WC-Online game made by the fans ala Red-Hat Linux

Well if we spread the jobs (coding, graphics yadda yadda ...) over enough people there wouldn't be any one they could really sue.
Personally I'm thinking of a Master of Magic 2/Magic the Gathering type game to do. I'm thinking I could pull it off once I learn C++, don't want to do it in Java y'know ...

Mess with the best, die like the rest.
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LeHah said:
Earthworm brings up a dangerous point about making another WC game.
I am? Cool.

Without Roberts or an equal, the series is a lost cause without a soul behind it.
None of the Roberts brothers is needed to make a good WC game. Prophecy and SO proved that.
Propehecy was a step down from wc3/4 and I do not count SO, it had nothing (except the fact it was free)
And why do you think it was a step down? It definetly wasn't because of the people that made the game. Graphic, and gameplay wise Prophecy was the best in the series. As to the story... EA cuting the budget, therefore cuting the script from 400 to 120 pages could have something to do with that. EA rushing the game for Christmas means that there was no time to finish things like MP, or maybe even improve the AI. If Prophecy had something even near the WC4 budget it would most likely be the best.

And SO did have something. Gameplay that was even better than in Prophecy.

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited May 06, 2000).]
You're crazy if you think Prophecy was a step down from WC3 and WC4. Prophecy got back to the things we loved about WC2. The only thing it was missing was the "view storyline " option. The only other thing that was wrong with Prophecy is that the missions were too long. Other than that, it was better than WC4. I know some may miss the Kats, but they had to go away one day.
I have to disagree with what you said about Star Trek. Deep Space 9 and Voyager were good shows. People just are not giving the shows a chance. They just have Next Generation on the brain. It's just like following a hall of fame Quarterback. When DS9 came out, I watched it just as much as Next Generation. It's not Voyagers's fault it's not as popular as past versions. TV and fans are just different now.
No you are nuts ofcourse it was a step down, casey was in it. But anyway maybe it was or wasn't due to the roberts brothers leaving but it wasn't as good. Damn if only prophecy had better actors, more video and some planetside missions it would have been amazing.
Heh. First people complain that Blair (fictinal names used for the sake of simplicity) is a bad actor, and now Casey. Come on, Pedro, you can't expect an Academy award winning performance
. He did well enough. I think most of his dorkiness was actually because he was playing a newbie. So, he played well. Certainly, he did better than ol' Bluehair did in WC1
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HEY!! PPL!!!!

PROPHECY..except the gameplay that was certanly better than in any other WC game...WAS A LOT OF STEPS DOWN WC3 and 4!!!

C'MON...I dont have the time to explain u all why...there are too many things...

U could feel the Roberts absence A LOT!!!

And that is in the plot and the way things were told...again the character interaction (u could not choose what to say)...a lot of things.

Maybe a big difference was made by the budget too...but I think that when a project looses the mind that has created will never be the same as before.

It is difficult it can be as good or better, simply because the person who is taking the place of the one which had created the project is different...and didnt create the project is not HIS it is VERY hard he will be able to work with it as well as the inventor did.
Enoxigeo said:
PROPHECY..except the gameplay that was certanly better than in any other WC game...WAS A LOT OF STEPS DOWN WC3 and 4!!!
In the story, yes, but it wasn't because Roberts didn't make it.

C'MON...I dont have the time to explain u all why...there are too many things...
Try and name a few. Other than the plot wich is obviously EA's fault.

And that is in the plot and the way things were told...again the character interaction (u could not choose what to say)...a lot of things.
Only three WC games let you choose what to say (WC3/WC4/P2, and not that much in P2). Conversation choices are nice to have but aren't neccissary.

Maybe a big difference was made by the budget too...but I think that when a project looses the mind that has created will never be the same as before.
99% of the difference was because of the budget. The final script was almost 4 times shorter than the original one.

It is difficult it can be as good or better, simply because the person who is taking the place of the one which had created the project is different...and didnt create the project is not HIS it is VERY hard he will be able to work with it as well as the inventor did.
No offense, but that's BS. It can be both ways. Take Aliens for example, directed by someone else, and it was much better than Alien 1. Plus, Prophecy started with new enemy, new war, new characters. So though WC there were many new things that the new producer could make himself without having to rely on what Roberts made.
I'm a little confused how a Roberts being absent from the making of a WC game automatically makes it worse.

WC3 and 4 stories were driven by mission success and interaction, Prophecy was little different. Most of the story was driven by success, and some was driven by who you did or did not talk to, like Dallas.
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YEAH...but for example Aliens was a completely different movie!
Look at the atmosphere there was in the first one. It is much different.

Anyway...dont think I consider Prophecy a failure...its a great game...and probably u are right when u say 99% of his negative points are due to the budget.

If they have cut the script that is too bad.
Its like reading a summary of a!

Oh...and u say choosing what to say is not very important... maybe true...but u know...nothing can be really great if it is not perfect in LITTLE things too
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Choosing what to say is not important? Maybe it's not important in the frand scheme of things, but it is imporatant to me to have the option of telling someone to *beep* off or having to choose between one of two people to kick in the teeth then go down a separate plot path for each choice. Helping the vet in wc4 gave you the chance to avoid a tough mission later on. Such choices make a game great and require more player immursion.
Death's Head said:
Choosing what to say is not important? Maybe it's not important in the frand scheme of things, but it is imporatant to me to have the option of telling someone to *beep* off or having to choose between one of two people to kick in the teeth then go down a separate plot path for each choice. Helping the vet in wc4 gave you the chance to avoid a tough mission later on. Such choices make a game great and require more player immursion.

I totally agree on this one! When u can dicide what turn u give on the story-line and on your own future missions, I think it gives even more feeling of being in and controlling the game. Gives even more game fun
I'm also a little confused how Roberts makes a game great. Directors don't have that much to do with the game these days, you know. It's very much a team effort. The director just keeps things running smoothly, and has the final say. Oh, and personally, I don't think I would have noticed Roberts' lack on the WCP team if I didn't know that he'd left Origin.