Freelancer, the ending ?? (spoiler)


Hi, I just have one question. What is the end in Freenlancer ? Im lvl 19 now and I already kill the Nomads. But, there are more plot mission now or I just get to explore all the universe and play all the random mission???

:confused: The end is that there is no end ???

Thank you,
Yeah, just like Privateer pretty much. There's lots to see and explore.. Or you can play online with us
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe" -s66.155.125.12:2302
Actually it's a Dyson sphere... a superstructure built around a star... and it was one of the weirdest missions I've ever played in my life.

After that is... well.... basically like the ending of Privateer..

Go, explore the Sirius sector, make new friends and more enemies... find a profit... find the Class 10 goodies.

But I wished they had done something more on the storyline.