Unknown Enemy
Faaaaantastic! Brilliant! Maybe if this ship importer stuff expands a bit in scope, we could finally realise that life-long dream of adding new ships into Privateer?
In the meantime, since everyone else is throwing stats at the Hellcat, let me propose mine. Like HCl above, I'm basing these not on what the manuals say, but on the in-game stats from WC2. Let me also explain the rationale here - the way I see it, the Hellcat is not significantly more powerful than the Rapier. I figure that it's slightly newer, but basically a contemporary craft that fulfills a slightly different role. The Rapier is a pure space superiority fighter, while the Hellcat is more general purpose. All in all, it's kind of like a Scimitar, except that it's modern, and therefore heavier than the Rapier. The other consideration is that in the event this ship should ever be seen alongside the Wraith in the same mod, it can't be completely inferior. Yes, the Wraith is a supership, but come on - given its huge speed advantage over any WC2 ship, I figure that it must have sacrificed some armour compared to more ordinary medium fighters. On the other hand, while the Hellcat can have better armour than the Wraith, it can't possibly have armour anywhere near as good as the Morningstar (a heavy!), and its shields shouldn't be so great either.
F-Something Hellcat V
Shield Recharge Rate: 2 (halfway between the Sabre's lighting-fast recharge and the Rapier's; this may need to be brought down to a 3 if it proves too good)
Acceleration Rate: 3 (comparable to a Sabre)
Y/P/R: 8/8/8 (this is controversial, right? Why does it have better manoeuvrability than the WC3 version? Because if it had 6/6/6, it would be clunkier than a Sabre OR a Morningstar! We can assume that the changes made between WC2 and WC3, while granting the ship better armour and shields, resulted in poorer manoeuvrability. Besides... can't very well have a Hellcat turn slower than a Scimitar, right?)
Shields (Fore/Aft): 14/14 (better than a Rapier, but worse than a Morningstar or a Wraith)
Armour (Fore/Aft/Flanks): 12/12/12 (better than the Wraith, but worse than a Morningstar or Sabre)
Missiles: 3 HS / 3 IR / 2 DF / 2 Chaff pods (whoa, eight missiles? Yep! Because in WC2, it's common to have external hardpoints on fighters; besides, the Hellcat needs to be better armed than a Rapier in this regard)
Guns: 2 Mass Drivers / 2 Neutron (this is different, isn't it? Why no ions? Because this ship was designed in the WC2 era, when ions clearly were not in fashion - let's stick to that, especially since it saves us from coming up with WC2-era ion cannon stats. So instead, we end up with the equivalent of a WC1 Raptor, which is not bad, really; the armament is actually slightly inferior to the WC2's Rapier, but that's ok - this is not supposed to be an ideal killing machine, and it's fine if it's a little more reliant on missiles than the Rapier)
With these stats, we can see clearly two general lines of progression amongst medium fighters - one line, the general purpose medium fighter, leading from the Scimitar to the Hellcat and eventually to the Tigershark, while the other line is the space superiority fighter, leading from the Rapier to the Wraith and eventually to the Panther.
In the meantime, since everyone else is throwing stats at the Hellcat, let me propose mine. Like HCl above, I'm basing these not on what the manuals say, but on the in-game stats from WC2. Let me also explain the rationale here - the way I see it, the Hellcat is not significantly more powerful than the Rapier. I figure that it's slightly newer, but basically a contemporary craft that fulfills a slightly different role. The Rapier is a pure space superiority fighter, while the Hellcat is more general purpose. All in all, it's kind of like a Scimitar, except that it's modern, and therefore heavier than the Rapier. The other consideration is that in the event this ship should ever be seen alongside the Wraith in the same mod, it can't be completely inferior. Yes, the Wraith is a supership, but come on - given its huge speed advantage over any WC2 ship, I figure that it must have sacrificed some armour compared to more ordinary medium fighters. On the other hand, while the Hellcat can have better armour than the Wraith, it can't possibly have armour anywhere near as good as the Morningstar (a heavy!), and its shields shouldn't be so great either.
F-Something Hellcat V
Shield Recharge Rate: 2 (halfway between the Sabre's lighting-fast recharge and the Rapier's; this may need to be brought down to a 3 if it proves too good)
Acceleration Rate: 3 (comparable to a Sabre)
Y/P/R: 8/8/8 (this is controversial, right? Why does it have better manoeuvrability than the WC3 version? Because if it had 6/6/6, it would be clunkier than a Sabre OR a Morningstar! We can assume that the changes made between WC2 and WC3, while granting the ship better armour and shields, resulted in poorer manoeuvrability. Besides... can't very well have a Hellcat turn slower than a Scimitar, right?)
Shields (Fore/Aft): 14/14 (better than a Rapier, but worse than a Morningstar or a Wraith)
Armour (Fore/Aft/Flanks): 12/12/12 (better than the Wraith, but worse than a Morningstar or Sabre)
Missiles: 3 HS / 3 IR / 2 DF / 2 Chaff pods (whoa, eight missiles? Yep! Because in WC2, it's common to have external hardpoints on fighters; besides, the Hellcat needs to be better armed than a Rapier in this regard)
Guns: 2 Mass Drivers / 2 Neutron (this is different, isn't it? Why no ions? Because this ship was designed in the WC2 era, when ions clearly were not in fashion - let's stick to that, especially since it saves us from coming up with WC2-era ion cannon stats. So instead, we end up with the equivalent of a WC1 Raptor, which is not bad, really; the armament is actually slightly inferior to the WC2's Rapier, but that's ok - this is not supposed to be an ideal killing machine, and it's fine if it's a little more reliant on missiles than the Rapier)
With these stats, we can see clearly two general lines of progression amongst medium fighters - one line, the general purpose medium fighter, leading from the Scimitar to the Hellcat and eventually to the Tigershark, while the other line is the space superiority fighter, leading from the Rapier to the Wraith and eventually to the Panther.