Malcolm McDonnell


Hey for all you fans of the guy who portrayed Tolwyn in WC...he's on "The David Cassidy Story" on NBC right now.....9:00/8:00 EST/CT
Man I'm good with typos today...of course it's "McDowell" not "McDonnell"...whoops! my mistake.....
Cool. He was in something I was watching today, but I can't remember what it was.

No one is watching until you screw up, then all hell will break loose.

When I'm in the cockpit, Knight never falls.

Even if you COULD pay the price, I'd just raise it. :)
Actually, he's been in quite a few shows these days (surprisingly... ).

You'll find him around in the late nights.
He was on the O'Riely Factor (SP?) a month or so ago. Said he didn't give a damn what is fans/critics thought about him, understandable. He was plugging a movie.
Anyone ever heard of the movie Caligula? Let's just say you see more of McDowell than you wanted to.

Doing the bull dance. Feeling the flow.
I didn't really know he did that sort of thing... :P

"This matter winds itself ever in new riddles.", Faramir - The Lord of The Rings
...Back in the 70s.

Doing the bull dance. Feeling the flow.
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He was that scienstist from Startrek Generations i remember that
damnit i forgot the name gonna edit when i remember :p
IIRC it was Soren (I think that was it... but it's a little fuzzy in my mind...)


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
I always like McDowell as Tolwyn. He seemed to give that Admiral look, as well as that hard attitude towards Blair. He played it well.

Peace cannot be kept by force, it must be achieved through understanding.
Wasn't Malcolm McDowell asked to play Tolwyn in the Movie?

I fight on the side of peace and honor, just like Blair
McDowell was originally to be Tolwyn in the movie, but he declined in favor of the revival of the TV series "Fantasy Island." (Didn't stay alive for very long, though...)

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild
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It would've been cool if he accepted the job of Tolwyn.

I fight on the side of peace and honor, just like Blair
You can find the list of movies, shows, and so forth that he was in here. It also includes voice and game credits, so his WC work is included.

For info on any actor involved in WC since WC3, scope out the Internet Movie Database. (also useful for playing '6 degrees of Bacon'...

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild

[This message has been edited by Death (edited January 11, 2000).]
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Yeah, the El Aurian mad scientist obsessed with making his way back to the Nexus, Dr. Tolian Soran, in Star Trek: Generations.

" Time is the fire in which we burn." That was a cool line.

Melek in WC3 was listed as voiced by Tim Curry. Now is this the same actor who portrayed Dr. Frankenfurter in "Rocky Horror Picture Show?"

Doing the bull dance. Feeling the flow.
AAAAARRGHh, he played in Fist of the Northstar...
*crawls into a corner and shivvers*
No, no,...not again...please...

The time is near.
There are 355 days remaining.
Curry is the guy from RHPS. He's also had parts in numerous movies, including Clue, The Hunt for Red October, Congo, The Shadow (ok, I admit I saw the movie... but I didn't care for it), and a bunch of other stuff I can't recall. You can find the full list here if you're interested, though.

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild

[This message has been edited by Death (edited January 11, 2000).]
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