When you press "i" to take a screenshot, the crosshair and tagetting brackets are removed. If you want them in the shot, you will have to press PRINT SCREEN, pause the game, ALT+TAB out, and paste the screen dump into an image editor to save it.
Ok, then it's a feature, not a bug.
And removing the crosshair in the game would not be such a good idea since it's the best way to figure out where you are exactly flying to...
Remember the old Venture? Two large laser forward cannons and two wing turrets? It made it's appearance in Fleet Action's "Milk Run" and I remember escorting the Venture class in an old WC Special Ops mission. It reminded me of a mix of the Orion and Galaxy only it looked more like the starship from Hard Nova (If any of you even know what that game is.) Large foward view, 4 engines strong and a really nice design. Old as the hills in any Privateer universe.
The Venture corvette is most definitely a military craft, and although I haven't played the Remake, I'm pretty sure you can't buy military craft in it just like the original.