converting WC1-WC2 ships


can anyone tell me how to convert wc1, wc2 ships into prophecy & secret ops, in the SO ships section there is mainly only WC3-WC4 ships.
You cant convert the WC1/WC2 ships to WCP/SO, because they arent 3d need to make the models and then import them to SO. There are already some WC1/WC2 ships made, look for HCl editing archives.
Actually, me and the XWA WCTC gang have made a few...but they're for XWA until we give them to the Unknown Enemy team, and/or Defiant makes an OPT to 3DS converter.

Specifically finished are the Hornet, Scimitar, Raptor, Rapier A, Drayman, Venture, Salthi, Dralthi, Krant, Gratha, Jalthi, Hhriss, Ralari, Ferret, Epee, Rapier G, Broadsword, Morningstar, Concordia, Sartha, Drakhri, Jalkehi, Grikath, and Gothri. Notice the severe lack of capital ships (soon to be amended...Fralthi, Ralatha, Snakeir may be on their way!)