Confed Starbases


Does anyone have any detail on the Conded starbase seen in the opening cinematics of WC4? Clearly this isn't a baisc starbase such as Blackmane.

I'm trying to locate a 3D mesh of the station with a view - eventualy - to scratchbuilding a model of the station with a couple of destroyers, a Tallahassee and a Rnager class docked or on approach.


Are you talking about Admiral Tolwyn's starbase, the one where they are building the Vesuvius and the Mount. St. Helens?

If it is, then it's the sector HQ bases. I remember there was one like that in Torgo (the beginning of WC3) as well.

As for 3d models, I hadn't seen anyone that has rendered one yet.
I'm quite sure the base which gets blown up by a Kraken plasma burst in WCP's losing ending is also one of these sector HQs.
I'm also quite sure that the base in WC3 is not orbiting Jupiter. I think it's in the Torgo system, IIRC. The WC4 base is clearly around Jupiter, though.
Is the WC4 base (Orion Station, at L5 in the novel) around Jupiter? Because you pass Mars to get there. :)
Not that hard to comprehend. Since the planets aren't often all lined up, Blair could have come from a jump point across the system to get to Jupiter while passing Mars, or he could have come from Earth.
Well, the Sun and the inner planets can very well be between Earth and Jupiter while Mars isn't.
Bandit LOAF said: pass Mars to get there.
Okay, so I may be wrogn about Jupiter - you're the expert, of course.

Actually, Sol system is a bit crazy to work out in WC4. If I'm thinking of the right scene, I thought the 'Mars' the 'camera' passes by on the way to HQ in the introduction was one of the gas giants' moons.

In the scene where the Vesuvius, St Helens and Intrepid jump into Sol, there's a blue planet in the frame, IIRC. I took it to be Neptune only because that's what was mentioned in the script.
You may be thinking of the 'losing endgame' WCP base, which is unquestionably in orbit of Jupiter. The station in the WCIV intro is at L5.
Is the one in orbit around jupiter Confed HQ or is that station somewhere closer to earth?