You need a dose of perspective.
Holy Crap guys. I was asking for your opinions not asking to be completley attacked.
Dude, grow up. Somebody disagreed with you on the internet, it's not the end of the world.
I am not looking for a "Mark Hammil" returns sort of game. But what I try to say was , where is the cockpit and the joystick control...
Where were the cockpits in WCIV?
You're aware the Xbox gamepad has *2* joysticks built in, right? This is the playing field a developer is working with here. There's a couple million PC gamers out there with keyboards and mouses, and a few hundred million console gamers with gamepads that have thumbsticks. You play to your audience, not stubbornly buck them and expect a payday.
What turns me off is it's an arcade style shooter with the Wing Commander logo on it.
Wing Commander has always been an arcade shooter. Just because magazine advertisements say "simulation" in the tag line doesn't make it true. Arena is basically as detailed as any WC before it in terms of how ship damage and weapons behave, and since that's about as deep as WC ever got into "simulating" anything, I don't see the problem here.
That doesn't make the game automatically good.
Nor does it automatically make the game bad.
A game is either fun or it isn't, regardless of however different a previous title may or may not have been. I can't imagine why you'd attempt to pretend otherwise.
From what I read here you have already decided that this is going to be an awesome game?
Well, the person you've quoted has, because he's already
played the game.
The full game is a much different story though.
Yes, because the finished game will be significantly better. Large and observable improvements have already been made all over the place.
To illustrate, the Star Wars movies that came out that were so "long awaited", were horrible.
This is just your own personal opinion, though. I rather liked the new movies, and a lot of Star Wars fans feel the same. In fact, I waited in line for a couple days with LOAF to see Revenge of the Sith, and everyone there was very positive, and seemed to like the movie a lot. I know I did.
The fact that some vocal minority on the internet didn't like the new Star Wars movies has no bearing on whether they were good, and means absolutely nothing re: Wing Commander Arena.
What the board is also basically telling me is that I can't have an opinion and was completely attacked.
No, that's not what's happening, that's just your paranoid assumption. You asked what everyone thought and got the answers you requested.
All you loudmouths throughout the years always fall back on "It's my
OPINION!" like it's some kind of unassailable fortress. It's not. People disagree with you. This is a discussion zone - be prepared to deal with it.
You're perfectly entitled to your opinion of Wing Commander Arena, but here are some things you should consider:
- You've never played the game, and therefore really have no idea what you're talking about.
- The response from veryone who has played the game has been universally positive, and this includes pillars of our own small community right here, who I am willing to trust because they are my personal friends and I respect them.
- If you simply expect to state your opinion and receive nothing but support, you are a fool. You are also rude, because posting content-devoid threads where no discussion is ever intended is destructive to the intellectual landscape of the Chat Zone. This is not a monolithic community; some people will disagree with you. They are as fully entitled to their (possibly more enlightened) opinion as you are to yours - respect that.
- If you can't respect that, do not post. If your feelings are so easily hurt, you're far too thin-skinned and need to stop stressing yourself, because our community is how it has always been and always will be, and we will not change for you.
- Finally, "It's my opinion" is the oldest crap argument in the book. We've heard it from a lot of people before you ever showed up, and they're not around anymore, because they were quick to judge and quick to anger, and slow to reason. We will continue to hear it long after you are gone, or have grown up enough to recognize the futility and immaturity of the plea. If you can't defend your opinions (yes, you must do this,) rationally and with clarity, don't hold your breath for respect. It is given only to those who show they possess the mental alacrity to think for themselves.
Now I am little more hard on new games that come out especially ones that were popular for years.
Save it for when you've played the demo.
There's plenty of room to register concern and logically and calmly discuss the various game elements that interest or worry you. There is absolutely no room at all to pan a game that you've never played. Especially in the presence of those who have, and don't at all share your opinion. Your preconception.
So honestly you cannot say that my reaction was not "typical" of this board.
As a >10-year veteran of this very board, I can say with authority that you have been, in fact, exceedingly typical.
I lost respect for a company as Electronic Arts before when they became a money market, sport games company. They did take over Origin, who most likely would of produced many more Wing Commander games if they were still in business. Wing Commander 1-4 were quality games and the good ole' days were gone after that time.
