Having Probs with WC1 need help

Hi I just a few hours ago signed up to the forums and just wanted to say hi and stuff i just recently a few weeks ago got wing commander 3 and now hope to learn all i can bout WC anywayz I'm having probs with the pacing it runs but it moves WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too fast and i was wanting to know how to slow it down so i could play it any help would be appreciated and sorry for making a stupid post i just really need help
Is this WC1 or WC3 that the problem is with? The subject says wc1 but the comment talks about wc3. If this is the kilrathi saga, it shouldnt be too fast. If its the original dos version of wc1 then you should probably play it in dosbox. If its a movie speed issue in wc3 try adjusting your hardware acceleration settings.

Beyond that, we need more specific info about which game your playing, The exact problem, your system specs (os and hardware) and what you have tries to solve the problem.
oh my bad i was trying to introduce myself i was saying i didn't know anything about the wing commander games until i bought WC3 a few weeks ago for playstation anywayz my prob is with the regular Wing Commander sorry i should have explained the problem more my bad
It'd help a bit if you broke up your post into sentences. They're hard to read right now. It also looks like you didn't answer all of the rest of AD's technical questions. Did you try the preliminary suggestions he posted?