I haven't been around this board for a long time...

I usually do somewhere in the middle of the two.

Are you supposed to fly through the minefields in WC2 or go around them? I always went around, since I was never good enough to dodge them all.
Generally speaking, the easiest way to get through minefields is on afterburners, making little corrections as you go. This way, you outrun the explosions - provided you don't slam into something
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You're just trying to make yourself sound good. The engine doesn't refresh itself fast enough when you AB and swerve... so you don't hit anything.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Sure, but you're just trying to make yourself sound good by explaining the inadequacies of the WC game engine.
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Hey.. I don't have to make myself sound good


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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So the best way to get through a mine field is to go through it as fast as you can?

Wonder why I never thought of that
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Yes, never in a straight line.

You can also get through asteroids like this, but it takes a lot more luck
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Quarto said:
Yes, never in a straight line.

You can also get through asteroids like this, but it takes a lot more luck

Actually, my friend Knytemare told me of an awesome way to get through minefields and asteroid belts...

Afterburn, true, but swerve UP and DOWN... Because an asteroid / mine "disappears" when it leaves the visible area, you're safe as long as you don't plow straight into any.

Maestro: "Lighten up Spyder! We're not gonna die! We're gonna WIN!!"

Zero: "Hey, Maestro... Uhh... If you DIE, can we pick through your stuff before we head back to Sol?"

Maestro: "You can burn in Hell."
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Must...not act...like...William...Shatner...

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
Must... not... harrass... TC... or... he... may... go... insaner... and... hurt... you... in... some... way... Or... not... if... he... is... too... lazy...

CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
You've got Genesis TC,...but you haven't...got...me. If...you want me...you'll...have...to come...down here,...you'll...have...to...come...down...here...

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara

[This message has been edited by No Regret (edited June 03, 2000).]
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Hello there. Nice to see some familiar people still around. Would've figured you'd all be playing Starlancer. Anyways I've found a good way to get past those Strakha in the asteroids is this:
Select full guns then line up on the nearest Strakha. If memory serves take about 4 or 5 shots at about 5000 klicks then do the same for the second one. This takes out the first two but dodge a bit to evade flak. Go into your rear screen and use your aft turret to wax the last kitty.
I would be playing starlancer, if it wasn't for these damn exams. Better stop wasting my time here.

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
I play it, sometimes, but a lot of people on the internet are really terrible. Half the time they forget they have afterburners.
Yeah, I had that too. I was getting 50 frags in 15 minutes and the closest guy after me had 8. I just sat there:"wow, this WC experience is actually paying off!
I didn't find my match for 2 weeks. People mailing me asking me what my secret of my success was and generally worshipping me as a god.

Then I met Zorath (y'all know him right? He comes here sometimes) Beat my ass royally. Had to happen sooner or later.

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
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