I'm going to leave the details of this for someone smarter, like LOAF, to cover, because he knows the details by memory, but I will point out that at least half of the games you listed would never have been made possible without Electronic Arts' support.
You've been brainwashed by generic internet group-think. Begin to reason for yourself, learn the timeline of Origin's game releases, and those of other development houses acquired by EA. Think hard about what lies before you, and then come back and let us know if you still believe EA is a destructive force in the industry.
Yes I was expecting a ground breaking game, especially with such a huge fan base as there is.
A ground-breaking game is precisely what we've got. If you had any concept of the context at all, you'd know that. This is the single most impressive XBLA game to date and for the forseeable future, and it holds that distinction by large margins. In fact, it exhibits features and capabilities many full 60-dollar Xbox360 games do not. In addition to this, it's significantly cheaper - at $10.00 - that some other, dramatically less impressive, XBLA titles that turned out to be quite popular.
My conclusion from your reaction here is that you don't own an Xbox360 and don't know what Xbox Live Arcade is, or at least have never bothered to use it. It's a fabulous service already, and nothing available comes anywhere near close to Arena, not in terms of sheer game scope, nor in overall value. It's going to sell a staggeringly huge number of copies.
I will wait until more information and more previews come out to make a FINAL outcome of this game.
We all know you desperately want the game to suck, and will find any excuse to declare it so. Whether you claim to wait affects this not at all. You are going to hate Arena because you want to - it's obvious. No need to pretend.
What doesn't anyone explain to me besides multi-player, what makes the game so good. The preview video looked almost like an FPS in space.
Actually, that's what Wing Commander has traditionally been. It's what you want. This is more a third-person shooter. In space.
Wing Commander Saga looks 10x better then Arena coming out. you know why? Because people who do things when they don't want money for it, take there time to do it.
I beg to differ. It's pretty clear that Arena is far more faithful to the Wing Commander continuity and atmosphere than Saga, a project notorious for inaccuracy and making stuff up.
Furthermore, the sole purpose of Saga is to score industry jobs for those involved. It's a cynical project led by combative people who seem to have very little real love for Wing Commander.
They also make a conscience effort putting there heart into it to create a good game or a good series.
Not to turn this into the hate-on-Saga hour, but what evidence have you ever seen to support this? They've spent
years accomplishing very, very little and what they have shown violates the Wing Commander continuity in strange and arbitrary ways. They are a model of apathy and inefficiency.
This Arena game will be rushed and not heart put into it. Companies like EA just rush games out as fast as they can to get them on the shelves to keep shelling money into the bank.
This is just stupid. Not only is it a borderline ad hominem attack designed to deflect any real discussion by using labels and catch-phrases (something we absolutely hate and will not tolerate here at the CZ,) it's completely, obviously false.
Arena has been under development for some time, and a great deal of effort that you know nothing about has been spent in creating a rich, detailed environment that remains deeply faithful to the WC continuity (moreso than any previous Wing Commander.) We've been expecting Arena to launch "any minute now" for several months - it's hardly being rushed.
And don't pretend like making money is evil. Electronic Arts is in business to make money, just like everyone else, including whatever developers and publishers you idolize as pillars of integrity. EA seeks to maximize profit at all times, like anyone should, because it is their
responsibility to society. Not publishing games - making money. The fact that they've published a veritable mountain of unforgettably excellent software while doing so is a testament to the company culture, and hardly an indictment against capitalism as you'd have it.
You tell me, are they doing this primarily for the fan base, or because they know they can make a quick buck?
This is an easy question, and I can tell you unequivocally and without hesitation that I am 100% certain that every possible honor has been paid to the fanbase of Wing Commander, far above and beyond the call of duty, or any level we would consider acceptable, or even amazing.
We have no right to the level of care and attention that has been paid to this game at every step of its development, and no cause to expect it. I'm absolutely blown away by what we know about Wing Commander Arena, and can't wait to play.
And now that I read this thread again, it occurs to me that you never addressed my previous post, nor anyone else's. You merely invoked the opinion demon and tried to avoid any real discussion.
Do you have anything real to say in response to either of my posts, or anything anyone else has said, specifically? Please don't bother posting again unless it's a quote-by-quote.