I've Created a WC4 HD Video Pack

WC3 Remastered intro German version

Do you have any info on what they used for source video? I did notice a lot of blockiness in the reds of the throne which makes me suspect it's at the very least based on the PSX version. I'm kinda curious if they also didn't combine sources with some of the various VHS copies we've had of the intro
By the way: If you wish to incorporate Prophecy's German dub, you can find the audio files over at WingCenter:
https://wingcenter.net/index.php/downloadcenter.html?folder=wcp (look for "DVD Videos (deutsch)")

Ihr Wunsch ist mein Befehl, @FekLeyrTarg!

WCP HD Video Pack V3.0 German Edition is ready

You can download it here :)

I'd like to state for the record that I haven't tested this pack at all, but the encoder settings for both video and audio are identical to the English version, so they should work
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I didn’t create this video. But an illustrative example of how AI works for WC3 video.
Quality is much better than in the new C&C Remastered.

3DO Version

You can try contacting VGDB.COM.BR. Maybe they will help in copying 3DO-video
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Hi all,

Both @Pedro and @Silverhawk were having issues with the WC4 HD Video Pack causing considerable lag when loading the videos in-game. I had a bit of a chat with Silverhawk to try and find a workaround and I think we hit on a solution that should fix the issue for most people if you're experiencing it.

Please only follow these steps if you're experiencing noticable, painfully long lag when loading the HD videos in-game. If you're not, there's no reason to go tinkering around under the hood.

First, as has been mentioned in previous posts, please install the K-Lite Codec Pack (the Standard Edition should be fine for our purposes - more further down on whether you'll need the Mega Edition). During the installation process, using the standard/default settings should be fine for most users - feel free to do an advanced install if that's your bag.

Once K-Lite is installed, you should find it's installed the Codec Tweak Tool, and this is where we can try to fix the lag issue. Fire up the Codec Tweak Tool (I'm not sure where it resides, but hitting Start and typing Codec Tweak Tool should let you launch it).


Hit that "Preferred Decoders" button in the bottom left.


What we're interested in here is the settings for H.264 (because that's the codec I used for the HD pack). Silverhawk found it was set to "USE MERIT". In his case, we found that switching it to "Microsoft" fixed the load lag issue for him. I'd encourage you to try "Microsoft" and "LAV Video" one at a time and test the game with both to see which gives you the best results (if any - Silverhawk found using LAV meant it didn't work at all).

Just be sure to change the settings in both columns each time (32-bit and 64-bit) as I'm not sure which type is applicable to the game. Obviously the game itself will be 32-bit, but given that it plays video back via DirectShow, the player might run in a 64-bit mode - not 100% sure.

If neither work and you want to try the ffdshow renderer (as seen in my screenshot above), that only comes with the Mega Edition. However, in 99.99% of cases, the Microsoft Renderer should work.

Unfortunately, there is no one "right" setting, as the right setting for you will be bound up in the hardware and software setup of your particular machine (which is why some people are having this issue and others aren't). Hopefully, if you are experiencing the massive lag issue, one of the above settings should sort it out for you :)


As a further note, Silverhawk did some more experimenting and let me know the following:

If you're using HCl's GOG WC4 Video Patch, it appears to prevent the HD pack from working. Your mileage may vary. In Silverhawk's case, he was using it to fix a bug whereby the dialogue choice options (Straighten him out/Help him out etc.) would persist on screen after the next video loads. This understandably becomes very frustrating (especially in the finale against Tolwyn, where multiple dialogue choices will start to pile on top of each other to the point they become completely illegible).

Reading the page on the above link, it seems the patch is also used to fix several other "Windows Compatability Mode" issues, so there may be other reasons to use it. So just a heads up that you may find if you need this patch, it may prevent the HD pack from playing.
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I didn’t create this video. But an illustrative example of how AI works for WC3 video.
Quality is much better than in the new C&C Remastered.

3DO Version

You can try contacting VGDB.COM.BR. Maybe they will help in copying 3DO-video

WC3 3DO is definitely playable with an emulator. For best results though with the AI upscaling we would want to be able to play the video files from the 3DO on their own without relying on screen capturing the emulator. We have them extracted and all, the big challenge right now is getting someone to make a converter/player for the actual video files.

