Just a few questions

With OPS I would not have any problems to download it,because once it WAS avaiable for free download. And why should I pay for the "Prophecy Gold Pack", if I own Prophecy? Just for those few missions? And so if I can still get it for free...why not?
But with other games do I have problems to burn them illegally or sth. like that.. I could not imagine to do it and I even own a "burner" (don't know the right word for it), but it is one which is not able to copy any game (just music, photos and so on). It is too old...
Does anyone know why the SM1/2 and SO1/2 were and still are free for Kilrathi Saga while SO was free for a limited time? That boggles my mind - "Now it is free" "Now it's not!"

There is this thing called "limited time offer, so hurry".
That I understand. My question was why? I was hoping someone on this board had some insight into it. There isn't any consistancy to the way Kilrathi Saga's SM/SO missions were given away free (and still are) but WCP SO missions were not. Was it some kind of marketing experiment?
I was lucky and SO and the missions were on a demo cd-rom that was included by a magazine.

[Edited by KrisV on 02-09-2001 at 16:49]
Free distribution of the Secret Ops episode files ended on October 31, 1998. This is not a warez board.
The KS addons are given away free because they were meant to be in KS but they weren't finished when they released the game. The SO missions were a test of distribution over the internet. That is now finished.

But you are taking something of worth, otherwise why would you be trying to get it. If it has no worth, then you wouldn't want it. Just because you wish the world worked to your pampered demands doesn't mean that it should. Get it in your mind that you are trying to rationalize stealing. Thats what it is plain and simple no matter how much you want to argue it.
Just because something has worth to me does not mean that you or a big bad company will see it as having worth. One Man's junk is another's most highly prized possetion. And one company's free giveaway is a WingNut's favorite game. Origin obviously did not see SO as having worth until after it was initially released so while they have every right to do it they still are being unfair to those of us who never got the chance to download the original episodes.

Kris: People are discussing why origin is no longer allowing the downloading of SO and the reasoning behind it. As such I don't see where your statement has any relevance
Always does. And Origin doesn't decide if they'll start selling something or not. EA does.
Napoleon, you have to be more observant. If you bothered to look, you would have noticed that Kris had in fact edited somebody's post and then made that comment.
Of course they were right in making people pay. Initialy when it was free it was a limited time offer, done as a test. Basicly the game was payment for helping them with there test. Once they stoped taking in test results clearly if you wanted there product, another form of payment would be nessisary. As for someone saying something about why should I buy the "Prophecy Gold Pack" for a few extra missions if I already own Prophecy. How about because those "Few" extra missions were more then were in the initial game and becuase to get them any other way would be theft, plain and simple.

With KS I can see how it's kind of debatible because, you can't get it any other way and it takes some serious thinking about it before you realize how it would hurt anyone. Then when you do realize how it hurts people it's so minimal and still very open to speculation and debate.
With SO though if you want it you can go pick it up at your local retailer. It may ot be but to me this SO issue seems fairly clear cut.
But this shouldn't be about thinking it through. You don't rip off the company that's given you a decade of fun. Whether it misses out on a few dollars or not.
It was a funny test, since I got my episodes from a Mag as well, Did any of you see that new online "game" that EA is making, that sould be called "dumbest Idea we had so far".
That was illegal. EA just hasn't acted against magazines that put the episodes on their CDs.

A lot of people got the episode files from a cover CD. Magazines were allowed to distribute the 112.64MB main package, but not the episodes.
Kris: Whoops it sounded like I was justifing the piracy of KS back there didn't it. I mearly meant that i could understand there side of the argument, not that I condoned it. Were with SO there doesn't really seem to be much of an argument on the other side.

Were there any exceptions to that cd thing, I never saw any of those mags myself , when I heard of them I always just figured they had pleaded for the right to put it on there cds , similar to wc1 on pc gamer.