Funny WC quotes

The animated series, episode 5 - Maniac comes out of the closet.

Archer: "Don't you ever get tired of being a hot dog?"

Maniac: "Hey, you are what you eat."
Maniac: Up-close and personal, I hear marines have no staying power.
Dekker: Marines go all night long and then some.
Maniac: Not with their sabres extended.
Dekker: I’ll show you some staying power.
Maniac: You want a piece of me?
Dekker: I’ll kick your butt.
Maniac: Come on!
Here's a scene from Wing Commander III: A discussion between Maverick and Maniac reguarding Rachel Coriolis.

Maniac: Aw, I don’t think getting into her pants requires any high-risk manoeuvring.
Maverick: Or just the fact that it takes manoeuvring leaves you breathing my engine exhaust, doesn’t it?
Here it is in HD @53:12 :D