Even compared to the upscaled video you posted previously, you will noticed the 3DO video is significantly less blocky arount the glowy red parts of the Kilrathi Emperor's throne than the upscaled video. If anyone has the skills to make the converter, that on it's own would be fairly valuable to the community even without any AI upscaling.
Here you go - Wing Commander IV HD Video Pack V3.0 - auf Deutsche! One for you, @wiese.hano 😉
Oh, well. I have not looked at this forum for far too long. I thank you infinitely for creating a German version. I will test them soon and then give feedback.

Edit: As I recognized now, the files are no longer available for download.
Oh, well. I have not looked at this forum for far too long. I thank you infinitely for creating a German version. I will test them soon and then give feedback.

Edit: As I recognized now, the files are no longer available for download.

Hi, @wiese.hano,

Some bugs were detected in the V3.0 release - you can get V3.0.1 here, along with a Batch file that will convert the rest of the game's interface to German for you too :)
Some bugs were detected in the V3.0 release - you can get V3.0.1 here, along with a Batch file that will convert the rest of the game's interface to German for you too :)
Oh, well. Found that out on my own right now. Thanks. :) Although I'm not entirely sure what die batch file does. But I'll find out.
Although I'm not entirely sure what die batch file does. But I'll find out.

The Batch file runs the game's executable (wc4dvd.exe) with a command line extension (-L1) which turns on the interface language localisation for the German release. Tool tips when you mouse over items, mission briefings, ship loadout screens etc. all display with German text.

@ODVS Oh, I see. I have both games the german and the english one. So I wouldn't necessarily need the batch.

Righto, @wiese.hano - the batch files are for any German- or French-speaking Wingnuts who are using the unmodified GOG DVD edition of Wing 4 which, I believe, was only made available in English
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which, I believe, was only made available in English
That's correct. That's why I have to make some modification to my 6-cd-based german version in order to make the vobs work, but should be no issue. Or use the gog version, but I'd like to stay with my cd's. g
That's correct. That's why I have to make some modification to my 6-cd-based german version in order to make the vobs work, but should be no issue. Or use the gog version, but I'd like to stay with my cd's. g

Any reason why you want to stay with the CDs?
Do you have any info on what they used for source video? I did notice a lot of blockiness in the reds of the throne which makes me suspect it's at the very least based on the PSX version. I'm kinda curious if they also didn't combine sources with some of the various VHS copies we've had of the intro

But honestly, this quality is brilliant, artifacts or not. I would still love a HD pack based on this. The motion interpolation alone is worth it but most of the resolution enhancement is simply wonderful as well. Like I said, even if the "remaster" comes with caveats, it also comes with improvements. Up-reszing only the stuff that looks okay would also be an approach.
@ODVS This is quite simply amazing work and I appreciate the man-hours that went into this.

Might I suggest to add some technical details to the OP as these videos won't work out of the box on modern systems that e.g. have the games installed via Steam or GOG and will require installation of DirectShow filters (e.g. LAV filters).

The main reason is that on a modern Windows 10 system there is simply no need to install codec packs by default as the default Windows 10 app for video playback has support for common codecs built-in and IIRC doesn't use/require DirectShow filters.

WC4 brings its own ac3filter and mpegdecfilter variants that are registered in the system upon installation, but the VOBs are just renamed MP4 files, so H.264 and AC3 filters need to exist in the system (and AC3filter has the annoying volume issue, so it needs to be removed/de-emphasised in the filter graph), otherwise WC4 crashes. WCP will not crash, instead the playback overlay will stay black.

With codec filters installed, there is a noticeable pause before WCP plays the new videos (but playback works fine) and in WC4 I unfortunately have the videos only play in the upper left quadrant (with all game audio gone after the first decision time), which could be an issue with 4K resolution, but haven't found a reason/fix for that yet.

The WC4 installation is otherwise unmodified, WCP has the enhancement pack and OpenGL drivers installed.
@ODVS This is quite simply amazing work and I appreciate the man-hours that went into this.

Might I suggest to add some technical details to the OP as these videos won't work out of the box on modern systems that e.g. have the games installed via Steam or GOG and will require installation of DirectShow filters (e.g. LAV filters).

Hi @TylerDurd0n - many thanks for the positive feedback!

We have actually come across these issues before and discussed them in the thread (I've mentioned roughly the same technical reasons and causes you mentioned in previous posts - but this thread has certainly got VERY long at this point!).

I think it's definitely a good idea to post some technical info alongside the OP. I'll link to this post, which you might actually find helps you with your playback issues :)

I'm not sure why you're getting the "video plays in the top left corner" issue with the WC4 pack. I'm on a 4K display myself and I don't get that. Oddly, I do get it on WCP, but only when using the original DVD Vobs. Go figure!