FAQ : Privateer Bootdisk, WCP & Riva TNT, Privateer 2 DOS in Win 9x

Ghost said:
WCP Problems

*If you have a TNT2 chipset card, and WCP looks with lines*

Go to TNT2 section in display properties and set (in more D3D) texel alignement fuul to the left (7)

Thanx Ghost, I always wondered if the texel alignment control had a use. What does it do in plain English?

[In an extremely off-topic question: do you know how to unlock all camaign maps in Emperor Dune for skirmish/multiplayer mode? - feel free to ignore this particular question (but if you know the answer, feel free to include it if you respond to any of the other questions)]

Is there any way to get priv2 running in winxp home. I bought it via ebay and thought the dos-win patch would do but i don't even get it installed.
I tried to follow the advices from Johnl12 but i havent found the program he was talking about, wouldn't know if it must be running while you are trying to install the game and so on...

Plus i had problems with this: "Choose Properties, then the Program tab > Advanced button. Make sure that only the "Prevent MS-DOS-based programs from detecting Windows" box is check."

I'm running a German XP-home version and most of it isn't translated one to one.
So i took the Prooerties and the program tab and clicked on the only box on this tab... but as you guess... i didn't worked.

I also tried compatibility mode (Win95/640x480...) but it didn't work. Any help?
How fast is your computer? Have you tried DOSBox? You could at least install it via dosbox, then see about that windows patch. There is a manual installation as well.

Manual Install (U.S. Version Only)
The manual install program is located on CD #1 in the "MANUAL" directory. To install the game manually, type MANUAL <CD drive letter>: <destination drive letter>: once in the MANUAL directory on Disc 1. This will copy over the necessary files. Alternatively, you can simply type MANUAL to get a help screen with all the various parameters. After the files have finished copying, a program should automatically run to set up the sound card.
I'll try this. The installation in dosbox worked well but the game won't run. Stops in the middle of the intro. I hope the patch will work, but I'm not sure. I do have a German version...
Other dosBox question. I tired to run privateer, but it didn't work. Sid I should check if NOEMS was set. How do i do this in dosBox. I checked the dosBox config and found EMS was set on true? :(
Installing Privateer

Hi there. I'm a long time Wing Commander fan who's been dying to play Privateer. I recently downloaded it from underdoggs.org, but I've run into a problem - I don't think it's installing correctly.

The install file opens fine, in either Windows (98) or DOS. However, once I set my preferences and tell it to do its thing, it instantly pops up with a message saying that it's done - no time spent unpacking the .tre files or anything. After exiting the installer, I find a message above the prompt saying it couldn't "write the sound configuration file", or something to that effect.

Just to make sure it didn't just install really really quickly, I tried out the priv.exe file that came with the download. All it does is freeze up the computer. I tried running it with MyJemm, but I only get an error message. Could anyone help me out? I really want to play it - I already tried the Gemini Gold remake, and after spending 2 days downloading it on dial up I discovered that my computer was too old and slow to run it. The original is my only hope.

In case anyone needs to know, I have a TNT2 video card, 128 megs of RAM, and a 500 megahertz processor. I'd really appreciate any advice anyone has to offer. After reading through the manual, space trader games like Escape Velocity really don't look like they compare. Help!

I guess that's what you get from downloading a pirated warez version. They probably fucked something up/cut some files to reduce the size.
Damn. Worked fine for other people on the site. I just thought someone else here might've had the same problem. Nevermind.

As for piracy - that's what Origin gets for selling out and discontinuing great games. ;)
That's silly. Almost all the Wing Commander games were made after Origin was purchased by Electronic Arts.
Insert Disk 2 P2

I apologize if this question has been answered already. Apparently, I can't find the respective thread that it is on. P2 on DosBox, how do I get around the Insert Disk 2 problem? Mounted the images of all the disks on to separate CD drives using Daemon Tools and I still get this problem.
Step-by-step please for someone as slow as me.
serious bump there! - did you mount the cd drive as a cdrom?

mount d d:\ -t cdrom

if not then that might fix it :D (basically makes it poll for updates rather than assuming that the drive is static as the hard drive mounting does)

Mounted as the cd drive. Daemontools uses drives F and G for the CD-images. Put the image for CD2 on F and CD1 for G.
So it would be: mount d F:\-t cdrom
I know there are three discs but I want to make sure this works first before I mount all three. Still get the Please Insert CD 2 screen. Press Spacebar and it keeps popping up. I got the images mounted and I don't know why it won't read them.
You need to use a special switch for mounting CDs for P2: mount d F:\-t cdrom -ioctl

Mounted as the cd drive. Daemontools uses drives F and G for the CD-images. Put the image for CD2 on F and CD1 for G.
So it would be: mount d F:\-t cdrom
I know there are three discs but I want to make sure this works first before I mount all three. Still get the Please Insert CD 2 screen. Press Spacebar and it keeps popping up. I got the images mounted and I don't know why it won't read them.

I know this'll be a bit of a bump, but I'd like to help anyone else who's having problems reading Disk 2.

'Please Insert Disk 2' only pops up when trying to access a movie.
To get around this problem, I simply went onto my disk2 and copy pasted everything into C:\Dark\, after that it worked. I am using the windows 95 version, so it may work a little differently. Good luck to all others who try to get around this problem, definitely worth working to get around ;D.