Don't have $400 to drop? Have a little patience...

Ok - Gold subscribers...hmm, so it does not necessarily mean that I'll be able to play WC Arena from a Vista PC. At least not, if I have only a silver accout.

Bah, I am sure I'll find out once WC Arena is out or I'll just ask here. :)
Ok - Gold subscribers...hmm, so it does not necessarily mean that I'll be able to play WC Arena from a Vista PC. At least not, if I have only a silver accout.

If they make WC Arena for Windws Vista, and then if they build in the capability for PC Arena to play with 360 Arena, then you would need a Live Gold account to do so.
OK, but as long as I keep to my "single-player experience" (as I would have with the XBox as well, aside any "Try Gold for X hours"), then my Silber account would suffice (if they make Vista Arena). So it would probably just be the same as with WC Arena on the XBox.

I think the real question I have is: even if this "Games for Windows Live" comes out, it is not guaranteed it will have WC Arena, is it?

Wow, I really feel thick as a brick at the moment. :o

Again thanks for the patience.
That's correct. When "Games for Windows Live" comes out, it will be entirely up to Electronic Arts as to whether or not they port Arena. It won't be automatic.
OK, thanks.

I was unsure at the beginning if "Games for Windows live" was a proper service of its own or just the ability for Vista users to use the "XBox Live Arcade"-service. It's the former, I finally got it.
I was unsure at the beginning if "Games for Windows live" was a proper service of its own

"Games for Windows Live" is a certification that games get which means they take advantage of certain features. These include gamerscores and online multiplayer with the same account that people have for XBox Live. For certain games, it also means playing with XBox users.

or just the ability for Vista users to use the "XBox Live Arcade"-service. It's the former, I finally got it.

XBox Live Arcade isn't a service. It's a store accessible to people on the XBox Live network.
Hmm, ok. Now, I am a bit more unsure if I really understood it. But it's not that important, after all. I'll have time until summer to understand it. :)
If Microsoft follows the path they've taken with the 360 though, the single player portion of Arena, if ever ported, shouldn't require a subscription to XBox Live. Or if it does, it will only be a free membership, a "Silver" account as they say. A Gold account however, will get you online play though.

My only reservation for now would be that we might need to pay for a second Gold Account if Microsoft wants us paying for online play for the PC specifically.
If Microsoft follows the path they've taken with the 360 though, the single player portion of Arena, if ever ported, shouldn't require a subscription to XBox Live. Or if it does, it will only be a free membership, a "Silver" account as they say. A Gold account however, will get you online play though.

My only reservation for now would be that we might need to pay for a second Gold Account if Microsoft wants us paying for online play for the PC specifically.

Per the Games for Windows standards, the silver Live account gets you things like single player achievements and PC multiplayer. A gold account would give you access to the matchmaking system, multiplayer achievements and play between the PC and 360. As I said earlier, your one Live Gold account links together between all platforms, so you will not need a second one, nor one at all, for PC multiplayer.