Hornet Kit

Aplha 1-1

Hey finally got me a cam so heres a few pics of my nearly completed wooden hornet :)


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Yeah I used the blueprints from my old WC Amiga copy. Anyways it still needs detail and some minor corrections but would anybody be willing to have a go at their own if i get some plans up?
Most probably not me because I am very crappy at doing modelling or so. Nevertheless it's nice - how did you do it?
I traced outlines of the hull plating from the blueprints onto paper and test fit a lot of the pieces first. Here i discovered the 3-view pics on the blueprints are on the smae scale so went back to re-draw a lot of em. Cut the pieces out of balsa (thickness eludes me at the moment) and used aluminium rods for the lasers. I intend to slap some 1/72 scale sidewinders on the wings as dumbfires but right now cant think of any good missiles to represent the heatseeker :confused:
Maybe you should build a larger one with a pusher-prop engine and RC wing controls. I bet a Hornet would fly somewhat well as an RC plane.
I bet it would but first i need a job or at least some cash. Then to stop it from crashing you'd have to de-fang it. Althought I was thinking bout scaling it up a bit just so I could make a descent cockpit for it.
De-fang it? Nah. Just make sure the guns are shaped to reduce drag as much as possible. Also, depending on what engines you put in it (they make jet engines for RC planes, oddly enough) and how you deal with the lift surfaces, you can get quite enough lift to compensate for those awkward guns. You'd probably have to modify the design a bit, though; rounding some corners, and creating some arches to increase lift.
Wing Commander models that fly!!! Now that would be awesome stuff.
Something like that would go well for my uni assignment hehehe.
Only hurdle to overcome, these things were designed for space so we'll need to fix the designs a little.
Maybe make the hornet small enough for model rockets? Just don't point it at anything and make sure all the wings are attached firmly (cant stress this enough, ask the guy a few houses up from me :rolleyes: ) should work. And in retrospect the good old Jalthi'd probly work best as a rocket.
Also if anybody here's good at working with image files with some spare time willing to help out with model templates just drop me a line.
Eh, model rocket engines only work once, and you never have any control over your place. RC engines are the way to go. Put a good pusher prop in the hornets engines, and put her in the air. Float her amiably across the sky, shooting down the Lazy bee's and ww2 craft being flown by other people.
overmortal said:
Eh, model rocket engines only work once, and you never have any control over your place. RC engines are the way to go. Put a good pusher prop in the hornets engines, and put her in the air. Float her amiably across the sky, shooting down the Lazy bee's and ww2 craft being flown by other people.

Or maybe even some 'cats'. :cool:
It'd really kick ass if it was big enough for some small airsoft guns, then ill go hunting across the skies for that ellusive centaurion :p
More WIP pics.
Anybody think of any ordanance that could be used as the heatseek? I'm stumped on that one at the moment. And a mate of mine is gonna be able help out makeing instructions starting tomorrow.


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This looks great !!. Scale it up so the wingspan is about 1,5meter, put a pushing electric (or even gas) engine into its back,(that should be set to put the center of grav in place) and up you go :). Now, shoot those Lazy Bees, and ww2 planes, just be sure not to crash in to my Trainer. If you can make some plans, i would creat my own :). Im already planning a gun of this scale, for my next rc plane (Ju-87). If you could send me some blueprints, i would try to build it during the summer :)
Really flying WC, that would be awesome :)
WC1 comes with blueprints. I'm sure you can get a scan of the Hornet blueprints from Loaf or someone. I've seen people rig homemade BB guns to their planes before. Or makeshift bombs. If you can design and build it, and control it with a RC servo, then you've got yourself a neat new toy. I've even seen people put cameras in their cockpits (on the larger planes) and fly via TV. Considering the nature of WC games, that would be rather cool . . . plus, you could shoot down other planes, which would get your ass kicked at a fly-in.