
Probably Vorgrath class
? Why? I can think of at least three names of Kilrathi dreadnoughts...

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( loaf@wcnews.com - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG

Bombardez les Ptitard!
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Bandit LOAF said:
Probably Vorgrath class
? Why? I can think of at least three names of Kilrathi dreadnoughts...

What are they than? I don't recal seing any other names of the dreadnought.
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Death's Head said:
I don't recall the names at this point, but he is correct. There is the Hvarr'kan(SP?).

Isn't that from the WC3 novel? Thraks personal ship? I don't recal anyone calling it a Dreadnought, but a carrier, and if something as large and powerfull as a dreadnought would jump into Confed space chasing after the Victory, I'm sure one of the people onboard her would make a comment about that.
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It's the same ship that picked up Blair after Kilrah, not sure but I think it says "he didn't notice the dreadnought approching him", you have the book I don't. Look around and let me know if you see something like that or not.
The Hvar’kann is one... (it's Thrakhath's flagship in the novel -- and Thrakhath's flagship in the game is a dreadnought, QED). The Vengeance of Vukar Tag from the CCG is a third.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( loaf@wcnews.com - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG

Bombardez les Ptitard!
Death's Head said:
It's the same ship that picked up Blair after Kilrah, not sure but I think it says "he didn't notice the dreadnought approching him", you have the book I don't. Look around and let me know if you see something like that or not.

Actualy in the book it's called a carrier, but if it's the same ship as the one at the WC3 ending than it has to be a dreadnought.

LOAF, Vengeance of Vukar Tag? Unless before translation it sounds completly different, it doesen't sound as a name Kilrathi would give to a ship. Are there any more?
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Back to the Confederation class dreadnougts.
So, anyone knows other Conf Class Dredn other that Concordia?

And I can't remember any reference in WC Universe of TCS Confederation...

Mikhail "Black Joker" Babloyan

Wing Commander in Russia