Exact rank of Terrence "Zero" O'Hearn in WCP

I'd just like to know what goes through the minds of people that strive to avenge some injustice by confederating with the perpetrators of that injustice.

Doing the bull dance. Feeling the flow.
Jazz was one crazy fool. It wasn't the Tigers Claw's fault that his brother died. It was the Kilrathi. Hell the Tigers Claw risked it's entire crew going after & wasting that strike fleet - in effect avenging Jazz's brother. Killing all the survivors of the Claw wouldn't bring back his brother. I used to pride myself on always managing to waste him with no damage until I got careless one afternoon...
You both are right, but Jazz said if the Claw didn't go after Kilrathi troop ships before going to Goddard his brother would be alive. I realy enjoyed killing him after what happened to the Claw, and after he framed Blair for that thing.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
It makes you proud when you see that charred flight helmet spinning through space, emblazoned with the callsign "Jazz."

Doing the bull dance. Feeling the flow.
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It sure does. It was a good idea to include that at the end.

Uh excuse me Mr.Cat, sir, but would you mind like ceasing fire for a little while so we can barbecue your god-ugly asses? Todd "Maniac" Marshall Wing Commander Pilgrim Stars
Well, Jazz did try to kill everyone on the Conc, he just wanted to do the ones from the Claw in a bit more personal way
He tried to turn the Concordia over to the Kats.


Member of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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Well... Jazz is the type to think for himself. Sometimes it's over done, but... what the hell...

"To take one step forward, you must look back three steps... and walk forward while looking back... "
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