Cockpit for Paradigm/Drayman

I dunno. A capships main guns would be AMGs torpedo tubes, *heavy* plasma guns ect. None of them which would go well with autotracking.
When you press "i" to take a screenshot, the crosshair and tagetting brackets are removed. If you want them in the shot, you will have to press PRINT SCREEN, pause the game, ALT+TAB out, and paste the screen dump into an image editor to save it.
Ok, then it's a feature, not a bug.
And removing the crosshair in the game would not be such a good idea since it's the best way to figure out where you are exactly flying to...
The one ship I always wanted...

Remember the old Venture? Two large laser forward cannons and two wing turrets? It made it's appearance in Fleet Action's "Milk Run" and I remember escorting the Venture class in an old WC Special Ops mission. It reminded me of a mix of the Orion and Galaxy only it looked more like the starship from Hard Nova (If any of you even know what that game is.) Large foward view, 4 engines strong and a really nice design. Old as the hills in any Privateer universe.
The Venture corvette is most definitely a military craft, and although I haven't played the Remake, I'm pretty sure you can't buy military craft in it just like the original.