WC1, WC2, and Privateer didn't have FMV, and they were all incredible games - thus showing that the heart and soul of Wing Commander has never truly been about FMV. Also, Freelancer lacked FMV, and I found that to be a great game, even if I didn't enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the WC series. I think a WC sequel that's handles cut scenes the same way that Freelancer did could work very well, and on a much cheaper budget than you'd need with FMV.
True, WC1 and 2 didn't have FMVs. It was a different kind of experience.
Honestly? I was really impressed by FMV back in 1994. But, since then, I've just come to look at it as a gimmick. Nice to have, but hardly the only way to tell a story. And, as much as I love WC III and WC IV, there are things in both games that I regret about FMV - not the least being the fact that I always felt that Blair looked "cooler" in the first two games. Whenever I read the WCIII and IV novelizations, I always imagine WCI and II Blair, not Mark Hamil.
They were an elemental part in the last WC parts. And thsose game wouldn't have worked without them. It's a very unique way of storytelling. Ok, it has certain limitations and it's expensive, but it also gives you a lot of opportunities.
I agree with you on the Mark Hamil thing. He did a good job, but I always wondered why they took him to play Blair...
Looking back from now... I wouldn't change it though.
Wing Commander has NEVER been dead.
Dead in a commercial way. I'm supporting a fan project myself.
I've been visiting this site regularly since July, and I visited sporadically (and lurked in the forums) for years prior to that. The Wing Commander community has ALWAYS been active via forums, fan fiction, fan projects, and the like. That helped keep the franchise alive, and is probably why EA is willing to revisit it now.
Well actually that's true for a lot of communities. And a lot of them won't see any tiltle of the franchise they want though.
I'm not saying that there'll never be another Wing Commander title and keeping up a community will probably have a postive effect on it, but it's not a guarantee.