I've Created a WC4 HD Video Pack

Edit the 2nd: Having looked, the files in my GoG install are the same as yours,I'll hunt around for my WCIV original DVD and see if they're that way there as well. It's one of the double-sided DVDs that came with the DXR2 so it's got the "true" files on it.

Thanks, @BloodHounder, that would be great - I'd love to maintain the Dolby 5.1 audio as much as possible
Please read this as a question, not a complaint: SC_1290A.VOB seems to be corrupted in the 4.0.1 English pack. Does anyone else see this or was my download no good?

Hi @Wedge009 - I'm seeing no issue in my copy of the files. Is anyone else having any difficulty with this one?
Hi @jon1138 and @Wedge009 - here's a replacement SC_1290A for you:

Given this discovery and my access to newer audio from @AD, I think I'll start work on a new 4.0.2 pack that uses the same workflow/upscale methods, but resolves these issues and the missing audio issue. Watch this space.
There's no point. I have the DVD here and GOG's version is basically a direct copy of the DVD files.

Really, no audio in that clip on the original DVD either? Man, that's pretty slapdash 😳

Thanks for letting us know, @AD - I guess you can save yourself the effort, @BloodHounder!
Really, no audio in that clip on the original DVD either? Man, that's pretty slapdash 😳

Thanks for letting us know, @AD - I guess you can save yourself the effort, @BloodHounder!
That said, if you really want to get in to audio editing you could probably pull background noises out of other videos and demux all the channels into separate tracks and use that to create a 5.1 track since most of these videos have no music. The CD version audio is already 'dolby surround/prologic as well so center channels and a matrixed rear channel already exist in the audio track (technically speaking). It's not as good a quality as the AC3 but we can at least approximate a better mix.

For the Maniac and Catscratch scenes you could probably even do a pass to remove the vocals from the Panther variation and then just overlay the dialogue from the CD version of the Hawk option since the video track is identical.
That said, if you really want to get in to audio editing you could probably pull background noises out of other videos and demux all the channels into separate tracks and use that to create a 5.1 track since most of these videos have no music. The CD version audio is already 'dolby surround/prologic as well so center channels and a matrixed rear channel already exist in the audio track (technically speaking). It's not as good a quality as the AC3 but we can at least approximate a better mix.

For the Maniac and Catscratch scenes you could probably even do a pass to remove the vocals from the Panther variation and then just overlay the dialogue from the CD version of the Hawk option since the video track is identical.

Nice idea! Good call, @AD!
Success! Great idea, @AD - I managed to created my own Dolby Digital 5.1 AC3 file that matches the originals in bitrate/frequency etc. I isolated just the vocals from the CD stereo file and mixed it into the 5.1 audio from the "Panther" version, as you suggested. I'm going to patch together some other missing audio files, fix a couple of wonky aspect ratios I noticed and put together a 4.0.2 pack.
I will still check my DVD if I find it, as there's a couple versions of it I believe. is yours the double sided one that came with the Creative Blaster/DxR card pack?
I will still check my DVD if I find it, as there's a couple versions of it I believe. is yours the double sided one that came with the Creative Blaster/DxR card pack?
The double sided DVD (with the mpeg2 videos) is what we're talking about. The only other version is a single sided DVD that is basically identical to the CD version just all on one disk.
I will still check my DVD if I find it, as there's a couple versions of it I believe. is yours the double sided one that came with the Creative Blaster/DxR card pack?

Appreciate the offer, @BloodHounder, but it sounds like it's a dead-end. It's OK, though - happy to say my home-brew Dolby track is near-indistiguishable from the originals 😄
Apropos of nothing, this is my favourite individual frame of all 419,171 frames in WC4's FMV:


It's the crazy grinning eyes 😝