Death's Head said:
Did I read correctly where it said MS made it? Budget, MS? I didn't know the two were used in the same sentance.

LOL...yeah...u are right!
I dont think the budget is a problem.
Unless this is a test to see how much a game like this can have see if us WC fan would have liked it? could have been a problem of time.
They wanted to release it because it was too much time they were working on it.

Who knows!
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Um, I never said they didn't have a bar, but they didn't have a bar where you can go and talk to anyone all the time, like you could in WC1 where 99% of a time someone was there. And from what Enoxigeo originally said it seemed that's the kind of bar he meant.
Since you insist on playing on words, Earthworm, I'll do the same. You never said anything about talking, you simply said...
WC2-WCSO didn’t have bars where you could go any time you wanted to, and those game certainly didn’t suck.
See? Nothing about talking, just about going there
. In other words, your statement was absurd, because you most certainly can go to the bars in WC any time you like
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Heh... it's no longer your topic, once you post it
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Yeah, but the radar thing is really confusing. If things drop off of radar and targeting at greather then 500k, it should say so somewhere. I would understand if it was explained as a limit of Alliance tech.

Stuffs re-used from WC Movie? Like what? I havn't found anything yet. Some stuff might look a little bit like it, but I think the Beta's CGI scenes were re-used, but not the final version, because I didn't see any WC Movie stuff in the "Base Kennedy Destroyed" news report like beta ppl said, it's all new in the retail version. I think they just used WC Movie footage as a placeholder in the beta. If you can prove it with shots from the retail version, I'll admit I'm wrong, but the website with the screenies of re-used stuff was playing the beta.

[This message has been edited by Jumper (edited May 07, 2000).]
There are certainly final scenes from the WC movie in the final Starlancer.. They flash by in the movies.. These range from Blair's Rapier bumping up to Angel's pod, to the Vanguard exiting Pegasus, to Hunter escorting the Dilligent to the Tiger's Claw. They're just sort of stuck in there.. they're all over.
Hello all...

I've been playing Starlancer quite a lot in this week end and got at 3/4 of the game... that I have come this far I am even MORE SURE that STARLANCER IS A CLONE OF WC!!! How can somebody say it is not?

It is clear from the beginning, but going on through the is not only clear any is OBVIOUS!!!

I cant add the things I have discovered here because it would be spoiling the game to ppl taht could read this post...but...if u havent got so far in the game...TRUST ME, u will confirm what I am saying as soon as u get there...if u have already got where I am..u really cant dislike what I have written!
smile.gif is a great game.
It seems that the Roberts wanted to say...
"Hey ppl, we are the ones that made WC..u see?..we are still good at making the next ones too!"

SURE I WILL dear brothers...U CAN COUNT ON ME!

OH...and one more I am pretty SURE that that there was the intention to put in Starlancer the feature would permit u to go around the ship to visit it and talk to ppl...but for some reason they had to drop it.

Thats too bad...we will have to wait till next game.
(do u remember I said I have read an interview to Erin in which he says they will put that thing in Starlancer 2?)

Thats all...Enoxigeo out...
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I am upto mission 20 and its no more a clone than freespace BTW how many missions are there? As I've played it more I've come to like it more but I wouldn't appreciate CG bar room chats because the way those CG characters move gives me a headache.
I still say bring back Wing Commander, the Roberts brothers are working for Microsoft now surely they can find the cash to buy the lisence off origin since they don't seem to be planning anything in the near future for WC.
OK...listen to me:

1) Even if the Roberts could convince Microsoft to buy the WC license I think EA wont sell it. Why? Because maybe now they dont want to make any WC game, but in the future u never know. For now...I think we will never see a WC game again. But...think of a situation in which EA is in big troubles...not much money...lost in a bad project...they need to do that certanly will have some success...even not much...but at least a bit. They use the last resources and make a new WC. At least all of fans of that game would buy it...even if we will know it is the last effort of a dieing company...even if it can be bad...real fans would still buy it (I would!

What do u think?
It is not bad to have such a "secret weapon" to hold in case of necessity.

Beside this case...there could be a lot more situations in which EA can use WC license again.

They won't sell it.

(OH...and BTW..who tells u they actually didnt try to buy it but not managed to??

2) Starlancer plot has the potential to be at least as good as WC's.
If u think about it...the differences are not su much. The base on which the game is built its more or less the same (I know there are some differences, but think at the very basic elements).

3) Characters rendering can be made much better than this. Have u ever seen the Final Fantasy 8 intro???

4) CG doesnt seem too bad in Starlancer too. Maybe they are not REAL actors...but u can get used to that...and personally I would have enjoyed it a lot (not as much as real actors...but I repeat I think we should forget to see real actors in games again!).

5) The fact they didnt manage to optimize the CG characters could be an explanation of why thy didnt put chats among them in this game...maybe they realized they were not enough good and they said..."well...they will be enough satisfied by all the WC elements in this WC clone...we can afford to wait till next game before giving them more".

making expectations grow in your consumers is not a bad marketing strategy at all!!!

(but its also true u have to satisfy them or this strategy can crush u...this is why I think we will have what they promised us very soon).

6) Please...please...please...stop saying Starlancer is not a WC clone.
I dont want to spoil the game here...
Lets talk about this in another topic...I will entitle it SPOILER (from "Help!").
Read there and tell me what u think.

[This message has been edited by Enoxigeo (edited May 08, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Enoxigeo (edited May 08, 2000).]
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ChrisReid said:
There are certainly final scenes from the WC movie in the final Starlancer.. They flash by in the movies.. These range from Blair's Rapier bumping up to Angel's pod, to the Vanguard exiting Pegasus, to Hunter escorting the Dilligent to the Tiger's Claw. They're just sort of stuck in there.. they're all over.

Yeah, I just saw the Pegasus thing in the second CGI cutscene. Oh well, it was just a couple secs of stuff, nothing big.