Hey Alpha 1 dash 1,
I think you don´t understand what´s happening here!!
This is the REVIVAL of the BEGINNING!
Freelancer is a nice game which I played also and and liked it. It has its own advantages but it is absolutely NO MATCH for Privateer.
Privateer is the BEGINNING ...... with innovations never seen before and I believe never seen again.
You don´t need to start with the story right away, you can earn money any way you like, upgrade you ship like you want as far it is possible with the dynamic restrictions for every ship. You are not bonded to the story to get better (f.e. upgrading your ship) and you have to search for the places where the story continues.
Your jobs are more flexible and you have much bigger variaty: Sometimes you have to transport, patrol, escort, explore or hunt somebody down in the story or in self selected missions, and what´s the MOST IMPORTANT and UNIQUE: You can be on the dark side and still complete the story!!!! I have never see anything like this again.
In some in games where you have no real story, like Pirates you are also free to do anything you want but I liked the original Pirates more than the new one.
It was just much simpler and relaxed.
Sure, we can talk over graphics but that would make no sence if you look at the technical improvement from the 90´s until today.
I think most of the people here are thinking and/or feeling the same way about the old games. I don´t know how long or how many times I played some of the old games, such as Privateer +addons, Strike Commander +addons or Pirates and I´m still looking for them and I would even set up an old system (Dos or Dos based) on an older computer just to play them again....
Freelancer is no real innovatie maybe the mouse control, but that´s about it.
I know, the Graphics.....
If you think Freelancer is better.... than leave us alone with our love to the old games. We are not in the need of your comments, ... so go home and play your game...