Demon Or Centurion ?

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I prefer the Demon, more maneuverable and the guns are close than the Centurions, making it a very deadly ship. I have dual plasma and tachyon guns on it and two tractor beams (not much use for 1 missile, so I filled the slots with tractor beams).
My take: Love extra turret acutally used as "free" tractor beam) on Cent, but fav all else on Demon. To me, extra turret and heavy guns are not that useful, after all.

Also I find myself relying a bit heavy proton trops, especially firing at point blank.


1. I cannot add extra cargo on Centurion, the option is always red-out, why?

2. Is it possible to add tractor beam on "missile" mount?

Thanks for reading.
griffin005 said:
2. Is it possible to add tractor beam on "missile" mount?
On a Centurion, it should be. On ships that do not support that capability (i.e. Demon) you can buy tractor capability for the missile rail and then put a tractor beam there.
Hi, guys. Short and sweet: you should get what you pay for. It seems to me that the majority of the posts favor the Demon. If the Demon is cheaper, it should not make the Centurion an inferior choice.
I can already hear the reply, "Then if you don't like it, change it in your units.csv file." Well, I don't know how to do that :)

Nirvana said:
Hi, guys. Short and sweet: you should get what you pay for. It seems to me that the majority of the posts favor the Demon. If the Demon is cheaper, it should not make the Centurion an inferior choice.
I can already hear the reply, "Then if you don't like it, change it in your units.csv file." Well, I don't know how to do that :)


Notepad is your friend. Open it via notepad, and find the values of all of the varius ships, weapons, upgrades, items, etc. Just change the values, and save as a .csv file. And save a backup file, just in case.
A demon with 4 lasers and good aim is still a scary thing... hose those 4 lasers into something and you've got a nearly-infinite stream of fire, just devestating if you can keep connecting. Even a stock Drayman will (eventually) fall.
or a demon with tachyons and boosted steltek, with autotrack mounts. Talons simply evaporate. Plus you have the speed to escape anything.
you know....if i were to add any new player flyable ships.....i'd have to say it'd be the speedster. why? for one...we have cockpit sketches for it....and for 2, it was originally going to be in there.

Brad Mick
"I think the Demon should be limited to shield 2 and engine 2 in the next release."

-or limit the weapon mounts to light weapons. I mean, 4 tachyons on a light fighter? Every other light fighter in the game has either lasers or mass drivers.