Lets talk about...

You take a while to die from a stomach wound or something. You would probably have time to write it. The bugs may have written it as a warning or something. There's no way to tell, I guess.
Viper/Kalkrath My point exactly. There's no way to know who wrote it.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
Hawk never said it was written on the flight deck, did he? He said it was written on the deck, merely meaning the floor of the ship.

A gun rack? I don't even own a gun, let alone many guns to neccessitate an entire rack.
I suppose you're right. However, we do know that the prophecy doesn't refer to Humans, because the Kats have met the stargod race befor, and only met Humans once. So the prophecy probably refered to the bugs

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Who says it's a long word? The Kilrathi alphabet is different from our own. For all we know Kn'Thrak is only one letter in their alphabet.

The time is near.
There are 348 days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
Actualy you're right. Since it is an important word, it might as well have just one symbol given by the Sivar pristeses.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited January 17, 2000).]
but read what I've written in my last post.

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The star gods can alwas be some other superior race. The Prophecy doesen't have to be talking about the bugs.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
Then that either defeats the prupose of fighting the Nephilim, or mentioning the prophecy.

They are one in the same, since it doesn't make any sense to have them both in the same game otherwise.

Hats off to the new-age hairstyle made of bones,
Hats off to the use of hats as megaphones...

Somehow I doubt it,Earthworm...


[This message has been edited by Hero (edited January 17, 2000).]
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If Origin does decide to make a trilogy out of Prophecy they can always bring them later. The Nephilim could have been sent by the star gods to destroy Confed so they won't bohter them when they come to destroy the Cats (just one posibility). I'm not saying the bugs aren't the star gods, but there is no evidence that they are.

Also Finley said that the bugs didn't expect to find us/Kilrathi here, they could have been just a scouting party for some race that didn't have anything to do with star gods.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited January 17, 2000).]
IMO, the bugs don't necessarily have to be linked to the Prophecy. Since the Kilrathi usually seem to demonize every race they cannot defeat (eg. the Mantu) they could just assume that the bugs are those "Star Gods" because they haven't encountered them before. If they really were those "gods" I don't think the bugs would have left the Kilrathi alone just because they were no match for them. Judging from their behaviour in WCP/SO I believe they would just have slaughtered them.
Another thing: I don't remember if this is mentioned in the ICIS manual but when was the Prophecy made? If the Kirathi weren't that highly developed back then every race capable of space flight could be refered to as "Star Gods".

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space

[This message has been edited by Nighthawk (edited January 18, 2000).]
"In the rien of the anichent ones..." (SP?)

But you know what? I think the bugs are the "Star gods", because then we'll have some plot for the future SP WC games (which were SUPPOSED to come after Prophecy). Maybe to learn some new stuff about the Kilrathi...


[This message has been edited by Hero (edited January 18, 2000).]
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Well, at least there is a new enemy who wants to get his butt kicked!

IMO the introduction of the Prophecy was one of the few smart things in the story of WCP.

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
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AFAIK there is no proof that the bugs are the ones that the prophecy is talking about. Considering their aggressive behavior if they are the 'star gods' (& I use the term with a pinch of salt) that visited Kilrah eons ago, they probably would've butchered everyone there.

Kn'thrack would've been written by a cat as it's doubtful that a bug would've known the word, it's meaning or how to spell it. The Kilrathi probably wrote it because the bugs used the fleet plasma cannon to destroy their fleet. If the new enemy has such a devastating weapon what chance do the cats stand? They've already been beaten by the Terrans so the arrival of this new race, which is so easily annihilating them makes it logical to assume that Kn'Thrack is occurring. "Kn'thrack, or "void," would occur if the Kilrathi were defeated by unworthy opponents and the star gods returned to annihilate the race without honor." - WCP manual.

So I told them straight - we'll decide how to spend our defence budget, not them!
How did our allies take that?
What allies?
Yeah, and the fact that Terrans have built a "ship" that can destroy PLANETS is nothing compered to the Plasma Cannon

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Confed would have to build several Behemoths to use them effectively. Because as soon as one of them destroyed a planet, it would become a prime target, so the bugs would probably pile on it trying to destroy it. And I bet the Behemoth wasn't very cheap to build...

But we could use it as bait, but then, the price factor comes in again...

"This matter winds itself ever in new riddles.", Faramir - The Lord of The Rings
For now, Confed has no use to the Behemoths, because the battle is in *their* teretory. If they'll ever go into bug space, then they should use Behemoths.

Yes I agree, but I would think it could be used at lesser power to deystroy large ships in a single blast. By the time the bugs came, I would think any operational behemoth would have at least a full fighter wing, being 6km long. The tiamat is barely 3 if I remember correctly and that's with those tentacles. What good are those large glowing points at the end of those things for anyway?