False Colors Chpt 9: Belisarius ?

From BanditLOAF: I guess a big question is: when did Tolwyn become involved with GE or 'The Plan'? And were those initially those separate things? The conversation with Blair after he's captured in Peleus says that GE was a program that he learned about after the war. I think this reads very much a mirror of the Bear chat: Tolwyn is genuine but even without being able to see his inner monologue he's obviously not telling the complete truth. Blair notes that he seems genuine at the end, which I think is our hint at that. With that read, GE is like Belisarius... another prêt-à-porter element that Tolwyn is picking up and bringing into his own orbit in 2669-2670(which fits the idea that he essentially lost his morality after the Battle of Earth).

Okay! So I know this convo was a while ago, but just ran into this from the WC IV script treatment 2 page 3:

SEETHER. Early 30s.
A pilot so mysterious and brilliant he's known only by his callsign. Tolwyn's enforcer, and leader of the SRA…will be revealed that he is the product of Lance: a highly s e c r e t genetic enhancement program ///begun by tolwyn during the war with the Kilrathi///“

So if you assume the books and games are part of the same canon that def makes it seem like GE was his brainchild, not something he picked up!