In WCP you're wingman are so crash prone its a wonder they graduated flight school. And before you harp on about AI limitations, I think its reasonable to expect the AI to be smart enough to dodge solid objects. They do it in flight sims, where there's more to crash into so why not in space sims.
I think most people here will claim that the AI was 'dumbed down' in Prophecy. They were at least smart enough to avoid splatting into the ground in planetary missions, although I've just started playing WC3 again, and those silly Dralthi keep crashing into each other and dying. is a bit harder to crash in wcp...
u just bounce around all the time
its good in a way coz i'm bouncing into ships all the time and u can still ram a little bit ))
but the annoying thing is when u bounce and u've been afterburning and so u're speed is taken off a bit and u have to wait for ur little kps sign to like go negative and then build up again...
planetary missions? there aren't any of those in wcp! if u r meaning the ones where u fly down onto a planet and take out some funny looking ships (wc3)
what's funny in wc3 is when the kilrathi hit into each other ...its a good thing sometimes coz u can sort of do that with ur own wingmen without dying...just stop flying, turn around face ur wingman - they turn around as well...then aim a bit below their ship and hit ur max kps button and u should take out their rear shields slightly and urs are still in one piece and then u do it agian and again until they eject or die
In WC3 atmospheric flight you fight against Ekapshis. They look a bit like the Vindicator & they're much tougher than the Dralthis are IMHO.
Another bit of side fun in WCP is to approach an asteroid. Orient yourself so that you're pointing slightly past it. Make sure you have wingman in formation. Then hit autopilot. If you've done it right, in the little animation where your flight does a fly by you should see your wingman fly into and out of the asteroid unharmed.
Another funny thing is to bump the Lamphreys around. Just charge at one head on then watch it roll helplessly through space. With those crystals stuck on its front you'd think I would be the one with the short end of the stick but noooo.
Wingman flying through asteroids? I have seen something even better....
In that mission where you're flying the Vampire and encounter the second Ship Killer, there was a huge asteroid in the middle of that ship. It looked hilarious as hell.
I've seen & mentioned that here before you know. Anyways that asteroid looks like a huge tumour when stuck onto the ship killer. And considering that its organic maybe it is... [Just kidding j/k.]
Speaking of asteroids, instead of going to autopilot, switch camera, hit the afterburners, and watch your (stupid AI) wingman smash himself. Then again, I've seen Morays do that too...