Enterprise - In A Mirror, Darkly


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Wow, first episode I've seen in years, and it was really killer. Watched Tholian Web beforehand, probably should have even watched Mirror, Mirror too. This episode probably single-handedly convinced me to get the DVD box sets starting next week.


Looks Neat. Whats with the mid-riff uniform?

I havent seen many enterprise episodes either but this looks interesting. I havent been much into st since the first season of voyager.
As LOAF said, it's set entirely in the Mirror Universe. The way this universe was portrayed in TOS is that men were creatures of conquest, and women were posessions that were allowed a slight amount of freedom. (Watch out, though. They're nasty backstabbers in the mirror universe.) The midriff design is just a reflection of that posession status.

Personally, I thought it was a really cool episode. Not so much because of the story (which was okay), but more because the actors got a chance to actually act for a change. Mayweather was great as an ass-kissing guard, T'Pol was submissive but not to be trusted, Tucker was a hard ass but competent, Hoshi came across as having a brain for a change, and Archer simply did what needed to be done. Oh, and T'Pol had HAIR! How cool is that?

What I didn't like was that they didn't follow through on Archer a little more. Forget just grabbing the knife from Hoshi, he should have thrown it into the wall behind her! Also, Forrest just didn't quite come across as a "bad" guy. And the midriff uniforms looked nice, but their utilitarian origins just didn't quite fit. Although I did like the military sashes and shoulder plates on the men. I also didn't like Malcom. He kind of groveled. More of a todie than anything else.

Overall, probably one of the best episodes ever shown on this otherwise poor show. I just wish they'd kill off Archer and put a real commander in charge. ;)
AD said:
Looks Neat. Whats with the mid-riff uniform?

Yeah, I couldn't find a Hoshi half-uniform picture in my quick search. They're pretty great.
AKAImBatman said:
As LOAF said, it's set entirely in the Mirror Universe

I'm familiar with the mirror universe (even ds9 had mirror universe episodes). Mind you I don't remember how TOS dealt with female style of dress. Suffice it to say that mentioning (again) that it is in the mirror universe is a good enough explanation for me of why the woman in the picture is wearing that particular style of uniform.
Nice, I saw some pics of the epsidoe in an issue of SFX, very nice

Hoshi, is Damn Hot

Here's a pic of T'Pol in a TOS Uniform


I never thought I'd say this about anybody on TV, but...damn, T'Pol actually looks hot with her hair down. (And, er, hair, period.)

Go away, Geekself.
Sure Hoshi is cute, but is she really that hot? If she wasn't on TV would she be a major head-turner walking down the street like Tpol probably would?
Enterprise has definitely evolved into a wonderful Star Trek series. Took TNG ~ 3 seasons to finally get things rolling well, but took Enterprise ~ 4. Its really too bad we won't get to see what they could have done with it given a full run.

AD said:
. . .Mind you I don't remember how TOS dealt with female style of dress. . .


Quick search yielded an Uhura pic in Mirror universe dress.

McGruff said:
Sure Hoshi is cute, but is she really that hot? If she wasn't on TV would she be a major head-turner walking down the street like Tpol probably would?

good episode, I enjoyed it. Something different in Trek for a change.

Still, I didn't like the way they dealed with the tholian. You saw somewhat too much of what was a pretty uninspiring CG design. And It was humerous to an extent inwhich heres this ship from a 100 years into the future and we have exactly the same ship interiors from the 60s show.

I understand why they did it that way, it would of been nice to see some more "futuristic" control panels and Video displays.

v. good episode on the whole and i enjoyed it greatly, cant wait till the next part.
Conrad said:
Still, I didn't like the way they dealed with the tholian. You saw somewhat too much of what was a pretty uninspiring CG design. And It was humerous to an extent inwhich heres this ship from a 100 years into the future and we have exactly the same ship interiors from the 60s show.

I understand why they did it that way, it would of been nice to see some more "futuristic" control panels and Video displays.

Other Star Trek series have gone back to perfectly recreated Constitution Class cruisers like that though. You don't have to explain why the look was "retro" from our external point of view, but if you go in and start changing things, then you've created a problem. First it starts with video displays, then uniforms, then the exterior hull plating and quite quickly you have lost the whole point of bringing in a ship from that era. The people who are going to appreciate an episode like this want it to be as close to the original as possible. I went back and watched The Tholian Web just prior to In A Mirror, Darkly, and it was great. The positioning of the dead bodies on the bridge was exactly how Spock, Chekov, McCoy and Kirk left them hours (36 years) prior. McCoy told Kirk the captain's neck had been broken.. the same line T'Pol said to Archer. I'm freakin ecstatic about these incredible continuity links and attention to detail, and I'd almost feel betrayed if they started jazzing up the control panels and whatnot.
Conrad said:
a 100 years into the future and we have exactly the same ship interiors from the 60s show.

hey, Not so long ago there was a short lived resurgence of bell bottoms. Whose to say that in ships of TOS era switches and 60's style aren't in vogue? :D
McGruff said:
Sure Hoshi is cute, but is she really that hot? If she wasn't on TV would she be a major head-turner walking down the street like Tpol probably would?

Hell Yeah

ChrisReid said:
Other Star Trek series have gone back to perfectly recreated Constitution Class cruisers like that though.

Like in the DS9 epsiode Trials and Tribble-ations
ChrisReid said:
Other Star Trek series have gone back to perfectly recreated Constitution Class cruisers like that though. You don't have to explain why the look was "retro" from our external point of view, but if you go in and start changing things, then you've created a problem. First it starts with video displays, then uniforms, then the exterior hull plating and quite quickly you have lost the whole point of bringing in a ship from that era. The people who are going to appreciate an episode like this want it to be as close to the original as possible. I went back and watched The Tholian Web just prior to In A Mirror, Darkly, and it was great. The positioning of the dead bodies on the bridge was exactly how Spock, Chekov, McCoy and Kirk left them hours (36 years) prior. McCoy told Kirk the captain's neck had been broken.. the same line T'Pol said to Archer. I'm freakin ecstatic about these incredible continuity links and attention to detail, and I'd almost feel betrayed if they started jazzing up the control panels and whatnot.

I wouldn't have a problem with them making a Constitution class bridge that was less cardboard and plywoodish. After all they updated the look of the Andorians' antennae and the stars outside of the windows without ruining the Trek nostalgia.

TopGun said:
Hell Yeah

She's ok


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