30 2e 74 61 69 00 00 00  .. ....àG.ifcbff0.tai...

I'm guessing the characters preceding a file name tell us where in the file to find it, which is good because like Movies1.LIB theres not much readily discernable from the code (to me). There doesnt seem to be the VGA and AUDI block markers either anywhere, though I suppose it's possible it has some kind of internal encryption. Either way, the fact that the subtitles are kept separate indicated that it is atleast a little different than the MVEs of the 3DO or PC.

Regarding the WVE files in MOVIES1.LIB it is possible it may be related to the WVE files used for the comm videos in WC:secret ops. That one is very similar to a later EA game Janes F/18 (I think that was the version). But in both of those cases the video and audio were stored separately and played togerther by the program...

Game Credits are listed at the end of ROOT1.LIB They include a cookie recipe!!! :
Recipe for Chocolate chip Cookies 1 Cup Sugar TEXT 1/2 cup Chocolate chips TEXT 1 cup of flour TEXT 1/2 teaspoon baking powder TEXT oh heck, you figure it out

So to recap, some subtitles *are* on the disk, and in French and German. But there doesnt seem to be a way to turn them on without a hack (which is a little more difficult than hacking a PC version). And for now the subtitles for the cinematics are missing.
A little further on "missing" subtitles... This time regarding the WCIV DVD. THere doesn't seem to be a way to display the subtitles along with the movies in this version either. But... THer subtitles are all present within Language.tre and in the three main languages as well. So is it the mpeg2 overlay that is making them not show up? or are the mpeg2 not designed to call them in the same way as they would be in the non-dvd version? There is not subtitle track present in the actual VOBs for example so it woulnt make any difference if your DVD software defaults to show subtitles.
I see...However i'm still trying to track down a PAL version of WC3 for PSX just to make sure that i remember well that the subs were present in that version.As for the DVD version of WC4 i didn't know that.That is pitty cause i already got it yesterday.Do you think that in the future someone will attempt to fix this one?