Dash it, there's something stupid in the water again.
"1) Blair is NOT a Pilgrim in the games and novels"
I don't believe that Blair's religion is *ever* stated in any of the games and novels. If you can find one place where it is, I will gladly concede this point.
"2) according to WC1 game, Blair met Maniac on the Claw"
I simply need refer to the Ultimate Strategy Guide to Wing Commander I & II or the TV series Wing Commander Academy to disprove this idiocy. I further support this claim wht the comments about Maniac & Blair at the ACademy in the Heart of the Tiger Novel and Prophecy's ICIS manual. Please play again.
"3) BLAIR was the best pilot in the Academy, NOT Maniac(according to the WC1 manuel and WC3)"
The WC1 manual says absolutely nothing about Blair -- it only notes that *MANIAC* is one of the top scoring pilots of the newest Academy class. Furthermore, Wing Commander 3 says nothing about Blair & Maniac's academy rankings... the WC1/2 Guide and the Prophecy Guide, however, both specifically note that Maniac placed highest.
"4) Paladin is NOT French, he's Scottish."
If you will refer to your Price of Freedom Novel, you will find that Paladin's accent (be it French, Scottish or both) is fake, a result of his position as spy. Furthermore, the Wing Commander Movie novel specifically notes his correct origins.
"5) Angel is NOT Bristish, she's French(TECHNICALLY, she's Belgian, but she's got a FRENCH accent)"
Angel is not British in the movie, either -- rather, she follows the grand tradition of having a British actress play a French person (Jean-Luc Picard, anyone?). The movie novel correctly notes her Belgian origins.
"6) The WC1-4 cats don't look like shaved rats"
The Wing Commander 1 cats don't look like the Wing Commander 3 cats which don't look like the Wing Commander 4 cats. Differences in how the Kilrathi are protrayed are a constant, not an irregularity. Think of it as different actors playing the same character in any common play.
"7) In the games, Colonel Haclyon was the CAG/WC. In the movie, it was Angel."
As Pilgrim Stars rather implicitly states, Angel is the commander of *one* of the Tiger's Claw's squadrons -- she is *not* the Wing Commander.
"8) In WC1, All the wingman were alive. IN the movie...Bossman was ALREADY dead...a month before he flew with Blair in WC1game...."
The ultimate evidence that he survived.
"9) BROADSWORDS didn't come until the WC TWO era...yet the movie specifically calls the bombers BROADSWORDS. That and the Kats didn't have the Skipper missile until WC3."
Broadswords have appeared earliest in the 2653 Wing Commander Academy TV series, a full year before the movie. There is absolutely nothing in WC2 which states that the Broadsword is 'new'... in fact, I believe that the variant we fly in WC2 is the 'D'.
"Plus, the post-movie novels show that Blair isn't MAVERICK anymore...he's 'Pilgrim'. "
Don't pass judgement on this until you read the next novel.
"Hence, Chris "Heart of the Tiger" Blair isn't the same Blair as Chris "I'm half-pilgrim, I can navigate pulsars" Blair. (That and this Blair didn't embarrass Gilkarg nar Kiranka...)"
The Wing Commander Movie takes place a full year before the events in SM1, boyo.