@Pedro - Awesome! Sorry if this is a question that's been answered elsewhere in this thread (I've not been around much lately) - are you using a new in-flight engine for this remaster, or the original WCIV one?
I dearly missed the cockpits in WCIV, and a few years ago attempted to implement the WC3 Hellcat cockpit in WC4 but ran into some issues with locating assets in the XTRE files (I forget what, I consulted HCl at the time who offered help, but I didn't want to pester him too much).
I dearly missed the cockpits in WCIV, and a few years ago attempted to implement the WC3 Hellcat cockpit in WC4 but ran into some issues with locating assets in the XTRE files (I forget what, I consulted HCl at the time who offered help, but I didn't want to pester him too much).