Finder of things, Doer of stuff
Hi all,
Anyone who's been following this thread from the start may remember @AD 's post above about his set of videos that were missing from the DVD versions that he'd cleaned up from the CR-ROM versions.
Well, I've had a crack at remastering the WCP ones. You can see the results here.
What do you all think? Is it worth incorporating these into a WCP HD Pack V2.1?
I think it's definitely worth it. THe upgraded CD quality movies are a significant improvement. The upgraded DVD videos are kind of a mixed bag for me as I find the AI stuff is doing some really weird blurring on the edges in places and there's some contrast issues at times. There's also a lot of noise added in things like the flight deck backgrounds.
If you want to experiment with some more settings (and I probably did this after deinterlacing but before resizing in my initial test of the intro) I did originally adjust the contrast a little lower IIRC, as you lower contrast, the scene will appear a little lighter overall as things get more cloudy so you can sometimes lower the brightness a tiny bit at the same time to compensate. Keep an eye on your white-point and shadows to figure out where you might be starting to lose detail. If sections are washed out before you do your upscale your AI has no info to work with.
As an alternative, the WCP videos could also really use a tiny bit of desaturation. Saturation goes down automatically if you reduce contrast. Oversaturation is kind of a byproduct of too-high-contrast. Too high of color saturation will also makes the edges bleed. Lowering the saturation also helpes makes people's skin tones appear more natural and less caked on, but going too far the video can end up looking less vibrant overall though. The contrast adjustment will help get rid of blown out highlights/wierd text in the into and the saturation helps with skin tones.
You can experiment with one or the other, or both options working together.