ture, some dashboaard lighting will help
Your right about the HDRi thing, I think. THats another great use for it.
Well, I don't think you missed too much cause of no HDRi ingame. It is fun for about 5 minutes, to walk into a dark place, and then ome out and see how the lighting adjusts like in real (means: you get almost blinded when coming out from the dark, but it adjusts so you can see inside dark rooms , but can't see in fomr the brighter outside
) It an get very annoying, especially whe the game misalulates the amount it should lighten the scene, so everything gets very very overbright (mostly a problem in NFS:MW, can't see a thing after a rain...) SO, I wouldn't buy a new graphics card just for HDRi games. And DX9 stuff also ain't worth it yet. For example in Call of Duty, DX8 looks just as good, and without unrealistc shine on everything (cause everything is bumpmapped.. sigh).
Sorry for misspelling so much, my "C" character only works when I HIT it really with intent.