Originally posted by Wedge009
Well, alright. I know the problem with the game engine, but it's just that the Midway is stated as nearly 2km and there was moaning about the costs, and the Tiamat was estimated to be 3km...
The Kilrathi are a race that centers on conflict. I'm sure that most cats wouldn't have a problem with spending so much on few huge ships. Especially since those ships are capable of defeating entire small fleets by themselves. And the Kilrathi were already thinking about the Mantu, just like when they built the Hakaga class, which BTW was two times the size of previous Kilrathi and Confed carriers.
So just for comparison's sake, 22km is excessive.
Thrak likes to show off his power.
Besides, other than the Tiamat (which is around 2 miles, so about 3 km long) the Midway shouldn't be compared to the Vorghath as it's nothing more than a carrier. And if you really want to compare sizes, the Confed class dreadnought it only around 1 km long, and the second Sivar was only around 400 meters.
Plus there was the argument about the Midway being 200 000 tonnes and the KD being 290 000 tonnes.
And whenever that argument comes up, someone reminds that the Vorghath looks like a skeleton, with plenty of empty space between it's structure.
Look at the Super Star Destroyer compared to the standard Imperial Star Destroyer. That beast was huge, and that's only 12km vs 1.5k. And yes, I know comparisons accross sci-fi universes aren't accurate, but it's just a point.
A completly pointless point at that.
Yes, comparisons between universes aren't accurate, and comparing the size of the Vorghath to the previous dreadnoughts is pointless. Before the Hakaga no one though of building such huge carriers (which were nearly as large as the Midway) but they were built, and few years later the size for Confed heavy carriers is similar to that (the Vesuvius being around 1,400 km, and the Midway slightly over 1,800 km). And if there ever will be another WC game we might see carriars even larger than that. Then there was the Behemoth. Roughly half the size of the 22 km long Vorghath, and it's so much larger than the 700 m long Ranger class that it's scarry.
And dreadnoughts have varied a lot between their sizes over the WC games. Starting with the Sivar, like I mentioned above, being only slightly longer than 400 meters, then we got the Confederation class wich is around 1 km in length, than the much larger Vorghath and later the Tiamat. Then came the WC movie with dreadnoughts over 1 km that came before the Sivar