Dreadnoughts, carriers and other catbox lorries

I wonder why they removed like half the Vesuvius turrets, those little lasers kinda take the battle carrier designation and throw it out the window.
The Vesuvius isn't a battle carrier.
And since the Vesuvius ins't realy a part of SO why would they bother giving it better guns.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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A carrier, that's all.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
But in Prophecy/SO they're yellow, IIRC some other gun in WC4 was yellow (photon, particele?) so the couldn't use it.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
The yellow guns on capships in Wing 3/4 are AMG's.

The Dreadnought has *one* *small* bay -- and a very large missile launcher. Each 'prong' has some sort of non-simulated energy weapon.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( loaf@wcnews.com - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
The Plunkett has three triple Particle turets, and one triple Plasma turet. The Particles in Prophecy/SO are red/pink or something like that.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited January 27, 2000).]