Fav for Capship

Yeah, The Concordia Was Cool. It Really Shocked Me To See The Horrific Damage That Caused Her To Meet Her End.

Intrepid's A Tough One, Especially For A Durango-Class Light Carrier.
True enough, what good is a baseball bat against a swarm of bees? But still, it would still have to be the coolest Confed Capship.
I personally like the Cerberus...IT was sleek looking, had a turreted plasma cannon, fast, semi agile...kinda like an over sized fighter. Swift into action...launch ships...unleash hell.
Interesting choices!

All caps mentioned all have a special uniqueness or greatness about them.

Probably should of added a poll of which era capships you guys liked the best.
actually after further evaluation of all ships now rendered in the wc universe, I'm going to have to change my fav now to Eder's Hakaga....I mean seriously...it's a hakaga...
Too Bad The Phase Transit Cannon Didn't Save It From The Kilrathi.

That's the weirdest horrible abuse of capital letters I've ever seen.

And I worked for that company that tried to stick giant Q's all over the place for no reason.
Durango is what the Intrepid is built off of...it's a modified durango destroyer with a flight deck slapped in to it...
I know, but they still call it a Durango-Class. In End Run, they did likewise with the transport ship Tarawa, turning it into an escort carrier for the assault on Vukar Tag.
I don't think they CVE's had their names until after it was decided they were to be converted....